रमेश शर्मा Ramesh C Sharma
WikiEducator |
About MeCurrently I am working at Dr B R Ambedkar University Delhi, New Delhi as an Associate Professor of Instructional Design. Earlier, I have worked at Wawasan Open University, Penang, Malaysia as an Associate Professor of Educational Technology and Learning Resources. Wikipedia 20th celebrationTemplate:User Wikipedia 20th celebration Teaching PlacesPreviously I was a Visiting Professor at the UNiversity of Fiji and at the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) as Director of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi. From July 2009 to June 2011, I was the Director, Distance Education, [Institute of Distance and Continuing Education] University of Guyana, Georgetown, Guyana (South America). I served the Indira Gandhi National Open University, India from 1996 till 2014 as Regional Director of six Regional Centres and Deputy Director for its Defence Unit.
I have taught Information Technology, Educational Technology, Educational Research and Statistics, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Psychodynamics of Mental Health Courses for the B.Ed. and M.Ed. Programmes. I have conducted training programmes for the in- and pre-service teachers on the use of Multimedia in teaching and instruction. Defence Unit, Indira Gandhi National Open UniversityDefence Unit coordinates the activities pertaining to three Defence wings of India: Army, Navy and Air Force, in addition to for CISF and Assam Rifles. The projects pertaining to Defence Forces are designated as ‘Gyandeep’ for Indian Army; ‘Sagardeep’ for Indian Navy; and ‘Akashdeep’ for Indian Air Force.
feedCommunity Media work of CEMCAOER MOOC: Use of OERs in ClassroomWelcome to a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the use of Open Educational Resources in the classroom. This four week course is free and open to all registered users of NROER (National Repository of Open Educational Resources). It will run from 5th Semptember to 5th October, 2014. Check out details here Presentation at iMoot2013On 26 May 2013, I made a presentation, "Integrating virtual Classroom Platform with Moodle" at [iMoot2013]. iMoot - Engaging the Global Moodle Community iMoot is an annual event where the Moodle community of over 32 million users are provided the opportunity to join together on a global scale. This web based event engages a global audience of Moodle practitioners, administrators and decision makers in one event for an online e-conference with a difference! Objectives Our core aim is to ignite the sense of community and sharing for which Open Source and in particular Moodle is famous. An event for a meeting of minds to share the best of each of us with the others. When Will The iMoot Be Held? This years iMoot will once again run over a four day period from Thursday 23rd to Monday 27th of May 2013. Join the OER Foundation and help us make Open Education futures happen!
The Blip.tv service shut down in August, 2015, so this copy of the video is no longer available. Wayne Mackintosh. |
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Get acquainted with OER University
National Workshop on Open Educational Resources: March 06-08, 2013
News Time...!
Open Access Week 2010 The OER Foundation has scheduled a number of webinars in celebration of Open Access Week 2010 which will run from 18 to 22 October. Join our community in promoting the adoption and implementation of open access resources to support teaching, learning and research in education.
See: http://wikieducator.org/OERF:Open_Access_Week_2010
WikiEd Projects: Examples
Exemplary wikiedprojects
Distance Education Bureau Supported ICT Workshop (22-23 March 2014) at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Pl see details here http://wikieducator.org/AMUWORKSHOP
CEMCA Supported ICT Workshop (5 to 7 March 2014) at Allahabad University, Allahabad
Pl see details here http://wikieducator.org/AllahabadICTWorkshop
OER Workshop at Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun
Pl see details here http://wikieducator.org/GEHUWORKSHOP
OER Workshop at Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota, Rajasthan
Pl see details here
OER Workshop at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
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OER Handbook
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http://wikieducator.org/Help:Quiz http://wikieducator.org/Help:Quiz/How_to_create_a_quiz_using_the_quiz_tool
Draft Notings
OER university New Participant Survey
Testing Ground
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countries representation
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thoughts on quality
code for infobox el4c facilitation
edit the page like http://wikieducator.org/Template:User_LWS_Facilitator
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This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate [[{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]], a Learning Wiki Skills workshop. |
then put this in the infobox
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This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate eL4C55, a Learning Wiki Skills workshop. |
PCF6 Papers
The Sixth Pan- Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF6) was held during 24- 28 November 2010 at The Le-Meridien, Cochin Resort & Convention Centre Kochi, Kerala, India.
The theme of PCF6 was: Access and Success in Learning: Global Development Perspectives.
Analysis of Volunteerism in Guyana
Lets Understand What is WikiEducator?
<flash>file=slideshow-Flash8-GIF_PNG_support.swf|width=462|height=500|play=false|align=center|flashvars=?title=Dr. Wayne introducing the WikiEducator project&attachment=..//../images/0/03/Flash_slideshow_test.odp&slidenames=Welcome: COL:Question 1:The blackboard:The motion picture:Television:Computers:Question 2:Statistics:Question 3:WikiEducator:Wikipedia:Our mission:Question 4:Sharing knowledge:Essential freedoms:Question 5:Strategic plan:Projects:Question 6:Growth:Question 7:VUSSC:Navigator's Certificate:FLOSS4Edu:Learning4Content:Invitation&slides=../../images/8/8d/Intro_WikiEd.swf&audio=:../../images/8/8a/Wikied_intro_slide2a.mp3:../../images/7/7e/Wikied_intro_slide3.mp3:../../images/0/01/Wikied_intro_slide4.mp3:../../images/d/dd/Wikied_intro_slide5.mp3:../../images/1/1f/Wikied_intro_slide6.mp3:../../images/8/83/Wikied_intro_slide7.mp3:../../images/3/37/Wikied_intro_slide8.mp3:../../images/6/6f/Wikied_intro_slide9.mp3:../../images/4/4d/Wikied_intro_slide10.mp3:../../images/5/59/Wikied_intro_slide11.mp3:../../images/f/f9/Wikied_intro_slide12.mp3:../../images/3/35/Wikied_intro_slide13.mp3:../../images/d/dd/Wikied_intro_slide14.mp3:../../images/3/3e/Wikied_intro_slide15.mp3:../../images/0/04/Wikied_intro_slide16.mp3:../../images/4/4c/Wikied_intro_slide17.mp3:../../images/1/1e/Wikied_intro_slide18.mp3:../../images/b/b0/Wikied_intro_slide19.mp3:../../images/a/a5/Wikied_intro_slide20.mp3:../../images/4/4c/Wikied_intro_slide21.mp3:../../images/f/fb/Wikied_intro_slide22.mp3:../../images/e/ee/Wikied_intro_slide23.mp3:../../images/b/b7/Wikied_intro_slide24.mp3:../../images/c/cf/Wikied_intro_slide25.mp3:../../images/7/7b/Wikied_intro_slide26.mp3:../../images/b/b2/Wikied_intro_slide27.mp3&borderColour=#E4EDF2</flash>
December 2014
Ramesh Sharma is a leading scholar in open, distance and online Learning in Asia. Most recently, he was Regional Director, Regional Centre for Indira Gandhi National Open University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Dr. Ramesh Sharma served IGNOU, India since 1996 as Regional Director of six of IGNOU’s regional centres. Dr. Sharma steered the distance education activities of the University of Guyana, Guyana, South America from July 2009 to June 2011 as Director of the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE). He had been a member of Advisory Group on Human Resources Development for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). While at IDCE he also collaborated with UNDP for its Enhanced Public Trust, Security and Inclusion (EPTSI) project, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO) and United Nations Volunteer (UNV) to develop suitable educational opportunities for communities and youth. Dr. Sharma has been involved in the planning, design and development of teaching and learning materials for IGNOU; M P Bhoj Open University, Bhopal; Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota and Maharshi Dayanand University, India. He has been associated with several peer reviewed journals as Reviewer, Editor and Editorial Advisory Board member in the field of Open and Distance Learning. An author/editor of several books and research papers on educational technology, educational multimedia and eLearning, Dr. Sharma is a leading scholar and practitioner promoting Open Educational Resources (OER). He has been a trainer and capacity builder in the field of educational technology, and has supervised doctoral research in the field. He has conducted workshops and evaluation activities for IGNOU, CEMCA, COL, UNCTAD, and Aga Khan Foundation, amongst others. With a PhD in Education (in area of Educational Technology) from Maharishi Dayanand University, India and additional post graduate qualifications in distance education and computer science, Dr. Sharma has around 20 years of experience in open and distance and technology mediated learning.
Teacher-of-the-Year Award in Guyana
The Ministry of Education, Govt of Guyana announced that outstanding teachers will be honoured and rewarded who, through their dedication and commitment have made exceptional contributions. This will cover all nursery, primary, secondary and practical instructional centres and special schools with full-time staff. Read more here
Issues, challenges and accomplishments in Guyana’s education system
Challenge and controversy are common to Guyana’s education system. Setting aside the sheer magnitude of the challenge of financing education, a condition common to developing countries, Guyana, by committing itself to providing free education from nursery to university, has embraced an additional weighty burden which its fragile economy has simply been unable to carry... Read full article here
OERs 4 Open Schools
Open Educational Resources 4 Open Schools
To know more on OER, read it From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
eL4C41 Workshop
EL4C41 | The "WikiEducator Gives Back" Online Workshop |
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Great opportunity to share ideas and thoughts Building capability for educators in building OER the wiki way July 21, to August 4, 2010 ![]() |
EL4C39 | 10-day Online Workshop |
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Basic wiki skills and Collaborative Learning 10 - 21 May, 2010 ![]() |
Facilitators - eL4C39
- The eL4C39, is a free Online Learning4Content wiki skills workshop held from 10 to 21 May, 2010.
- The facilitators:
LIVE WIZIQ session on Saturday, April 24, 2010
Facilitators - eL4C37
- The eL4C37, a free Online Learning4Content wiki skills workshop - 19 to 30 April, 2010.
- The facilitators:
Dennis Irvine Lecture on 9th April 2010
Thank you
Meeting the Need for Faculty Support
for Online Education in Guyana
Workshop on E-Learning held on 14 December 2009
The Institute of Distance and Continuing Education, University of Guyana conducted a workshop on 14 December 2009 on E-Learning. The faculty from University of Guyana; Cyril Potter College of Education, Georgetown; teachers of Guyana Technical Institute etc participated in the workshop. ICT in Distance Education, Open Educational Resources, Copy Right issues, Integration of media into e-learning courses etc were the issues discussed.
The Cape Town Open Education Declaration केप टाऊन मुक्त शिक्षा घोषणा
In September 2007, the Open Society Institute and the Shuttleworth Foundation convened a meeting in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss ways to broaden and deepen their open education efforts and to accelerate efforts to promote open resources, technology and teaching practices in education. The Cape Town Open Education Declaration is an outcome of that meeting.
You can read read the Declaration here
Further, you can see all those who have joined this movement here
You can also sign here
persons from these countries visited this page
I was here from July 2009 till June 2011
>>>> in the NORTH of the SOUTH AMERICA....!
Guyana, the only Caribbean country on the landmass of South America
A Brief on the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education
The IDCE has the mandate of providing learning opportunities for the adult learners domiciled in the various communities across the length and breadth of Guyana. It offers ODL programmes like a two year programme on Administrative Professional Secretaries Diploma, Business Communication for staff of Guyana and Trinidad Mutual Fire and Life Insurance Company, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Information and Library Technician Training Programme etc. As of now IDCE did not have some full Graduate programmes leading to a degree, we are trying to do it now. The courses currently being done are few weeks courses targeted to develop a certain skill among the participants. For example, in collaboration with Varqua Foundation, the IDCE undertook a "On the Wings of Words" program which enabled young Guyanese to improve their levels of literacy. This collaborative approach which started over twelve years ago has resulted in over six hundred young people being exposed to the rudiments of reading and other aspects of literacy education. The Institute has also been collaborating with Public and Private sector for effective community economic development, some of them are: The Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Library Association, the Guyana Association of Administrative Professionals, the Rotary Club of Georgetown, the Commonwealth Youth Programme and the Guyana Forum for Lifelong Learning etc.
Training Programme for Preparing for Retirement
A Training Programme conducted by Institute of Distance and Continuing Education, Guyana, South America for those who are going to retire. This programme enables them for a "Second Life"!
My Sandbox
Neil Armstrong left his foot prints on the Moon!
I left my foot prints on the SAND of ATLANTIC OCEAN...!!!!
exp1 image file uploaded on 15 September 2010 = RCS_1.JPG
video intro
see here video introduction
Some Work
Journals of Distance Education
Photo Gallery
My WikiEd Projects
Notes from my Wikineighbours
Hello Sir
I want to ask a doubt in respect to EL4C54. How can I add photos in sandbox and how can I make my userpage colorful.Although I have done basic editings in user page and sandbox. and regarding development of open resource content and sharing it can I share an article written by me which is not published anywhere. and how can I share that
Jasmeet Kaur
Hello Dr.Ramesh Sharma
I am so much impressed about the way you handle issues concerning open and Distance Learning and hope to learn a lot more form you. I was looking forward to meeting you in Zambia for the IPYET 2011 Training Workshop but alas! Thank you.
--Kafuiaheto 21:46, 26 May 2011 (UTC)
Re: Dear Kafuiaheta, thanks, the pleasure is mine, it is so nice to interact with you all. Sure, I also look forward to meet sometime in future. I am sure our colleagues of IPYET are doing great! with regards, --R C Sharma, PhD 00:23, 27 May 2011 (UTC)
Hi Ramesh,
Thanks for the note on my User page. I am having a problem with setting my name to appear as a link to my user page. Check my page and you'd see that it shows that User:Mallamibro doesn't exist . i can't understand what i am doing wrong. I'll continue trying to see if i ca n fix the problem but i'd appreciate your help. --Ibrahim K. Oyekanmi 10:14, 28 April 2011 (GMT)
Re: Dear Dr KSR, Thanks so much for your kind words. Sure, you are always welcome to join future workshops. Keep looking at the L4C main page for future announcements. Wishing you all the best, --R C Sharma, PhD 00:55, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
Hello Mr.Ramesh,
Thanks for the encouragement on the progress on my user page.
--Shining Star 15:04, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
Hi Ramesh! I'm finally doing my OER Learning Resource about autism. During your workshop (eL4C46) I didn't have enough time, but as I have my vacations now, I'm trying to do something. Best wishes, --Teromakotero 12:10, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
Hello to you,
Thank you for your encouragement. I'm enjoying learning the features of this wiki. It's slightly different than those I have used before.
I'm finding the images a bit unstable - lost one yesterday and seem to have lost one today. Is this a common occurrence or is this my error?
--Cheri 15:45, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
Re: Hello Cheri, for images may be you need to use the exact name of image file. I noticed from your page's history that there are some undo. May be due to that you uploaded a previous version of your page and thus no image of that day or time. Pl check once more and let me know. Thanks. Ramesh Sharma 21:06, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
Ramesh - you asked about the progress on my OER Learning Resources contract project...about 1/2 way there I think. You can view what I have gathered so far on my page.
--Cheri 06:24, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
Re: Hello Cheri, thanks, I will check it for sure. With regards, --R C Sharma, PhD 21:00, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
Hello Sir,
Visiting your page after quite some time. So much development and new things. Happy to visit and know more about your activities. Best Regards, --Kalpana Gupte 19:01, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
Re: Hello Kalpanaji, thanks. Yes, some activities are going on. Tomorrow I am going to one of our Regional Centres at New Amsterdam for a training programme. May bring some photo of that programme. Hope all is well there in Office. --R C Sharma, PhD 17:37, 27 October 2010 (UTC)
Hello Sir,
I have done some editing on my user page but not quite sure how to make it look like those of the others. I have tried to upload an image to my userpage as you or some other users have, but so far not been able to do so. Kindly guide me how to make my introduction a better one. Thanks a lot and I feel elevated to have you and Patricia as my facilitators. Pulin Bhatt. P.S.: By the way, what is a moodle page?
Re: Dear Pulin, Thanks. Regarding uploading photo, please see the detailed guidelines at this link http://wikieducator.org/Wikieducator_rich_text_editor_tutorials/Images/Basics. Moodle is the forum where you can send mails to all (means either reply or reply to all on an issue). Hope this helps. Let me know if more information is needed. --R C Sharma, PhD 17:53, 27 October 2010 (UTC)
Sir, Thanks for the information. I joined today for the L4C Online Workshop. raja rao.
Re: Dear RR Garu, Most welcome and thanks for joining again. Enjoy your weekend, yrs, rcs
Dear Sir, Thanks a lot for being my wiki tutor....Really great encouragement u r giving...Pls suggest how shouId I preceed.... Savitha Harish.
Re: Dear Savitha, thanks,we will send daily emails on day wise activities. In addition please check your Moodle page too. All the best. Ramesh Sharma
Dear Sir, Many Happy returns of the Day. I wish you Very Happy Birthday, good health and long life. with regards, srr.
Dear sir, I am not able to do any progress during the latest workshop due to office work. feel bad and sorry. srr.
Dear Sir, I corrected the National Flag. replaced small one with big one. raja rao
Re: Thanks, Dear, yes you are right, Big Country needs a Big Representation! --R C Sharma, PhD 14:01, 6 August 2010 (UTC)
Sir, it is selfish to keep BIG Indian National Flag in your info box. please do not take it seriously. you gave me very small one. Yours is excellent. rajarao.
Dear Sir, thanks a lot for the help and information. Now i realised. I can do the kata-pita on sand box , if iam happy i can paste it on main part. Rajarao.
Re: Thanks brother, I am happy to know the issue is resolved now. Keep enriching your page. --R C Sharma, PhD 18:52, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Sir, what ever I practiced in my sand box, can I delete them after understanding the editing process. raja rao.
Hi Ramesh. Thanks for your encouraging note on my page. You mentioned I need to edit Infobox but I'm not sure how to do that. I'll keep looking for how and if you want to send me some clues that would be great. --RobynT 02:33, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Sir, Thanks a lot for your guidance. Credit goes to you for encouragement all the time. wish we were at one place. the Certification will help me to work further and gave me little more confidence to move ahead. --raja rao.
Hi Dear Hamesh: First of all thank you for thouse nice comments in my page! I felt 100 years younger! I have read the learning contract and I have decided to start with something easy. I will make a small project for a TEFL teacher in grade 8th to ask his/her students to comment on their favorite animals and then make a small poem about one of them. In my country, students at this grade have to learn to describe an animal, its main characteristics, its personality traits, its food and the environment where they usually live. Have a nice day:
Álvaro ;--AlvaroRic 11:02, 27 July 2010 (Mexico Central Time)
Sir, I crossed editing of my user page 100 times. it became addiction. sufficient for today. srr.
yes sir it is solved. --raja rao.
Sir, correct file name is: Research Article.jpg. --raja rao.
sir, the photo is in my contributions. Research Award.jpg. file. please see. raja rao. I also added list of publications. srr.
(: Hello Ramesh. Nice to meet you. I have added a welcome message to all group D user pages. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help share the workload. Cheers ) --jennip 03:59, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
Hello Ramesh. Thanks for being my tutor and help line during this WikiEducator training course. I am really impressed by your Wiki page. I hope I can eventually produce something like it once I get my head around this very new tool. --RobynT 00:17, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
(: Nice to meet you here, Ramesh! do you know about this free degree at Harvard (for 25 students in 2011 and 2012 for which you'd have to move to Cambridge, MA) : http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#Free_Degree_Programs ? The great things about Wiki education is that it's editable and therefore interactive. :) --Scottmacleod 08:44, 21 July 2010 (UTC))
Sir, Thank God. You are not asking like Guru Dronacharya. srr.
(: Dear Rajarao. Guru is Guru, can ask like anyone.... ;-)--Ramesh Sharma 19:51 23 July 2010 (UTC))
Dr. Sharma Sir, Thank you very much for your valuable guidance. It is very nice of you. You are an excellent teacher. raja rao.
(: Hi Ramesh, Greetings! How r u?
Hope you are enjoying the L4C in the company of our versatile and most friendly facilitators. Hope to meet you soon in WE collaborative projects.
Warm regards
Anil Prasad 04:34, 11 February 2010 (UTC) )
Hi Ramesh! You have a beautiful user page! Great to have you as my WikiNeighbour! --Teromakotero 12:51, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
(: Hi there! Your page looks great so far. I am enjoying this course. What about you? -- MaryRobinson )
Hi Ramesh I need your help please! I have managed to get two entries onto the day 4 wiki proposal task, one at point 1 and the other at point 8. It is the first of these that i would like you to delete for me. It is somehow stuck behind an information box, and I have no idea how to edit it out. I do think I have now worked out how to edit, by trial and error. Thanks for your help!! Oh, yes I love your page here - what an inspiration! Thanks.--Deb Stewart 11:51, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
(: Hi Ramesh! I think you are doing really great on your page. I spent 5 years in India and it was great. I just happen to see that you are the author of a book entitled Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training, well i am putting that on my list of books to be purchased for our Centre. --Dorothy 08:14, 31 August 2009 (UTC))
(: Hello Ramesh! You have created a very impressive and substantive WE user page. It is a pleasure to witness the blossom of a creative and skillful mind! Good luck in your endeavors! --Dr. Ludmila Smirnova 03:34, 2 September 2009 (UTC))
(: hello Ramesh, thanks for your good comments and the help you have given me. Thanks and hoping to continue working with you. --Peles 20:15, 3 September 2009)
(: Hi Ramesh, Good to see you here again, and thanks for all the help, beating the bongo drums (smile!). Much appreciated. Warm wishes--Patricia Schlicht 00:42, 11 February 2010 (UTC))
(: Hi Ramesh, You are right. Mathematics is the queen of all Sciences.(smile!). I really love Mathematics and its Pedagogy. Infact,We can work together for Mathematics and Online Workshop--Vinodpr111 08:44, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Hi Ramesh, wellcome to WikiEducator. I'm your WikiNeighbour. You might be interested to meet more wiki-colleagues. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. Gladys Gahona.--chela5808 23:13, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
(: Hi Ramesh! Your page looks great and I hope some day to know enough to make some pages as beautiful and interesting as yours. I am enjoying this course. Thanks for your kind offer of help and your warm welcoming note -- Álvaro Ricárdez ) 23:40, 25 July 2010 :)
(: Hi Ramesh, I need some assistance with inserting my signature. It seems that sometimes the link is active and sometimes it isn't. See my userpage, my signature for the learning contract. Appreciate your assistance. My signature at the end of this note is active but it is not on my userpage and on some of my postings to the Introduction forum.--VFoliaki 08:50, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
(: Thanks Ramesh. You are a life-saver. Once again, thanks. --VFoliaki 12:48, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
HI Ramesh, thanks for coming into my userpage and checked out my signature. Just a question though: Is one's signature supposed to be linked when it's on one's userpage?--Vilimaka Foliaki 21:40, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Hi Ramesh, I am just wondering if you could let me know if I have achieved the Level 2 wiki certificate yet, and if not what else I have to do to complete. Thanks! --Deb Stewart 09:57, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
(: Hi Ramesh, I would like to ask you a favour. I have been trying to insert a 'quiz' inside the Activity template, but it seems that I am not doing it right. It seems to be okay at first but wheneven I click on the edit button, it becomes messy again. Would be grateful if could take a look at it. Cheers.--Vilimaka Foliaki 11:16, 1 August 2010 (UTC))
Re: Dear Vili, sure, I will check the Quiz section on your page. Regards. --R C Sharma, PhD 16:56, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
Hi Ramesh. I think I need some help please! I just tried to introduce myself on the forum page and didn't quite understand how to add my comments under a new heading and now the whole page format looks rather different from when I started! In the spirit of things, I've tried to have a go, but would appreciate knowing how to do it properly next time. Thanks! --Clairer 19:36, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
Re: Dear Claire, thanks for your note on my page. To introduce yourself please click on this link for Introductions and then click on the edit. Please see that you are logged in at that time.And provide your details. Hope this helps. Please let me know if this does not work out. Best wishes, Ramesh 03:50, 22 October 2010 (UTC)
Thanks Ramesh - I think I've worked it out now! --Claire 08:17, 24 October 2010 (UTC)
Re: hello Claire, good to know this. Thanks. Update your UserPage too!--R C Sharma, PhD 17:39, 27 October 2010 (UTC)
Hi Ramesh.To begin with let me give you a BIG THANK YOU for your continuous efforts to spread the message of WE community.It's really a wonderful opportunity for me to join you this time.Hope I could tune up my wiki skills and help my students start using the new features.Regards --Abdul 03:32, 1 April 2011 (UTC)
Re: Thanks Abdul, I am happy to have you in this workshop. It is an excellent idea to motivate your students to join this workshop. and also keep enriching your page. --R C Sharma, PhD 15:34, 2 April 2011 (UTC)
Hello Dr. Ramesh, great to be working with you. Under project in development stage there are several countries, and I would like to colour each paint with the country's flag, create cartoon image and signs, please assist me in this.--Seannn9 19:32, 30 April 2011 (UTC)
Dr. Rameshji, Please help. While trying to insert my photo 0n the We Logo in my user page it disappeared as I forgot to save it. Now instead of the photo the rename is on the logo. I can't insert my picture. Please help.--User:Veena Dhume
Re: Dear Veenaji, sure. It is corrected. Pl check. Regards, --R C Sharma, PhD 19:30, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
Hi Dr.Sharma! Thanks a lot for your inspiration and motivation. I am looking forward to becoming a WikiEducator guru like you. --E.Nalumenya 14:50 26th September,2011. (UTC)
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