Jenni Parker, BA(T&D)
Home | My Sandbox | My Personal Projects | My Toolbox | My eTips | eL4C41 Today is: 28, January 2025...another exciting day in my life!
Website: | | ||||||||||||
Employer: | Murdoch University, Western Australia | ||||||||||||
Occupation: | Lecturer, School of Education | ||||||||||||
Other roles: | Sessional Tutor, Edith Cowan University, Training & Development Consultant, JenMar Services | ||||||||||||
Country: | Australia | ||||||||||||
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Welcome to jennip's user page
This page will provide you with a brief overview of my profile, projects, pastimes and passions. If you have any questions please ask!
Who am I?
Hello, my name is Jenni Parker and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I was born in Sydney, NSW and grew up in the outer western suburbs. I moved to Perth in 1982 and except for 3 years when I lived and worked overseas (refer to When & Where), I've been here ever since and I love it!
A few random facts about myself
- I have a hand made car. It is a JBA kit car and it looks similar to the 1939 Jaguar. My partner, Mark built it for my 40th birthday
- I grew up in a family of 3 boys and 1 girl (me) so I'm a bit of a "Tom Boy" (and a bit spoilt)
- My Mother died last year and I miss her deeply Patricia Parker wiki
- I can fly like a bird on the flying trapeze. You can learn the most amazing things at Club Med! But then again I might have learnt it at an earlier age?
- I love to dance. I studied for years when I was a child and into adult hood. I don't do it so much now but I still love it!
- My dive buddy was attacked by a white pointer shark and we all lived to tell the tale!
A few random photos of my life
Why did I join WikiEducators?
To connect, learn, share and help...
- My sandbox is where I learn about wikiEducator and play with wiki tools. You are welcome to come and play with me!
- My eTips are quick electronic tips that I would like to share with others
- My Toolbox contains tools that I am using or exploring and where I share my experiences with others
Topics I'm interested in
- eLearning
- Workplace Learning
- Human Resource Management - Training & Development
- Web 2.0 Tools
- Competency based training and assessment
My Wikieducator Projects
- eL4C15, a Learning4Content workshop participant November 2008 to learn basic wiki skills
- MHRM- Training & Development Module
- Integrating Technology for Life Long Learning (IT4ALL) - Volunteer co-facilitator / co-administrator on the [IT4ALL Moodle]
- Blended Learning Workshops
- IT4ALL Workshop Development
- eL4C41, a Learning4Content workshop Co-facilitator
What do I do?
- I have my own Training and Development business - JenMar Services, however I have been semi re-tired for the past 3years and have spent my time studying, playing in my garden and renovating our home.
- In 2008 I accepted an offer from Edith Cowan University (ECU) to re-write an online course about Workplace Learning. I delivered this unit fully online in second semester 2009 and in first semester 2010 I delivered it face 2 face. I am currently coordinating this unit for ECU International for students in Zambia.
- I have also been employed by Murdoch Univserity to tutor an online unit for pre-service teachers - ICT in the classroom, which commences 2 August, 2010.
When & Where have I worked?
- 2010 to current - Murdoch University. Sessional Online Tutor, Faculty of Arts & Education, School of Education.
- 2009 to current - Edith Cowan University (ECU). Sessional Lecturer, Faculty of Business & Law, School of Management.
- 2006 to 2007 - The Department for Community Development (DCD). Learning & Development Consultant (part-time) CSTC eEnablement Project
- 2004 to 2006 - WestOne Services. Senior Project Officer (part-time contracts in K-12 Learning Resourses and Corporate Communications)
- 1999 to 2004 - JenMar Services (full-time). Major contracts:
- Centre for Business Solutions (CBS a division of Central TAFE)
- ATI-Mirage (a Registered Training Organisation)
- Water Corporation (Kelmscott Branch)
- REIWA Learning (Real Estate Industry Professional Development)
- 1987 to 1999 - Club Mediterranee. WA State Manager (Sales and Marketing)
- 1984 to 1986 - Club Mediterranee Villages (various locations). Responsable a la banque.
- Dec 1985 to May 1986 - Senegal, West Africa (Beaches, dessert & boab trees just like Perth!)
- Feb 1985 to Nov 1985 - The Maldive Islands (Paradise!)
- Sep 1984 to Feb 1985 - Noumea, New Caledonia (Where I started to pick up a few words of French!)
- 1978 to 1983 - Various Hotels and Motels in Sydney, Bathurst and Perth. Front Office Reception.
My Linkedin profile] is where you will find my online resume...
How do I spend my leisure time?
- Reading. My favourite relaxation. Yes I read lots of training stuff, but to relax I enjoy nothing better than to read a good murder mystery and a glass of red wine. Patricia Cornwell, John Crais, Michael Connelly, John Grisham, Tom Clancy, Jeffrey Archer - I've read them all. Recommendations for other good authors gratefully accepted!
- Scuba Diving. My very favourite activity. I have been diving for over 20 years. Perth is on the Indian ocean and there are lots of local dive spots. Rottnest is good but our favourite is City Beach Reef. I have dived in the Maldive Islands (my favourite), Tahiti and The Barrier Reef. In December I will dive on the HMAS Brisbane in Queensland with my brother and his 2 sons.
- Family History. For many years I had assisted my Mother researching our family tree. She did the research and I published it online so other family members could access it. Since she passed away last year I have taken over the entire project. This has "connected" me to existing family members who are also researching their branches of our tree and new family members as they discover the web site.
- Leadlighting. I recently did a leadlight glass course so that I can make new windows for our house. Our home currently has zinclight windows which are about 80 years old and falling apart. So as part of our renovations I will be making 9 leadlight windows. 1 done....8 to go! See my Projects Page for photos and details.
- Gardening. Not usually one of my favourite pastimes...I must be mellowing as I am enjoying pottering around in our new backyard. Just renovated - see projects page for more info if you are interested!
My Personal Projects is where you will find more information about my personal hobbies and pastimes.
Feedback and notes from my WikiNeighbours
- Well done Jennie, Congratulations! Calm, sunny and positive is what comes to mind after cooperating with you. Well deserved award. --Nadia El Borai 23:10, 13 September 2010 (UTC)
- Congratulations on winning the user page expo award! Great job! --Benjamin Stewart 22:27, 13 September 2010 (UTC)
(: Hi Jenni, did you ever meet that White Shark again.. :-))) --Ramesh Sharma 18:16 24 July 2010 (UTC))
- Hi Ramesh, No thankfully we haven't spotted him since :). However my friend Bernie is not taking any chances, he doesn't dive much anymore. --jennip 03:33, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
(: Dear Jenni. Thanks for your comments on my page. It is nice to work with you. Best wishes --Ramesh Sharma 19:51 23 July 2010 (UTC))
- Hi Jenni, thanks for the information you gave me (Ria)on replying to a post. Also, I appreciate you taking the time to make additions to my userpage. I love your userpage, it is much more interesting than mine. I have never visited Australia but would love see some of the animals not to mention the beaches. I can feel that sand between my toes already. --Maria 14:46, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Jenni, Thanks for your offer of help with using Moodle. I was in the 2nd?? M4T workshop on IT4ALL last November. That's how I learned enough to get going with my own moodle site. My thanks go out to Nellie, Gladys and others (were you helping at that point?..I don't remember) for their gift of time and knowledge. I noticed that intermediate and advanced courses are now available. Would be good for me to continue my learning about moodle. Good luck with your master's thesis. --Alison Snieckus 20:59, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Jenni! Thanks for the nice and encouraging comments on my userpage. Indeed gald to know that we have some participants from Western Australia. Perhaps you know Dr. Dorit Maor at Murdoch. She was one of my lecturers at Curtin when I was a students and was also inlfuential in my views about online learning envrionments, teaching and learning. Say Hi to Dorit. Anyway, your page is beautiful and very informative. --VFoliaki 22:19, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
- (: Hi Jenny. Small world! Perth must be beautiful now with the wild flowers of spring!--Vilimaka Foliaki 22:34, 30 July 2010 (UTC))
- Hi Jenni, this is an inspiring page for me. I share your interest for Web 2.0 tools and Voicethread ranks high among my faves. I've just bookmarked your e-tips to go back to them once (if) I finish going through the tutorials. --Mary Di Mónaco 02:22, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Jenni, thanks for both your comments on my page. I've been away for a couple of days on work business and unable to keep up so today I'm making a concerted effort to make up for lost time. What a surprise to see my first "apprentice" badge. That's nice. I feel like a fish out of water but every so often I manage to get a lung full of air and make a progress. --RobynT 02:30, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
- Dear Jenni, a little belated, but nonetheless well deserved, congratulations for winning the User page Expo Awards for the month of August 2010. Warm wishes--Patricia Schlicht 18:25, 13 September 2010 (UTC)
- Dear Jennie, Congratulations on winning the User Page Expo Award. U have an interesting page.... much to learn from. With warm wishes...Cynthia D'Costa--Agnes 00:50, 14 September 2010 (UTC)
- Congratulations Dear Jenni. Your page is nice to read & simply inspirational. Well deserved UPE Award.--Dr. Gita Mathur 02:07, 14 September 2010 (UTC)
Some of my favourite tools are: |