Handbook of Open Universities

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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg


Authentic information about Open Universities is scattered and not easily available. With the WikiEducator Platform, we are collaboratively creating an authentic resource for essential information about Open Universities around the world - that saves time and money!.

We are seeking the support of the community and experts serving various Open Universities to contribute to the development of the "Handbook of Open Universities". The project is conceived by Dr. Pankaj Khare (IGNOU), Dr. Sanjaya Mishra (IGNOU) and Dr. Ramesh C. Sharma (IGNOU).

  • Please click on Coordinators to know more about them.
  • If you want to write to the prospective contributors, you may like to use the draft write-up given at DRAFT LETTER

Notes for Contributors

You may like to use help on WikiEducator while editing the pages. In addtion, please use the following tips for editing

  1. Click on the link for uploading the University Logo and this will direct you to the proper procedure.
  2. In the Template Box, "At a Glance", use = sign before entering the text against each item.--Skpulist 17:27, 3 July 2013 (UTC)

Action Items/Things to Do

Open Universities in the World


The OER university is a virtual collaboration of like-minded institutions committed to creating flexible pathways for OER learners to gain formal academic credit.

Free Universities and Course Collections

Here's the open, free, editable World University & School's (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University) Course Collections list:


Open and distance learning professional associations

This may interest you to know various professional associations on ODL. Please visit http://www.col.org/colweb/site/pid/3423


Home | AIOU | AQOU | Anadolu | AOU | AU | BSOU | BOU | BRTVU | CCRTU | BRAOU | FernUniv | GOU | HanoiOU | Hellenic | IGNOU | JiangsuRTVU | JiangxiRTVU | KKHOU | KOU | KNOU | MPBOU | Massey | NOU | NDLU | NOUN | NOUAbuya | NOUT | NSOU | OUA | OUI | OUS | OUT | OUN | OUL | PNU | PSLOU | STVU | SRTVU | STOU | TNOU | OPNZ | OUHK | OUSL | UKOU | UPOU | TRUOL | TTVU | UPRTOU | UnivAberta | UT | UAJ | UniSA | UOU | VMOU | WOU | YCMOU | YRTVU | ZambiaOU | ZOU