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This section would help you know more about project evaluation.

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A project is a social activity carried out in a group setting. The activity can be connected with science, humanities or language as the DIET curriculum demands.

A project follows steps like this.

  1. Identification of the project idea.
  2. planning
  3. Execution of the project.
  4. Reporting
  5. Evaluation

Let us understand the steps of a Project

The steps can be understood with the help of an example. A D.Ed., student raised a question that whether density increases or decreases when seeds are soaked. This problem was taken up for the project.-----


Similar to the example given above you can be able to identify a few problems.




The teacher educator of staff incharge has to visualise the process of the project and allot work to the D.Ed., students. The process involves finding density of the seeds after soaking them for 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. The seeds could be chana, kabul chana, green gram, horse gram etc., The types of water could be hard water and soft water. Keeping all theses variables in mind and the number of students in mind the work can be distributed as follows. Two students can be formed into a group and there may be eight such groups.

Details of Allocation
Group I chana Hard Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group II Kabul chana Hard Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group III Green gram Hard Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group IV Horse gram Hard Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group V chana Soft Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group VI Kabul chana Soft Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group VII Green gram Soft Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
Group VIII Horse gram Soft Water 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes


The groups of students have to find the density by finding the wieght of the seeds taken for experimentation and volume of the seeds. By experience, it can be suggested that 10 seeds are required for finding the notable volume. Each time they have to soak the seeds for 30 minutes, take them out carefully, remove the water drops using the filter paper. They have to findout the weight and volume each time. The volume has to be found out by finding the level of water in a measuring jar, put the seeds in the measuring jar and find out the level of water. The difference in the levels gives the volume of the seeds. The weight could be found out by using a simple physical balance. A zero reading can also be taken. The table of densities versus time could be like this.

Table of Densities versus Time
00 30 60 90 120
Kabul Chana
Green gram
Horse gram


A few volunteers, who are good in reporting can be asked to write the stps of the project, the way they conducted the experiment and the results they got etc., Each individual can write his/her report, can compare with other reports and develop a final one.


The steps of the project, the experimentation done could be checked up by administering a multiple choice test with a few short answer questions.


Project evaluation can be done by an outsider using a rating scale like this.

Sl. No. Items Very Well Satisfactory Not Much
1 Students were invovled in identifying the project area
2 The variables were considered while deciding the planning
3 The students were given appropriate work in the project
4 The students were given approximately equal amount of work in the project
5 Students were enthusiastic while doing the experiments
6 Students applied their experimental skills while doing the experiments
7 Students were methodical while doing the experiment
8 Students were methodical while doing the experiments
9 Students prepared the partial reports which were assinged to them
8 Students assembled the different reports well and prepared a final report.
9 Students participated actively in evaluation process