L4C35 - Belize Learning4Content workshop
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Workshop Report
WikiEducator Account Survey
Kindly complete our online Learning4Content Workshop Evaluation for face-to-face and Online Workshops at the end of the workshop'
January 8-9, 2009 - Confirmed Participants (32 Participants (18F/14M incl. facilitators)
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Belize | Maud | Hyde | Female | University of Belize | Director/Workshop Facilitator | maudehyde@yahoo.com | Maude Hyde | Signed |
Belize | Shawn | Henry Rhaburn | Female | University of Belize | Workshop Facilitator | shawn.henry3@gmail.com/srhaburn@yahoo.com | Shawn Rhaburn | Signed |
Belize | Feliciana | Torres | Female | University of Belize | Workshop Facilitator | felicianatorres@yahoo.com | Feliciana Torres | Signed |
Belize | Ethnelda | Paulino | Female | University of Belize | Participant | ethneldabz@yahoo.com | Ethnelda Paulino | Signed |
Belize | Dr Isabel | Tun | Female | University of Belize | Participant | tunbtc@yahoo.com | Dr. Isabel Tun | Signed |
Belize | Enrique | Barrera | Male | University of Belize | Participant | enriquebarrera55@yahoo.com | Enrique Barrera | Signed |
Belize | Rita | Enriquez | Female | University of Belize | Participant | alberitaenriquez@yahoo.com | Rita Enriquez | Signed |
Belize | Anthony | Brown | Male | University of Belize | Participant | infinite_B490@hotmail,com | Anthony Brown | Signed |
Belize | Kevin | Tucker | Male | University of Belize | Participant | tucker@hotmail.com | Kevin Tucker | Signed |
Belize | Joseph | Sampson | Male | University of Belize | Participant | jjrsam@yahoo.com | Joseph Sampson | |
Belize | Dr Raul | Clarke | Male | University of Belize | Participant | rahelcke@hotmail.com | Raul Clarke | |
Belize | Rose | Pineda | Female | University of Belize | Participant | rosepin@yahoo.com | Rose Pineda | Signed |
Belize | Nadine | Tun | Female | University of Belize | Participant | nadrostun@hotmail.com | Nadine Tun | Signed |
Belize | Olga | Manzanero | Female | University of Belize | Participant | olga_manzanero@yahoo.com | Olga Manzanero | Signed |
Belize | Ubaldimir | Guerra | Male | University of Belize | Participant | ubaldimir@gmail.com | Ubaldimir Guerra | |
Belize | Gilroy | Middleton Sr. | Male | University of Belize | Participant | gmiddleton@ub.edu.bz | Gilroy Middleton | Signed |
Belize | Leonardo | Pott Sr. | Male | University of Belize | Participant | leonardo-pott@hotmail.com | Leonardo Pott | Signed |
Belize | Gillian | Miller | Female | University of Belize | Participant | gmiller@ub.edu.bz | Gillian Miller | Signed |
Belize | Stephanne | Hammilton | Female | University of Belize | Participant | shamilton@ub.edu.bz | Stephanne Hamilton | |
Belize | Elma | Arzu | Female | University of Belize | Participant | earzu46@yahoo.com | Elma Arzu | |
Belize | Hiric | Augilar | Female | University of Belize | Participant | haguilar@ub.edu.bz | Hiric Aguilar | Signed |
Belize | Priscilla | Brown-Lopez | Female | University of Belize | Participant | plopez@ub.edu.bz/plopez_99@yahoo.com | Priscilla Lopez | Signed |
Belize | Nestor | Chan | Male | University of Belize | Participant | nchan@ub.edu.bz | Nestor Chan | Signed |
Belize | Amado | Chan | Male | University of Belize | Participant | achan@ub.edu.bz | Amado Chan | Signed |
Belize | Mathias | Variez Jr | Male | University of Belize | Participant | mvairez@ub.edu.bz/matt.vee@excite.com | Mathias Vairez | Signed |
Belize | Erlindo | Pech | Male | University of Belize | Participant | epech@ub.edu.bz | Erlindo Pech | Signed |
Belize | John | Nunez | Male | University of Belize | Participant | jnunez@ub.edu.bz | John Nunez | Signed |
Belize | Pita | Rahm | Female | University of Belize | Participant | rahmpita@yahoo.com | Pita Rahm | Signed |
Belize | Armando | Leiva | Male | University of Belize | Participant | Armando Leiva | ||
Belize | Vilma | Joseph | Female | University of Belize | Participant | vjoseph@ub.edu.bz | Vilma Joseph | Signed |
Belize | Tatum | Jennifer | Female | University of Belize | Participant | jtatum@ub.edu.bz | Jennifer Tatum | |
Belize | Baker | Thomasine | Female | University of Belize | Participant | tbaker.ub@gmail.com | Thomasine Baker | Signed |