User:Prislopez 99

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Mrs. Priscilla Brown Lopez

Contact-new.svg Priscilla Brown Lopez
Website:University of Belize
Employer:University of Belize
Other roles:Trainer
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Today is: 21, December 2024

I believe that the greatest power is to believe in ones inner ability to succeed and to overcome all challenges. It is what lies within our personal cognitive awareness that charts our aspirations and allows us to become who we are. Greetings, I am Priscilla Brown Lopez residing in Belize Central America. I have been an educator for 21 years. Some contribution to educational development in Belize include but is not limited to:

1987 - 1998: Assistant Primary School Teacher

1998 - 2000: Curriculum Development Coordinator

2000 - current: Lecturer University of Belize

Contact Information: Mailing Address: P.O Box 1137, Belize City, Belize C.A.

Emails: or

Courses Taught at the University of Belize

  1. Instructional Techniques in Education
  2. Professionalism in Education
  3. Teaching Methods in Education
  4. Research Study
  5. Field Experience 1
  6. Introduction to the Primary Curriculum
  7. Introduction to Curriculum Development

Academic Background

Doctoral Candidate Doctorate in Education National Assessment Durham University England. U.K.


Masters in Education Curriculum Planning and Instruction University of North Florida, Jacksonville U.S.A



1997 Outstanding Middle School Teacher ( Donor: Ministry of Education: Belize)

2000 Outstanding Student in The Certificate in Educational Leadership Training

( Donor: Belize Teachers' Training College)

2008 Outstanding Tertiary Educator (Donor: Ministry of Education: Belize) Available at http:[http:// //]


Doctoral Thesis

Analysis of a Constructivist-based Instruction on the performance of Grade Five Students

Graduate Thesis

Perceptions of the Effectiveness of The National Primary Curriculum in Belize Central America

Undergraduate Thesis

Causes for Truancy with Urban Schools in Belize City, Belize C.A.


Although it is often challenging to write and to produce quality literature, I have written a number of poetry as well as contribution to school materials. In addition to the information listed in this subsection, I am currently the co writer and editor of a Social Series for Primary Students comprised of a textbooks, workbooks and teachers' guide.

News article available at: archive_news_cast.php?news_date=2008-09-16#a9 [3]

1. Creation Fire: An Anthology of Caribbean Women's Poetry. Published by The Caribbean Association of Feminist Research of Action (Contributor) Text information available at: [4]

2. Tapir: A Social Studies Series of Belize: Published by the Ministry of Education Belize and Cubola Productions. ( Contributor

3. Living Together: A Social Studies Series Published by Cubola Production. Belize( Editor and Writer)

Presentation at International Conferences through Peer Review

September 2002: Curriculum and Pedagogy (Decatur Georgia)

Paper: Beyond Rethoric: Curriculum Implementation in Belize, Central America

July 2008 International Psychological Mathematics Association (Morelia, Mexico)

Paper: Challenges, Myths and Misconceptions of Constructivist-based Instruction

July 2008 International Psychological Mathematics Association (Morelia, Mexico)

Paper: Observing Children’s Inductive Reasoning Processes with Visual Representations for Multiplication

Tony Harries, Priscilla Lopez, Hilary Reid, Patrick Barmby and Jennifer Suggate Durham University, UK

Research Interest

I have conducted a number of research in curriculum and instruction as well as social issues affective children in Belize. I am currently interested on the impact of teaching on student learning and would like to conduct additional research in urban and rural schools.


  1. Society for The Promotion of Education and Research (SPEAR) Resource Materials for Teachers
  2. Ministry of Education ( Technical and Vocational Training) Assessment of Technical and Vocational Training in Belize

Professional Experience


Having taught at the Primary Level, worked with the Ministry of Education to develop the New National Primary Curriculum and participated in various international and regional training, I have developed skills to:

  1. Develop School Curriculum
  2. Analyze data using SPSS
  3. Conduct educational training seminars
  4. Analyze qualitative data

Specialized Training

  1. Teaching online Using Moodle (Training Conducted by the Caribbean Knowledge Learning Network)
  2. Curriculum Evaluation (Training Conducted by CECC/SICA)
  3. Developing Standards and Competencies (Training Conducted by CECC/SICA)
  4. School Supervision
  5. Creative Writing

My sandbox

EDUC 323:Instructional Techniques in Education


EDUC 323 Instructional Techniques in Education provide students with skills to effectively plan for instruction. Click on the link below to view a sample lesson plan.

Sample Lesson Plan

The link below provides sample lesson objectives.

Lesson plans should be very interactive. A few guidelines on active engagement is included in this link.