[hide]- 1 For Learning4Content (L4C) Facilitators
- 1.1 How do I become a L4C Facilitator?
- 1.2 What skills are required to become a L4C Facilitator?
- 1.3 What are the responsibilities of the facilitator? What must they do?
- 1.4 Are face-to-face L4C Workshops similar to online L4C workshops?
- 1.5 Who is the target audience for the L4C workshops?
- 1.6 What funding is available to support L4C workshops?
- 1.7 Can I arrange my own L4C workshop (as a community volunteer)?
- 1.8 What determines eligibility for the L4C honorarium?
- 1.9 Who is eligible to participate in the L4C workshops?
- 2 for L4C Participants
- 2.1 Am I required to pay for this free training?
- 2.2 What is the L4C Learning Contract? Must I sign it?
- 2.3 What if I can't complete my activities? Can I get an extension? Do I fail the course?
- 2.4 What computer skills are required?
- 2.5 Do I need Internet connectivity to participate?
- 2.6 How are L4C workshops taught? What is the process?
- 2.7 How do I register for an online L4C workshop?
- 2.8 Will there be a face-to-face workshop in my country? How do I enrol?
- 2.9 What wiki skills will I learn?
- 2.10 What learning resources are available?
- 2.11 Can I learn these skills at my own pace?
- 2.12 Where do WikiEducator's L4C Group Discussions take place?
- 2.13 Does WikiEducator have other Discussion Groups?
- 2.14 What role do L4C Facilitators play?
- 2.15 How can I increase my status/reputation in the WikiEducator community?
- 3 For Host / Partner Institutions
- 4 Learning4Content Proposal
For Learning4Content (L4C) Facilitators
How do I become a L4C Facilitator?
Anyone can become a L4C facilitator. However, you must confirm that you meet the requirements (see next FAQ question) for this role.
- Step I: Register your Expression of Interest - you may do so at the relevant bounty page.
- Step II: Prospective facilitators will be notified if and when WE can use their services. Then we will proceed with the necessary (contractual) arrangements.
- If you don't currently meet the skills requirement for a facilitator, we encourage you to enroll for one of the existing workshops to develop the necessary skills.
What skills are required to become a L4C Facilitator?
L4C Facilitators are passionately committed to the development of free and open education resources.An L4C Facilitator is an individual who:
- has previously demonstrated mastery of the wiki skills - to teach and support learners in attaining the requirements specified in the L4C Learning Contract, (i.e. the level of Wikibuddy);
- is well-informed about WikiEducator including our:
- core values;
- vision and strategy (see also our logic model),
- purpose;
- history of the project.
- has experience in facilitating training workshops - and shown a willingness to followup with participants
- is a team player and collaborator.
What are the responsibilities of the facilitator? What must they do?
The L4C project is fortunate to have access to skilled professionals and the goodwill of these WikiEducators from around the world who take the initiative to organise and promote workshops for their respective countries.
WikiEducator provides a number of resources to help and support facilitators with this task, including for example, the OER Workshop Toolkit. Prospective facilitators should consult the guidelinesfor arranging, presenting and concluding a successful L4C workshop. These guidelines promote the quality and consistency of our L4C workshops around the world and provide the contractual basis for payment of the facilitator's honorarium.
Are face-to-face L4C Workshops similar to online L4C workshops?
Both face-to-face workshops and online workshops cover the same curriculum and skills base. However, the presentation and workshop activities are adapted for a face-to-face format and participants' learning needs. (Please see the Open Educational Resources Workshop Toolkit - this may be of assistance to prospective Facilitators.)
Who is the target audience for the L4C workshops?
The L4C project is about building capacity of educators working across ALL levels including pre-school, school and tertiary education in the formal, informal and vocational education sectors. There are many WikiEducator Roles including: teachers, trainers, lecturers, instructional designers, editors, multimedia professionals and technologists. Let's work together to develop free and open educational content!
What funding is available to support L4C workshops?
A generous grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in support of the Learning4Content (L4C) project and contributions from COL's core programme budget enables us to pay small honoraria of CAD 1,000 to Facilitators interested in holding one or two of the planned 160 face-to-face workshops in the global community.The honorarium can be used to support a face-to-face workshop, or be accepted as modest contribution towards the engagement of the facilitator. We also need facilitators to assist us with a selected number of online workshops.
Funding for this project is limited, which is why we are unable to cover any participant related costs. We are seeking additional funding to support L4C project expansion for more workshops. We are, however, hoping that our local Host / Partner Institutions interested in this project will assist their local community by providing access to local venues (computer labs), catering and other necessary items to host a 2.5-3 day face-to-face workshop. It would be seen as the institution's in-kind contribution for the greater good of all involved.
If you or your institution is interested in hosting a L4C workshop, please email both Wayne Mackintosh and Patricia Schlicht at the Commonwealth of Learning.
Can I arrange my own L4C workshop (as a community volunteer)?
Yes. We welcome and encourage the community to take initiative in organising and presenting their own L4C workshops as volunteer contributions to the WikiEducator's project. No permission is required and you are free to use the L4C content resources and tutorials. Just do it!
Please let us know about volunteer workshops you have presented including details of the place, number of participants etc so we can profile your work accordingly on the WikiEducator site.
What determines eligibility for the L4C honorarium?
This depends on your role and qualifications. Please see the Facilitator's section of the L4C project. A signed contract from the Commonwealth of Learning is required before you may qualify for the honorarium.
Who is eligible to participate in the L4C workshops?
Everyone! However, WE are prioritising the free L4C wiki skills training for committed educators who wish to collaborate in the development of free educational materials. As our capacity and resources permit, WE desire to train as many educators as possible.
for L4C Participants
Am I required to pay for this free training?
No. You will NOT be charged a fee for receiving free training in the Learning4Content project. What we ask of you is to develop and donate one learning resource (of your choice) to WikiEducator. This will help our community grow, and increase your status and reputation in the WikiEducator community. (If you can't decide which learning resource you would like to develop, then WE has a Wishlist.)
What is the L4C Learning Contract? Must I sign it?
The L4C Learning Contract is Your Commitment to the WikiEducator Community to create a free educational resource for WikiEducator's L4C project. All L4C participants must sign, date and send in a copy of the L4C Learning Contract. You can download a copy here.
What if I can't complete my activities? Can I get an extension? Do I fail the course?
Nobody fails in our WikiEducator family and a blanket extension for completing activities is guaranteed in open communities like WE! In the event that you are unable to complete the required learning activities on time there are options for you to continue:
- Self-paced learning or independent study (our tutorials were designed to support independent study.
- Participants are free to join any of the upcoming online workshops -- WE won't turn anyone away who wants to brush up on their wiki skills.
Remember that our community facilitators are time bound and they will do their best to honour their side of the Learning Contract by providing free training support and optional community certification for the duration of the workshop cycle.
What computer skills are required?
WE recommend that each participant know how to use a computer, and possess basic word processing, Internet browsing and navigation skills. Our facilitators will do their best to support your learning and answer any technical questions you may have.
Do I need Internet connectivity to participate?
Yes and No. WE recognize that Internet connectivity can be difficult to access and expensive in some countries throughout the Commonwealth. Thus, we have designed our face-to-face and online workshops to allow for maximum participation with limited Internet connectivity - through technical / Internet access arrangements with our host / partner institutions, and using free computer-software applications such as Open Office, to create, save and upload educational content to WikiEducator. (Please see WikiEducator's Editing Using Open Office Tutorial).How are L4C workshops taught? What is the process?
Every L4C workshop (whether face-to-face or online) is led and supported by an individual who meets WikiEducator's facilitator standards for the L4C project. In some cases, there may be more than one Facilitator per workshop.
- Learning Process Overview - please visit L4C - Getting Started
- Tutorials Overview - please visit the complete List of Online Tutorials from the Help link in WikiEducator's Navigation Toolbar (i.e., on the upper left-hand side of your screen).
How do I register for an online L4C workshop?
During 2008, we are planning to present at least one L4C workshop every month. You can register directly on this wiki or via email. Visit our registration page for details on how to enrol for the next online workshop. Online registration is open for everyone irrespective of where you reside, all you need is access to an Internet connection, a web browser and a willingness to learn and to donate a teaching resource back to the community.
Will there be a face-to-face workshop in my country? How do I enrol?
We are planning to arrange at least 2 face-to-face workshops in each of the Commonwealth member states during 2008. However, we are dependant on the availability of host institutions to provide access to computer facilities and the availability of an in-country facilitator from the WikiEducator community.
Typically the host institution or facilitator will organise and send out the invitations to participants. Our aim is to train as many educators as possible -- please visit the schedule for face-to-face workshops to see where and when your country workshop will take place. Enrolment details will be posted on this page.
What wiki skills will I learn?
- creating wiki pages & the wiki vocabulary (aka "syntax)
- creating, editing and modifying content
- adding images and other files
- participating in our WikiEducator community
What learning resources are available?
- online tutorials
- facilitator support - for the duration of each workshop
- community support - post-workshop
- short videos
- handouts
Can I learn these skills at my own pace?
Yes Our tutorials have been designed to accommodate independent learning and self-study. You are free to work through the tutorials at your own pace at any time. If you feel that you need more support, please register for one of our upcoming workshops.
Where do WikiEducator's L4C Group Discussions take place?
All L4C Group Discussions take place on Google (http:groups.google.com).
- WikiEducator's L4C Google group - focused on L4C tutorials, Q&As and facilitator support for individuals http://groups.google.com/group/learning4content-workshops
The L4C Google Group is an excellent resource for learning from your peers (the wiki-way!), sharing insights and information, and building our WikiEducator community! You can download a print version of our Instructions for Getting started once you have registered for an online workshop.
Does WikiEducator have other Discussion Groups?
Yes. You can join the main WikiEducator group. This list focuses on general project discussions, innovation, great practices, country leadership and cluster support for WikiEducator project initiatives (See: http://groups.google.com/wikieducator). You are welcome to join, and we encourage you to do so at the completion of the L4C wiki skills training.
What role do L4C Facilitators play?
L4C Facilitators provide additional support to your learning process. Your facilitator will answer your questions when you encounter difficulty with the WikiEducator / L4C subject matter. When your questions arise, please post them to the L4C-workshop list on Google Groups - your facilitator will respond, and your question will be a source of information and inspiration to other L4C Google Group Members. Facilitators are also responsible for following up with individual learners - for fulfilment of your L4C Learning Contract commitment.
How can I increase my status/reputation in the WikiEducator community?
- actively contribute to group discussions, in the main WikiEducator & L4C groups
- contribute your content
- edit other people's content - make sure to add value!
- update your country page on a regular basis
- add pages of interest to you onto your watch list and add value to them.
- monitor the Recent changes page to see what's happening in our wiki.
- be a WikiNeighbour - welcome Newbies to our community
- become a WikiEducator Ambassador
- move forward on the path to becoming a WikiMaster
For Host / Partner Institutions
How can an organization partner with WikiEducator's L4C project?
WE are actively seeking local Host / Partner Institutions in each of the 52 Commonwealth countries (and elsewhere) which are willing to provide access to local meeting facilities and computer labs (with Internet access), catering and other necessary items required to host a successful 3 day face-to-face workshop. For accounting and reporting purposes, we would consider this as an "in-kind" contribution - for the greater good of everyone involved. The best way to get involved is to nominate a L4C facilitator to take responsibility for initiating and leading a workshop for your institution.
Can my institution establish an OER hub in WikiEducator?
Yes. We encourage educational institutions to profile their work and contributions to the Open Education Resources (OER) initiative. An institutional hub in WikiEducator is a page node where you can list your OER contributions to WikiEducator with appropriate branding. WikiEducator is a global project and one of the most popular OER destinations on the Web, thus listing your work will increase your international profile in this field.
We also encourage educational institutions to consider signing the Cape Town Open Education Declaration.
Who may I contact for more information?
If you or your institution is interested in hosting a L4C workshop, please email both Wayne Mackintosh and Patricia Schlicht at the Commonwealth of Learning.
Learning4Content Proposal
Can I see the Learning4Content Proposal for the Hewlett Foundation?
Yes, of course. WE developed this winning proposal in line with our values around freedom and openness. Please click here.