VirtualMV/Internet and Web/Roles

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By the end of this page you will be able to:

  • Understand the range of web site management roles


A commercial web site once created requires careful monitoring as the site importance can range from simply informational to an eCommerce site that provides the main revenue stream for the organisation.

The website management team’s role is to consider all matters related to the Website and, in particular, to oversee:

  • the aims and direction of the website strategy
  • the roles and functions of anyone employed specifically to operate or manage the website
  • technology and processes - eg a Web programmer or designer, online marketing person
  • identification and implementation of staff training in the use of software, technology and processes
  • legal issues - eg copyright and commercial issues
  • security issues - eg backup systems, access security
  • acquisition and maintenance of equipment and software
  • the relationship with the Internet Service Provider
  • monitoring Internet trends and what competitors are doing
  • promoting the Website internally and externally
  • evaluating Website strategy
  • the annual budget.

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VirtualMV/Internet and Web/Roles. (2024). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from http:    (zotero)