Community Media/Alphabetical List of Resources

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Alphabetical List of Resources

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List of Community Media / Community Radio Resources

This is a growing collection of work that our members are involved with and that use the Community Media space to develop and share news, resource materials and ideas.

A - C

  1. Programme outline, invitation and welcome letters|Programme outline (DRAFT), invitation and welcome letters
  2. Materials from the workshop (DRAFT)
  3. Participants
  4. Programme (FINAL)
  5. Followup Activities
  6. Workshop Photos
  7. Photos from Bequia Radio Station|Photos from Bequia Community Radio Station
  1. Workshop Overview - Overall Objectives, Outputs & Approach
  2. Workshop Outline - Partner Objectives & Timeline (DRAFT)
  3. Pre-Workshop Survey / Questionnaire
  4. Commonwealth of Learning - Media for Learning & Key Priorities
  1. CR Madanpokhara, Nepal Profile/Case Study
  2. Alakal Radio, India

Community Radio Resources - Maraa (India)

D - G

  1. Workshop Outline
  2. Foundation Documents
  3. Principles of Community Radio
  4. Short Case Studies
  5. CBAA Code of Practice
  6. Code of Conduct
  7. Community Radio Council
  8. Election Rules of Conduct
  9. Strategic Plan

H - L


LearnShare HIV/AIDS

  1. Objectives
  2. Messaging
  3. Participants
  4. Process & Timeline
  5. Outputs & Outcomes
  6. Workshop (1 day) Outline (DRAFT)
  7. Facilitation Formats & Tools
  8. Workshop Proceedings, Summary and Evaluation

* Jeffreytown, Jamaica, Media for Learning Workshop, July 16-18 & 21, 2008

  1. Needs Assessment
  2. DRAFT Curriculum for Workshop
  3. FINAL Curriculum
  4. Facilitator Profiles
  5. Workshop Pictures

M - R

  1. Media for Learning - Workshop Planning Process
  2. Learning Activities

Organization Development space

Project Management

Radio Mang'elete, Kenya, Organisation Development Workshop, November 24-29, 2008

  1. Pre-Workshop Summary - Radio Mange'lete
  2. Workshop Outline (DRAFT) - Radio Mange'lete
  3. OD Logframe
  4. OD News Story
  5. OD Curriculum
  6. Preliminary Evaluation Report
  7. Photos of the OD Process

S - Z


Story Workshop - Workshop Report (March 30-April 3, 2009)


Volunteer Resources

Wiki Skills

Workshop Planning