Expected Outcome
Indicators of the Outcome
Sources of information to measure changes in indicators
Organization development process
Strengthening the governance structures
- A Reflection on the developments and state of the parent group( Mang’elete Integrated Community Development Project)
- A reflection on the formation, purpose, values and principles of the community radio project
- An understanding of issues on governance, ownership, management, roles, responsibilities and project’s regulations.
- Discussions on the constitution of the group and the suggestions on improvement
- A clarification on various governance structures
- Improvement of the constitution
- Election and/or confirmation of Local Management Committee (LMC) officials
- The existing training materials from other partners working on similar objectives identified and adapted
- A new curriculum on community radio organizational development developed by EcoNews and Kenya partners
- Sharing the materials at the community media space on the wikieducator
- The improved constitution
- Confirmation of the governance and management structures
- Application of the developed curriculum to the organizational development process of Radio Mang’elete
- Information available materials on the wikieducator
- The Ratified constitution
- Ratified list of LMC officials.
- A curriculum of the organizational development of community radios
- Materials available on the wikieducator
Strategic Planning
a) Improving the understanding of the LMC on its oversight roles and responsibilities
b) Improving the understanding of the Institutional systems (governance, staff recruitment, management and mobilization of resources)
c) LMC and Staff strategic planning session
- A reflection to assist the LMC to clearly understand their roles and responsibilities and how to manage the community radio project
- A reflection to understand the institutional systems.
- A strategic planning session for the LMC and staff
- Guidelines on roles and responsibilities of LMC
- Preparation of a document on institutional systems.
- Preparation of a 3 year strategy document
- A strengthened LMC able to play effectively its roles and responsibilities on the radio project
- Production of the guidelines on LMC’s roles and responsibilities
- Improved understanding of the guidelines by the LMC officials.
- Production of a document on the institutional systems agreed upon
- Production of a 3 year strategy document
- Models that can be used and replicated elsewhere
- Community Radios institutional systems manuals( i.e. human resources, governance, code of conduct etc)
- LMC not intervening in day-to-day activities of the radio.
- Improved capacities of the LMC officials and staff to implement the strategy document
- A stronger Radio Mang’elete able to stand on its own and check vested interests.
Photographs, diagrams, summaries of outcomes etc.
- The production of high resolution photographs, a video documentary, radio programmes and booklets on the OD process
- Photographs, the video documentary, Radio programmes and booklets on the OD produced and shared with COL and other partners
- The identified documentation materials
- Materials available at the wikieducator
- Materials available at EcoNews Resource Centre, at Radio Mang’elete, wiki and to the community media peer group