Community Media/CNCMC/Workshop Outline DRAFT
From WikiEducator
< Community Media | CNCMC
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Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. | ![]() |
- 1 COL
- 3 Schedule / Timetable
- 3.1 Five (5) Weeks before the Conference / Workshop (Oct. 7, 2008)
- 3.2 Four (4) Weeks Before Conference / Workshop (Oct. 14, 2008)
- 3.3 Identifying Nominated Person(s) from Community Radio Stations, and Surveying Their Interests
- 3.4 Technical Arrangements
- 3.5 Travel & Accommondation
- 3.6 Post Conference / Workshop B
- 4 Workshops A + B
- 5 Workshop A (1-day)
- 6 Day 1
- 7 Workshop B (3.5-days)
- 8 Day 2
- 9 Day 3
- 10 Day 4
- 11 END
- 12 Other - Process Steps
- to explain how COL will work with others re: Community Media / Media for Learning Programme
- to create awareness of the importance of readiness for facilitation as a "process skill"
- to increase "facilitation as a skill" development in trainer-facilitators, who model it for others
- to increase effective learning, community engagement and sustainability
- identify good practices for Media for Learning (as a group);
- to identify successful / promising formats & analyse the critical success factors for their success
- to get people to think about processes in developing Effective Learning Programs that span 3-5 years, and achieve specific Program Outcomes
- Identify at least 2 good processes (outputs)
- online journalism skills - what does this mean?
- strengthen regional (practical) networking
- contribute to existing regional initiatives - Caribbean Community Internet Radio Portal
Schedule / Timetable
Five (5) Weeks before the Conference / Workshop (Oct. 7, 2008)
- Facilitators create Survey of Community Media / Radio Practitioners, to 'survey' the CNCMC Regional Group as to what are the important topics of interest to them, that they would like to see covered at the workshop
- Arrange meeting venue (Paradise Inn, Beachcombers - St. Vincent & the Grenadines)
Four (4) Weeks Before Conference / Workshop (Oct. 14, 2008)
Identifying Nominated Person(s) from Community Radio Stations, and Surveying Their Interests
Step I
Facilitators call radio stations directly to:
- Identify Nominated Person)s) who will attend the workshop
- Obtain their contact information, including email amd website addresses
- Provide information about the workshop, and the Discussion (which happens to be taking place online - the Facilitators will send the sign-up/email address to these Nominated Persons, and / or sign them up directly)
- Survey Nominated Person(s) for the reasons why they want to attend the workshop, in terms of:
- barriers - what are they, and why?
- networking - what does that mean for you exactly?
- programme development - what content & topics are important, and why?
- technical issues - what technical issues and skills development are important, and why?
Step II
After these phone calls, the Facilitators will meet as a group (by conference call) to share the Survey Results, and make modifications to the process, if necessary.
Step III
Each Facilitator will then respond individually, to the Nominated Person(s) s/he contacted by:
- writing a confirmation email with additional information about the conference / workshop
- writing an welcoming email introducing the Nominated Person(s) to the CNCMC Discussion Group (MccLinks) - making sure to highlight their reasons (from the telephone survey) as to their interests in attending the conference / workshop.
Step IV
- Facilitators Group will then facilitate online discussion (as well as support individual Nominated Person(s) into the Discussion Group - talking about the Survey Results, and what they want to get out of the conference / workshop.
Technical Arrangements
- Investigate technical set-up arrangements (Mervin)
- Computers, software (Open Office); Internet (cable, telephone or high speed line), witches / router configuration; maintenance technician
- data projector, screen
- Explore live streaming
Travel & Accommondation
- Arrange travel, accommodation and logistics
Three (3) Weeks Before the Conference / Workshop (Oct. 21-27, 2008)
- Wiki skills 5-day workshop (L4C-Advance customised for the Community Radio participants ~ re: developing OER resource, and sharing with peers (instead of "introduce WE to your Institution) (Note:Day 5 needs some work)
- Promote wiki skills training
Two (2) Weeks Before the Conference / Workshop (Oct. 28, 2008)
- Online community group - to share ideas for OERs,following on Survey results, discussion and wiki skills training
- Promote wiki skills training
One (1) Week Before the Conference / Workshop (Nov. 3, 2008)
- Wiki skills training begins - with online facilitator support
Post Conference / Workshop B
- Feedback / review results - based on report back - connected to next 6 months....
- Buddy system - to each other (peers)
Workshops A + B
- to create awareness of the importance of readiness for facilitation and process skills
- to encourage thinking about processes required to create Community Radio Programmes (which endure 3-5 years), achieving Desired Outcomes
- to identify critical success factors / best practices (2 or more) - in M4L
- to strengthen regional (practical) networking
- to kickstart development of Effective Learning Programmes for Community Radio (as OERs)
- Increased awareness of connection to COL's Objectives (i.e., CR programmes over 3 years vs. 3 months)
- Recognition of facilitation as key skill for capacity-building
- Skills practice in pre-workshop "safe environment"
- Increased competency facilitating groups and processes
- Facilitators receive recognition - through Community of Practice, news item, story, etc.
Workshop A (1-day)
- to develop new skills (i.e., facilitation)
- to have an 'experience of facilitation in a safe environment (i.e.., a dry-run)
Pre-Workshop Activity
- L4C-Advance Online Workshop w/Facilitator Support - (Randy Fisher)
- Duration: 5 days (online)
- Dates Suggested: October 21-27, 2008)
Day 1
- Revisit topics as identified in pre-workshop survey
- COL's strategy & objectives wrt Community Media (Media for Learning)
Activity 1: coming soon...
- What is facilitation
- ground rules
- effectiveness
- motivation / performance
- animate attendees if they look tired; resolve conflict; interpersonal issues; language, culture, context, governance, etc.
- modify programme on-the-go
- build up trust, and trust in the process
How to Do It
- examples, materials
- how to do it, to get there...
- facilitate the process in that CR station
- prep activities in safe climate....for next 3 days
- facilitate skill development in others
- Implant Actual Facilitation Skills (Guidelines, tips, practical skills toolkit)
- Get people to run specific formats or approaches and debrief (ID leaders in the region to are going to champion....lead facilitation processes
- Run exercises, activities and approach
- Marketplace of Ideas
- Effective Learning Programmes
- Wiki Skills & WikiEducator
- Other...
- Spectogram
- Speedgeeking (set up room, so that it's more fun and interactive
- 20 observers, 5 people presenting x 4 times (short presentation), 5 ideas = 25 min
- Participatory....
- Day 2-5 Workshop debrief
- What to expect (next three days)
Workshop B (3.5-days)
- can I take this info and use it to start a 3-5 year programme at my CR station?
- Facilitators: think about the "How" elements: formats, approaches and especially partnerships that will help to make ʽdevelopment-orientedʼ programme content more effective.
Pre-Workshop Activity
- L4C-Advance Online Workshop w/Facilitator Support - (Randy Fisher)
- Duration: 5 days (online)
- Dates TBA (suggested: October 21-27, 2008)
- People: Facilitators, Media People, Others
- Media People bring their Idea for an Effective Learning Programme (ideally, this will be shared in the Caribbean Community Discussion two weeks before the workshop start)
- Learning Contract for Effective Learning Programme
Day 2
Check-in Review - against Stated Objectives
- Introduce Media for Learning - objectives
- ID good practices
- ID good processes
- Start Your Learning Programme
- What are the best practices - present to group
- Identify / discuss Critical Success Factors
- refer to Karma Tshering's report
Embed Online Journalism component here?
Day 3
- Check-in
- Followup
- Coding processes
- What are the most important applications (how do we go about doing this)
- Have each station report.. (2 min each) share with us
- Effective Learning Programmes Development (cont'd)
- Site Visit?
- Check-out
Day 4
- Check-in
- Effective Learning Programmes Development (cont'd)
- Feedback & Collaboration
- Practical skills development?
- Other: Community Multimedia Centres (combining telecentres and radio)
- Check-out (against intended results)
Post Workshop Activities
Review, Evaluation and Feedback
Other - Process Steps
- Contact
- key partner institutions
- key invitees - identify how individuals selected
- brief summary of meeting
- criteria / guidelines for selection
- outcomes desired
- date required for appointment (of invitee)
Questions for Alton to Pose
Consultative Tone:
- In general: How do you think this workshop would be helpful in achieving your goals? Explain ~ drawing out specifics and suggestions.
- Specifically: Meeting learning requirements in the community
- General goals: How