#SP4Ed (2013.07)
Another free professional development opportunity from the OERu
29 July - 9 August 2013
Session 1
Establish your personal learning environment Click on arrow to reveal outline
In this preworkshop session you should familiarise yourself with the learning environment for SP4Ed, create the website accounts you need, declare yourself to course participants and register your blog for the aggregated feed.
The screencast below provides an overview on how to navigate the course materials. We recommend that you view it in full-screen mode.
Learning activities
Orient yourself
- Bookmark the SP4Ed Course homepage and familiarise yourself with the structure and layout of the course materials by exploring the navigation links.
- Read through this overview of the learning environment, particularly if this is your first open online course.
New participant survey
- If this is your first online course with the OER university network, please complete the new OERu participant survey. (Estimated time: 5 minutes.)
Create a blog account
- You will need to create a blog account to participate in this course. If you don't already have a blog or plan to use a separate blog for the course you should create one now. For more information, you can consult the tutorial on creating a blog.
Confirm your blog url
Login to WikiEducator and go to the SP4Ed homepage to register or update your blog url. Use the public url for your published blog (not the web address for your dashboard used for editing). We will only harvest posts which are tagged with "SP4Ed" (or label in Blogger).
Create a Microblog account
We use microblogging extensively in this course to connect and share ideas and recommend that you create a microblog account if you don't already have one. For more information, you can consult the tutorial on Microblogging.
Create an account on ask.oeruniveristy.org
Ask.oeruniversitas.org is a community-based question and answer forum used to support participants in the SP4Ed open course.
For help see: Create account | Update profile | Overview | Tags | Find answers | Ask a question | Karma points | Badges
Declare yourself
Review the learning environment and publish a post on your blog comprising a few paragraphs (about 300 words in total) introducing yourself and what you would like to achieve by maintaining a blog to support your learning on the SP4Ed course. You can choose to complete the activity using:
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Drivers of fundamental change in education Click on arrow to reveal outline
In this session we begin to explore the drivers of change in education and focus our attention on differentiating between trends (predetermineds) and key uncertainties. We will reflect on key uncertainties identified by international thought leaders from the education sector and introduce key uncertainties from our own experiences. We will work collaboratively to rank and prioritise identified uncertainties. Finally participants will be invited to select their own uncertainties for building their scenario.
Resources to work through
- Introduction and objectives
- Video signposts
- Trends
- Uncertainties
- FAQs
Learning activities
Session 5
I am blogging about the course at http://joycemcknight.blogspot.co.nz/