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A number of OERu courses will be using blogs to support learning (eg sharing outputs of e-Learning activities, reflective journals, alternative e-portfolios, connecting with peers etc.) We anticipate that a large number of OERu learners will not have their own blogs. This support tutorial has been prepared for students who have been asked to create a blog to support their learning, but don't know where to start.

The modern blog evolved from the 1990s and has become a popular form of web publishing. While the technology has been around for two decades, many learners and educators do not maintain their own blog sites. Rest assured, you are not alone on your journey in discovering the world of blogging.

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After completing this tutorial and corresponding e-Learning activity, you will have:
  • Created a free blog to support your learning;
  • Customised the layout of your blog according to your preferences;
  • Posted a learning reflection on what you would like to achieve with your blog and experiences in creating one.

Blogging is a social phenomenon
Let us know if you visit blog sites regularly and whether this is your first attempt to create a blog by logging into WikiEducator (you can create a free account) and responding to the following anonymous poll:

  1. How would you rate your knowledge of using blog software?
    • Beginner
    • Intermediate
    • Advanced
  2. How frequently do you read blog posts?
    • Never
    • Sometimes
    • Frequently
  3. Do you use a reader or aggregation service that harvests RSS feeds?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure
  4. Have you created your own blog site before?
    • Yes
    • No
  5. Do you maintain your own blog and post regularly?
    • Yes
    • No