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Tony Bates.

Dr Tony Bates shares three scenarios on the future of higher education

Tony Bates is President and CEO of Tony Bates Associates Ltd, a private company specialising in consultancy and training in the planning and management of e-learning and distance education.

Author of eleven books in the field of online learning and distance education, Tony has extensive experience in the planning and management of e-learning. He has provided consulting services specialising in training in the planning and management of online learning and distance education, working with over 40 organizations in 25 countries. Tony is a Research Associate with Contact North. Previously, Tony was Director of Distance Education and Technology in the Continuing Studies Division of the University of British Columbia after serving as Executive Director, Research, Strategic Planning, and Information Technology at the Open Learning Agency of British Columbia. Prior to that, he was Professor of Educational Media Research at the British Open University, where he worked for 20 years as one of the founding members of staff.

In this video Tony shares three scenarios on the future of higher education:

  1. A doom's day scenario where computers take control of education using artificial intelligence to organise, present and assess learning on the Internet;
  2. A corporate scenario where most of post-secondary education is offered for free by a few Internet companies in partnership with a few elite universities; and
  3. An optimistic scenario where we have a greatly strengthened public education system for lifelong learning charactered by a widening range of opportunities for learning and certification.

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