3rd Meeting of OERu partners

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Key points

Aims of the meeting

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The aims of the meeting are to:
  • Review progress on the 2014 operational priorities
  • Review the OERu Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017
  • Calibrate key performance indicators for the 2015 operational priorities
  • Develop proposals for action for the implementation of the OERu consolidation phase.
  • Identify issues for tabling at the meeting of the OERu Council of Chief Executive Officers.

Meeting design and principles of engagement

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Design principles
This is not a conference -- it is an open implementation planning meeting which will change the lives of students currently excluded from the formal post-secondary education sector worldwide. The meeting is designed to take the form of a strategic planning sprint aimed at producing outputs in a short time utilising the diverse experience of attendees. Using open methodologies, proposals for action are refined transparently after the meeting.

The meeting agenda is based on the following principles:

  • Build on our OERu decisions, work done to date and inputs from the OERu 2014 Annual Report.
  • OERu partners have decision-making autonomy regarding the agenda and implementation decisions.
  • Focus on decisions for the 2015 OERu action plan - hence the emphasis on progressing the consolidation phase of the OERu implementation.
  • Identify strategic issues for the medium and long term - but avoid the temptation of trying to solve all problems at this meeting.
  • Keep presentations and monologues to a minimum.
  • Avoid unnecessary affirmations or agreements with previous speakers. Contribute when you have something new to add, want to clarify a previous point or table an alternative view or idea.

Working agenda: Day 1, 6 November 2014

Session 1: Aims of the meeting, meeting our partners and our OERu journey

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The objectives of this session are to:
  • welcome participants to Australia and the University of Tasmania
  • articulate the aims of the 3rd meeting of partners
  • get to know the OERu family
  • recap the OERu journey.

Item Description Duration Time Hobart participants Remote participants
Registration Group networking 30 mins 8:30AM No web stream No web stream
Welcome to country Facilitator: Natalie Brown, University of Tasmania

Welcome to country by Aunty Brenda Hodge, Riawunna Centre, University of Tasmania

3 mins 9:00AM Live plenary Webcast
Official welcome Welcome from Professor David Sadler, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Education), University of Tasmania. 12 mins 9:03AM Live plenary Webcast
Aims of the meeting and principles of engagement Welcome from David Porter, international member of the OER Foundation Board of Directors. 15 mins 9:15AM Live plenary Webcast
Introductions & vision for next phase of OERu Facilitator: David Porter
Participants introduce themselves and share their wish for OERu's next phase of development using the two breath rule (no more than 2 mins per participant).
60 mins 9:30AM Live plenary Webcast

Introduce yourself here

OERu milestones Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh
Brief history of the OERu and key decisions (Slideshare)

OERu Concept 2011.02  |  1st Meeting (2011.11)  |  2nd Meeting 2013.11  |  1st CEOs Meeting

15 mins 10:30AM Live plenary Webcast
Group photograph Face-to-face participants convene for group photo 5 mins 10:45AM No webstream
Morning tea and virtual coffee Group networking and reflection 25 mins 10:50AM Local networking Virtual networking

Session 2: Taking stock, critical friend review and meeting priorities

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The objectives of this session are to:
  • Update new members of the OERu family
  • Review the 2014 Annual Reports of the OERu working groups
  • Conduct a critical friend review of OERu operations and corresponding progress
  • Identify meeting priorities.

Item Description Duration Time Hobart participants Remote participants
2014 Annual report of the OERuMC and working groups

Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh.
Conveners of the OERu working groups present their 2014 annual report and recommendations for 2015. (Maximum of 6 mins per report)

  1. OERu Management Committee, Wayne Mackintosh, OER Foundation
  2. Strategic planning, Wayne Mackintosh for Jim Taylor, University of Southern Queensland.
  3. Curriculum & programme of study, Sandra Wills, Charles Sturt University
  4. Course design & development partners manual, Irwin DeVries, Thompson Rivers University.
  5. Course approval and quality, Sarah Lambert, University of Wollongong.
  6. Credit transfer and course articulation, Christine Wihak, Thompson Rivers University.
  7. Technology, Brian Lamb, Thompson Rivers University.
  8. Marketing, recruitment and communication, David Bull, University of Southern Queensland
  9. PLAR portfolio course, Marc Singer, Thomas Edison State College.
60 mins 11:15AM Live plenary Webcast
Critical friend review, priorities and issues Mini-breakout

Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh
Participants randomly assigned to 4 groups plus one virtual group and tasked to:

  • Identify what the OERu has done well
  • Identify areas where the OERu can improve
  • Identify the top 3 priorities this meeting should address
  • Any issues which should be tabled at the OERu Council of CEOs meeting.

Group 1 report  |  Group 2 report  |  Group 3 report  |  Group 4 report.

30 mins 12:15PM No webcast Break out for remote participants
Report back on critical friend review and meeting priorities Facilitator: Rory McGreal, Athabasca University and OERF Board of Directors
  • 4 groups plus one virtual group report back (5 mins each)
30 mins 12:45PM Live plenary Webcast
Lunch break Group networking (local and virtual) 30 mins 1:15PM No webstream No webstream

Session 3: Evergreen strategic planning and Strategic Goal 1: Achieve a fiscally sustainable and scalable OERu network

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The objectives of this session are to:
  • Confirm the OERu's evergreen strategic planning approach
  • Summarise the open consultation process
  • Share the process leading to final approval of the strategic plan by the OER Foundation Board of Directors.
  • Summarise objectives for Strategic Goal 1.
  • Develop proposals for action for 2015 operational priorities relating to achieving a fiscally sustainable and scalable OERu network.

Item Description Duration Time Hobart participants Remote participants
Evergreen strategy and Strategic Goal 1:
Achieve a fiscally sustainable and scalable OERu network

Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh.

Proposal for action groups:

  1. OERu partner recruitment (Convener: Wayne Mackintosh)
  2. Community source for technology innovation and local integration (Convener: Brian Lamb)
  3. OERu community building and capability development (Convener: Irwin DeVries)
  4. Academic Volunteers International - Volunteer engagement (Convener: David Bull)
  5. Strategic projects to diversify external funding (Convener: David Porter)
15 mins 1:45PM Live plenary Webcast
Proposals for action Substantive breakout

Participants self-select to work in one of the five groups identified in the previous session. Groups are tasked to:

  • Focus on 2015 OERu operational priorities contributing to targets of the 3-year strategic plan
  • Consider the draft KPIs (and recalibrate if necessary)
  • Identify the activities to achieve the proposed outputs and assign responsibility
  • Table any issues which the OERu Council of CEOs will need to consider.
45 mins 2:00PM Breakout groups No webstream
Breakout for remote participants
Feedback and implementation decisions Facilitator: Natalie Brown, University of Tasmania
  • Each group will summarise their proposal for action (5 minutes per group)
  • Summary of inputs from the virtual group (5 mins)
  • Plenary discussion and partner decisions (15 mins)

Reports: OERu partner recruitment  |  Community source  |  OERu community building  |  AVI  |  Strategic projects

45 mins 2:45PM Live plenary Webcast
Afternoon coffee and virtual tea Group networking and reflection 30 mins 3:30PM Local networking No webstream

Session 4: Show and tell

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The objectives of this session are to:
  • Demonstrate developments in shared OERu technology infrastructure to support the design, development and delivery of courses
  • Share a selected exemplar of OERu course reuse.

Item Description Duration Time Kamloops participants Remote participants
Show and tell Facilitator: Brian Lamb, Thompson Rivers University
Session to demonstrate selected OERu initiatives.
30 mins 4:00PM Live plenary Webcast
Questions, answers and solutions Facilitator: Brian Lamb, Thompson Rivers University

Plenary session to consider questions, answers and potential solutions for the OERu arising from the show and tell examples.

30 mins 4:30PM Live plenary Webcast

Working agenda: Day 2, 7 November 2014

Session 5: Developing a coherent OERu programme of study

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The objectives of this session are to:

  • Review data from the OERu Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) and course articulation survey.
  • Generate an "idealised" degree structure for the OERu with pathways (streams) and corresponding exit credentials to inform the nomination and development of future courses towards a coherent programme of study.
  • Design a general education component for the 1st year of study towards the Bachelor of General Studies.
  • Plan activities for streamlining procedures for nominating OERu courses and supporting design documentation.
  • Progress opportunities for the collaborative design and development of the nominated courses in the area of digital citizenship.

Item Description Duration Time Hobart
Towards an idealised degree structure, product development and OERu process enhancements Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh
Reference the CIPP evaluation model and review data from the BGS survey. Introduce concept idea for a General Education component for the OERu BGS and summary of Strategic Goal 2 and Goal 3. Allocation of groups to develop proposals for action:
  1. Develop product for pathways of study - Focus: 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of study (Convener: Sandra Wills)
  2. Develop product for general education component - Focus: 1st / Foundation year of study (Convener: David Bull)
  3. Streamlining procedures for nominating courses and supporting design documentation (Convener: Sarah Lambert)
  4. Expand roles for distributed and networked leadership - (Convener: Irwin DeVries)
  5. Digital citizenship course working group (Convener: Veronique Olin)
30 mins 9:00AM Plenary Webcast
Proposals for action Substantive breakout
Participants self-select to work in one of the five groups identified in the previous session. Groups are tasked to:
  • Focus on 2015 OERu operational priorities contributing to targets of the 3-year strategic plan
  • Consider the draft KPIs (and recalibrate if necessary)
  • Identify the activities to achieve the proposed outputs and assign responsibility
  • Table any issues which the OERu Council of CEOs will need to consider.
45 mins 9:30AM Breakout No webcast
Breakout for remote participants
Feedback and implementation decisions Facilitator: Carina Bossu, University of Tasmania
  • Each group will summarise their proposal for action (5 minutes per group)
  • Summary of inputs from the virtual group (5 mins)
30 mins 10:15AM Plenary Webcast
Morning tea and virtual coffee Local and virtual networking 30 mins 10:45AM Local networking No webcast

Session 6: Improving processes for OERu operating at scale

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The objectives of this session are to:

  • Highlight international interest in virtual mobility for OER learning
  • Review OERu guidelines for credit transfer and course articulation, and to determine next steps
  • Review OERu progress on quality guidelines and to determine next steps
  • Review progress with the partners design and development manual and to determine next steps
  • Consider solutions for communicating OERu services to learners

Item Description Duration Time Hobart
Virtual mobility, OERu quality and communicating services to learners Introduce international projects focusing on virtual mobility for OER learning. Summarise proposed OERu approach for credit transfer and course articulation and allocate groups to work on proposals for action to plan and improve processes for OERu operations.

Allocation of proposal for action groups (6 mins):

  1. Guidelines for credit transfer and course articulation (Convener: Christine Wihak)
  2. Partners design and development manual (Convener: Irwin DeVries)
  3. Quality assurance procedures (Convener: Sarah Lambert)
  4. Communicating OERu study options, services and pricing (Convener: Sandra Wills)
30 min 11:15AM Plenary Webcast
Proposals for action Substantive breakout
Participants self-select to work in one of the five groups identified in the previous session. Groups are tasked to:
  • Focus on 2015 OERu operational priorities contributing to targets of the 3-year strategic plan
  • Consider the draft KPIs (and recalibrate if necessary)
  • Identify the activities to achieve the proposed outputs and assign responsibility
  • Table any issues which the OERu Council of CEOs will need to consider.
45 min 11:45AM Breakout No webstream
Breakout for remote participants
Feedback and implementation decisions Facilitator: Luke Padgett, University of Tasmania
  • Each group will summarise their proposal for action (5 minutes per group)
  • Summary of inputs from the virtual group (5 mins)
30 min 12:30PM Plenary Webcast
Lunch Local and virtual networking 30 min 1:00PM Lunch No webstream

Session 7: Innovation pilots

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The objectives of this session are to:

  • Progress implementation planning of the two innovation pilots identified by the OERu network
  • Brainstorm and prioritise high-priority innovation pilots for the future.

Item Description Duration Time Hobart
Foster innovation through OERu pilot projects Summary of Strategic Goal 4, existing pilots and allocation of groups:
  1. PLAR portfolio course project - Marc Singer
  2. Parallel mode micro course delivery by two or more partners - Wayne Mackintosh
  3. Identify and select high priority pilots for the future - David Porter
  4. OERu/OERu 14.11/PFA Welcome to the OERu orientation mOOC for new partners - Sarah Lambert
15 min 1:30PM Plenary Webcast
Proposals for action Mini breakout
Participants self-select to work in one of the five groups identified in the previous session. Groups are tasked to:
  • Focus on 2015 OERu operational priorities contributing to targets of the 3-year strategic plan
  • Consider the draft KPIs (and recalibrate if necessary)
  • Identify the activities to achieve the proposed outputs and assign responsibility
  • Table any issues which the OERu Council of CEOs will need to consider.
30 min 1:45PM Breakout No webstream
Breakout for remote participants
Feedback and implementation decisions Facilitator: Carina Bossu, University of Tasmania
  • Each group will summarise their proposal for action (5 minutes per group)
  • Summary of inputs from the virtual group (5 mins)
  • Plenary discussion and partner decisions (10 mins)
30 min 2:15PM Plenary Webcast
Afternoon coffee and virtual tea Local and virtual networking 30 min 2:45PM Local networking No webstream

Session 8: Input evaluation

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The objectives of this session are to:

  • Provide an overview of the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model adopted by the partners to evaluate the implementation of the OERu
  • To review survey items for the Input evaluation.

Item Description Duration Time Hobart
How we measure progress Facilitator: Wayne Mackintosh
  • Overview of the CIPP evaluation model and schedule for the proposed Input evaluation to be conducted by the Australian Digital Futures Institute at the University of Southern Queensland.
  • Review draft survey items for the Input evaluation.
15 min 3:15PM Plenary Webcast
Review Plenary discussion to: 30 min 3:30PM Plenary Webcast
Use comment subheadings

Session 9: Conclusion and the way forward

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The objectives of this session are to:

Item Description Duration Time Hobart
The way forward Chair: David Porter 30 min 4:00PM Plenary Webcast
Refreshments Local networking 60 min 4:30PM Plenary No Webcast