Hair and Beauty Introduction/Beauty Think Tank

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Beauty Think Tank

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Make-up: refers primarily to colored products intended to alter the user’s appearance.

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Prior knowledge of make up application, practical capabilities have been determined prior to your participation. You have had a general introduction to make up including practical learning activities and theory sessions. For example, the body shop workshop demonstrations and teach demonstrations in class.

You are currently practicing in class; you will continue to do so, as you will complete make up designs for your competition.

You will need to take front view and side view photographs in class of your work in progress and upload into your Student Central with a heading: Make-up Designs on the Millennium Hair and Beauty Wiki web site.


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At the end of this session you should / will be able to:
  • Select and apply make up using the make up resource as a guide.
  • Apply your creativity using techniques you have acquired.
  • Understand the Smokey eyes application for the classic look, the crystal design fashion contemporary make up and the Avant-Garde fantasy make up design.

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This competition is a fantastic opportunity to develop your creativity while collecting information to use in your Student Gallery portfolio in the Millennium Hair and Beauty Website.

There are three practical categories you will learn which will help you design your completed make up design look.

Let's get some practice ...

Firstly, click on the links below and complete a virtual make up. You will need to print your completed look and keep it in your folder.

Secondly, print out and complete the 3 Steps to Beautiful Eyes activity which is a basic practice for you to record your eye shadow application. Again, you will need to keep the completed activity in your folder as part of your evidence.

Thirdly, you will need to include your own Smokey Eye look example featuring your own step by step pictures while you are having your practice run. Transfer the images and your written step by step to your photo gallery.

  • Practice your design on your makeup Smokey eye sheet then apply the techniques to your model. Present your finished look for inspection to your teacher for feedback. Explain if you had any difficulties or did the look go as planned.
  • Record your results from this activity in your portfolio.


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With your fellow learners compare your creations to the examples of the demonstrations. Are there similarities/ differences? How has creativity been used? You should discuss any new insight you have had. How close does your group's work resemble the Smokey Eye look?