Hair and Beauty Introduction/Hair Classic

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Hair - Classic 


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Classic: Exemplary of a particular style exhibiting timeless quality. Simple, harmonious, well proportioned, traditional or conventional.

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Prior knowledge of blow-drying/GHD styling/curling irons/hot roller setting capabilities have been determined prior to your participation. You are currently practicing braiding long hair and up styles in class. You have had some experience using heated rollers and curling wands.  You will need to take a front view and back view photograph in class of your work in progress. Use a mobile phone or class digital camera (it is optional if you would like to use your own camera). These images can be stored and collated on your own page for your portfolio gallery. You will need to edit adding your own design to the millennium hair and beauty website.

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At the end of this session you should/ will be able to:
  • Design a classic look using the analysis sheet for classic look selecting your preferred choice of hot rollers /backcombing and teasing/curling irons and GHD stylers as a basis for you to include these techniques which will finalise your classic look. 
  • Achieve a comprehensive understanding of the classic look using classic design principals, for you classic hairstyle category.

Developing Design Principles

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to develop your classic hair design principles while collecting pictures and information to collate in your gallery portfolio. There is a specific design principle to consider when completing the classic look.

For this activity you will need to access a manikins head using long hair or a model which is clean and dry preferably freshly washed.

You are invited to try the classic look technique once you have seen the teacher and student demonstration, be sure you fill out your head analysis sheet, have your teacher view your completed analysis sheet, you are able to make personal modifications to your own classic look manikin head as needed.

The Classic Look was performed by Angie Alexiou a Certificate II hairdressing student, on brunette cleaned and dried/styled hair.

Backcombing explanation:

Is a way of combing hair which is used to create volume as well as to create certain hairstyles. Backcombing also known as teasing, meaning repeatedly combing the hair towards the scalp, causing the hair to tangle and knot up. This method is often used in creating various big hair styles similar to the classic look. The Avant -Garde look also has repeated backcombing at the crown to give extreme height.