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12 life decisions that lead to success, using Buffett's example


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If you’re not harming another person with force, fraud, coercion, theft, or violence, then your life is your life, your body is your body, your property is your property, and your business is your business. It’s certainly not the government’s.

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"Create it with a smile and a wink." Liesl Bell, Illustrator

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2023.2 don't create for scale, create to be remarkable. Create for meaning. -- gapingvoid

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“Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.” --John Kenneth Galbraith

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. Start: What practice, habit, or project do I want to begin this year? just not hungry . Let Go: What current practice, habit, or project do I need to abandon this year? ?? . Improve: What current practice, habit, or project do I want to take to the next level? names women exercise teaching learning travel respect appreciate encourage . Maintain: What current practice, habit, or project do I want to continue to do this year? sailing score . Experiment: What current practice, habit, or project do I want to try out? ?? flyout

2022.8.3 super gut .. 1 . 15gm carbs/meal . no sugar, grain, emulsifier - 25-30gm protein food chain . vit d, omega-3, iodine, magnesium. clove green tea fos fructooligosaccharide, filtered water, curcumin .. 2 . probiotic yogurt l.reuteri l.gasseri bnr17 kefir, fermented veg .. 3 . probiotic inulin fos acacia fiber 8-20gm legumes starchy beans hummus lentils apple avocado nuts mushrooms fos . asparagus onions carrots leeks cabbage brussel sprouts kale .. 4 .

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. .

2022.2 Porcella - 2022.2.27 jim&kate will buy