.. research OBSERVE, PLAN, EXPLORE, & EXPLAIN teaching stem to girls differently - girls schools, subjects, ratio m:f in discipline, projects, outcome, work environment, swe . academic programs - engineering, math, physics, chemistry - by guys for guys egos .
Learn more... women . risk . financial book
[hide]women & risk
2022.11.27 risk averse risk management women . disservice to women entrepreneurs encouraging smaller manageable business cf think big investors
there's a pattern here
women can do anything so long as guys think it is soft or beneath them . . engineering subjects could be interesting to women of they were presented differently rather than ? deliberately unappealing . medicine and law now more than 50% women . engineering women colleges
in the early days of programming, women dominated the field. This was in no small part because male engineers thought this “soft” work was relatively trivial compared to building actual machines such as ENIAC. And in the decades that followed, more and more women entered computing:
- teaching stem to girls differently - girls schools, subjects, ratio m:f in discipline, projects, outcome, work environment
- swe - mixed - women who tough it out - can't tell me women can't do something - i'll show you/them . just suck it up .. wow that's engineering . introducing girls to engineering workshop IGEW
- interests - soft / hard science, people
- leadership - selection training mentoring
- entrepreneurs - funding vision
- academic programs - engineering, math, physics, chemistry - by guys for guys egos .
- progress
- so what, now what
Laura speaks up
In the beginning 2022.11.23 Laura - "It’s the end of 2022, and yet just today, on three occasions, men felt the need to claim my words as their own. Twice, I was echoed verbatim as though I hadn’t spoken. The third time, my idea was dismissed, interrupted, then restated by a male colleague … and was lauded as a great idea. " .
Now I'm angry and I can do something about it
2022.11.24 - Mises - why girls don't do stem "personality" . so disappointed this is such bullshit . When there are jerks like this writing stuff like this, it is sad and frustrating. Especially coming a the day after Laura posted to FB . 2022.11.23 Laura - "It’s the end of 2022, and yet just today, on three occasions, men felt the need to claim my words as their own. Twice, I was echoed verbatim as though I hadn’t spoken. The third time, my idea was dismissed, interrupted, then restated by a male colleague … and was lauded as a great idea. " . Been there, been the recipient of that for more than 50 years since becoming aware of this "practice". The most helpful personally was when a supportive clued-in male colleague called these out. No wonder most women decide they don't need the hassle and find something else they would rather do than fight this. It isn't that they don't love science, technology, leadership, can't deal with failure, ... they do AND they know that sticking around these folks won't fix the problem. Women have worked for centuries trying. Sure there are significant successes now and then - women can vote and do. Women are world leaders and corporate heads - limited but not zero. . High school - wasn't big into boy / girl thing took math science don't remember being unusual but must have been . University mostly girls as faculty was small and misunderstood although actually honors science and pretty demanding. . From all accounts big ego guy jobs - airline pilots, were really bad for women. . Working with geeks is less bad. Many are sub-clinical Asperger's so this just isn't an issue. .