User:Vtaylor/CIS89A Learning Web Design

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CIS89A Web Page Development ** Online OFFICE HOUR ** Wed 2:00 - 2:50pm PT . CIS D089A . 24w 63z 30253

curriculum outline 2024.11 . cis89a.docx

Glitch Basic index.html and style.css remix!/deeply-vaulted-lentil?path=index.html%3A28%3A0

CIS89A Syllabus * welcome email * Voyager FTP + To send files to your server with Filezilla p.270 * Community service . link checker * drop notice * Resources comment onlyinclude all assignments pages * examples * Resources

HTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide, 9th Edition By Joe Casabona * published Sept 2020 * group projects guide

  1. Getting Started . 19 . basics (1,3,11) * getting started survey
  2. HTML Basics * lists . 19 . css htmlvalidation read find (4,6,12). * I know > 1
  3. Links . 21 . voyager accessibility protect (2,5, 21 p.269-272)
  4. Images and Media . 21 . share media (7)
  5. CSS Styling . 14 . html5 use css coding styling designthinking (13,14,18)
  6. CSS Layout . 17. MIDTERM copyright layout (15,16)
  7. Responsive Web Design . 14 . write make . mobile responsive (17)
  8. Tables, Forms . 16 . participate tables forms portfolio (8,9,10)
  9. Beyond HTML . 17 . javascript seo solve iot (19,20,25)
  10. Site Planning . 18 . sites webdev accessibility rubric htmlvalidation hosting xreality (21,22,23,24,)
  11. Web Site Projects . 7 . beyondhtml webpro
  12. Summary, Peer Review . 8 . creativity peer
  • More coding practice - some students want more directed coding practice. Hereare some addition coding challenges.

Fall 2022

2022.10.23 cis2 . Optional - Collaboration - XPRIZE . Do this instead of the individual Module 6 project. . If you are interested in practicing online collaboration, work as a group on the the Module 6 project based on XPRIZE challenges. Use the Collaboration - XPRIZE discussion topic for coordinating your group work. Address the XPRIZE organization, its history and its successes to-date.

  • Sign-up in the the Collaboration - XPRIZE discussion- add your name and your availability to participate in this group collaboration.
  • Work together to prepare a shared project that details the XPRIZE organization, its history and its successes to-date.
  • Publish ONE group document created by the members of the group.
  • Keep your development notes as well as s brief statement about the project process and submit those as your individual project.

This is a new activity so you feedback and suggestions are important. If you have questions please ask. This is evolving with your participation.

2022.10.23 89A . Most students are doing well and getting better at all aspects of web development, particularly with html and css basics that we are covering. There are a few students who could use some help. Here is another opportunity for you to practice your knowledge - review a coding project and think about what this coding project needs to get a better score. What's missing? Can you explain the requirements better? Can you provide a reference or an example? If you would like to offer suggestions, please add your comments to the coding project discussion as a reply to the project web address post.

Fall 2021 . Course: 00494 Department : CIS 89A 62Z

. codingtips

2021.10.31 . Think about the requirements of coding versus web development. As the online tutorials claim, you can learn to be a pretty good html coder in a few hours. Learning to use css well is more complex. Designing and implementing a great web site and becoming a proficient web developer is an extensive learning process that takes years of full time effort to master. . This course is intended to provide a foundation and the tools needed to achieve that goal. For example we look at JavaScript. It is separate course. We look at design and layout, which are covered more deeply in separate graphics design courses. . Implementation. . Many students struggle through the Voyager task which might be the only hosting environment available. . Marketing . 4.5 transfer units . Managing your time and priorities to achieve your personal goals that are critical to your success in this course are lifelong learning skills. . Web development . More than just coding, webmaking is the act of creating, understanding, and promoting content on the Web

2021.10.31 . Prioritize your work. Focus on the activities that are important to you. . There is a lot of flexibility in the course to accommodate the diverse needs and interests of students with vastly different prior knowledge.

2022.6.27 You clearly missed the point of these discussion activities - sharing with others in the course and learning from their contributions. Late discussion submissions are considered for partial credit - better than getting zero. However, you can not possibly get the benefit of these discussion activities if you are blasting through them providing minimal responses. Your responses are time-stamped so I see how little time you spent completed these activities. Many of the responses were inadequate for full credit even if they had been submitted on time. Do yourself a favor. If you take a course, make an effort to benefit from the learning opportunity. Otherwise you are wasting your time - a valuable resource.


2022.7.15 Conventional HTML and CSS development If you have web development experience and are familiar with the DeAnza CIS Voyager development environment, you are welcome to complete all the coding projects as HTML and CSS files uploaded to your Voyager public html directory. To submit your coding projects, provide the link to the main html page for that coding project, which should include a link to your associated css file. . must be hosted on Voyager as html and associated css file . not not accept files to download. . Not sure what this is but it isn't basic HTML and CSS from Glitch or a text editor.. Valerie Taylor , Jul 4 at 7:48am . What should I do to improve the grading in this assignment student , Jul 14 at 11:30pm . email from dad - no help .. Your question - What should I do to improve the grading in this assignment , Jul 14 at 11:30pm Unless you resubmit an assignment, these comments don’t come to my attention. Use the Canvas Inbox messages or email for direct communication. This is a college transfer credit for a web development class. There requirements are extensive including using specific tools and processes. All coding projects must be submitted as a web browser viewable web page URL. Glitch is the suggested development environment. Or you can use a text editor and FTP your code to a web host - this is stated in the notes for Module 1. There is considerable emphasis on using CSS throughout the course. Glitch includes the file and the link automatically in each new project. Your submission does not meet these requirements so you missed points for these. Your code does not include all the coding project required list types for full points. Look at other students’ work. Learning from others examples is invaluable and that is why you are required to publish a link to your coding projects in the discussions. You can resubmit this coding project. Due to the high volume of late submissions work, expect delays in reviewing these past due coding projects.