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eL4C51 Workshop Homepage

17,February 2025,नमस्कार , आपका स्वागत wikieducator में
RTENOTITLE Thanks for visiting my page on Wikieducator.You may post a question here [[1]]
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Approx edit count: 1,195

Contact-new.svg Rashmi Kathuria
Rashmi Kathuria
Employer:Kulachi Hansraj Model School, Delhi, India
Occupation:Teacher/Teacher Trainer
Languages:English and Hindi
Country:India Flag of India.svg
Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Pschlicht .
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.
हि This user is a native speaker of Hindi हिन्दी.
Round Generic Award Ribbon.svg This user page has been featured at the User Page Expo!

My Profile

Proud to be an Indian

Teaching for me...

I love my profession.
Teaching for me is not just a job, its a mission, a commitment,a purpose for my life.Teaching comes by learning.Each day is a new day for learning.
True success of a teacher is to be able to create joyful learning environments.

Experiment and innovate


You can't learn to swim without getting into the water.
Please add your comments.
  • Yes Rashkath, I agree with you because you can only swim inside the water so if do not get into the water, how will you swim? Impossible. --Uchendu 11:46, 1 October 2011 (UTC)

Professional Journey- "teacher to an e teacher"

I am a Postgraduate Mathematics teacher working in Kulachi Hansraj Model School, Delhi.
My School
I joined teaching profession in 1994 with a mission of exploring and learning new ways of teaching-learning Mathematics. With experience, I realised that there is no sure shot method for teaching. Every new day brings a new challenge for which as a teacher I have to prepare myself. This is one reason, that keeps me going as a learner. In 2003, I was given the charge of Mathematics laboratory in our school. We explored many Math facts using hands on strategies like paper folding, cutting-pasting, unit cubes, geoboards etc. Further, in the dawn of 2005, I got an opportunity to explore the use of technology in Mathematics education through a project CII Shiksha, started by CII(Confederation of Indian Industries). Since then the journey is on. I gained knowledge about open source software and explored various possibilities of using offline and online tools in classroom. In December 2006, I created my first blog MathematicsLearning. Then, I thought of creating my classroom blog Planet Infinity. The success story of using my class blog is published here Success story blogging.In 2008, I participated in the best teaching practices conference organised by NIIT at India Habitat Cente and presented paper e MathematicsPaper presentation and received first placeWinner among the 31 nationwide entries.

Awards and Honour

  • Recipient of National Best e teacher award in 2007 by the then President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
National Best e teacher award

  • Recipient of National ICT Award for 2010 in 2012 by the Honourable President of India Sh. Pranab Mukherjee.
  • Awarded first prize in the conference of Best Teaching Practices 2008 organized by NIIT Institute of information technology to facilitate interaction between educational researchers and the teaching community, teachers from all over the country were invited to demonstrate and share innovative teaching practices they have found to be highly effective.
  • Awarded a special prize for creating best e-lesson for innovative and enriching teaching/learning in our school.
  • Honoured by CII Shiksha on promoting the use of technology.
  • Second place -Best Education Blog- Blogger's Choice
  • Thinking blogger award.
  • First prize, teacher's competition on powerpoint making organised by Association of Advanced and Deprived.
  • Awarded first prize by All India Ramanujan Maths Club, in paper presentation
  • Honoured National Best teacher award by All India Ramanujan Maths Club and Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas.

Abiword abi.pngMy Published work

  • Correct.png Contributed in Mathematics laboratory Manual, Class 9, CBSE
  • Correct.png Contributed in Mathematics laboratory Manual Class 10, CBSE
  • Correct.png Contributed in Mathematics laboratory Manual, Classes 3 to 8, CBSE
  • Correct.png Contributed in Formative assessment Manual for teachers, Class 9, CBSE
  • Correct.png Contributed in Formative assessment Manual for teachers, Class 10, CBSE
  • Correct.png Contributed in CBSE international Mathematics Manual for teachers, Class 9, CBSE
  • Correct.png Contributed in CBSE international Mathematics Manual for teachers, Class 10, CBSE
  • Correct.png Instructional book on using GeoGebra under CII Shiksha programme, Classes 9 and 10
  • Correct.png Article in Teacher Plus on using Unit Cubes for teaching Mathematics
  • Correct.png Article in Teacher Plus on paper folding
  • Correct.png Article in Teacher Plus [2]Mathematics e learning way
  • Correct.png Articles in CII Shiksha newsletters on blogging and online drawing tool
  • Correct.pngPrepared Formative assessment materials in Mathematics, classes VI to VIII for DAVIIER

ProfInt.pngMy Interests

MyProfessional interests

I am interested in programmes related to here

  • Correct.pngHands on Mathematics
  • Correct.pngenrichment of Mathematics teaching and learning using technology and otherwise
  • Correct.pnguse of open source in education
  • Correct.pngteacher training on web tools and technology
  • Correct.pngexploring GeoGebra for teaching-learning Mathematics
  • Correct.pngdeveloping e content
Exploring,learning and sharing is the mission.

Quotes which inspire me

These are the quotes which inspire me..

  • Correct.pngBe the change you want to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Correct.pngWhere there is a will there is a way
  • Correct.pngTogether we can!
  • Correct.pngWork is worship
  • Correct.pngThe success of a teacher is to be able to create joyful learning environments for students.
  • Correct.pngExperience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you. - Aldous Huxley

Exploring,learning and sharing is the mission.

Photo Gallery

Sweet memories

L4C-small.png My Projects on Wikieducator


Hands on Mathematics

Thanks to all my teachers, I am able to create.

Icon objectives.jpg
Why Hands on Mathematics?
Mathematics is a subject full of creativity. Who says its is dull or bore? It is the way how the subject is delivered which makes a difference. I have initiated this wiki page for collaboarting on developing a resource for learning Mathematics using hands on strategies for class 9 students.

Example activities created on WE

Exploring,learning and sharing is the mission.

Mathematics Community

I am a member of Mathematics community on WE. Participate in discussions Click here

MCQ's Mathematics

Created a project on aggregating MCQ's for practicing Mathematics.
Visit MCQ's Mathematics

Figures speak Mathematics

Created a project on creative use of Mathematics figures.
Visit Figures speak Mathematics

For reading more information visit my page Types of angles activity


I am your Wikineighbour.
80px-Wikineighbour V2.png

I believe in learning and sharing.

Networking.pngI am sharing at

Blog's Title 

Planet Infinity                

On this blog I am sharing about hands on Mathematics activities and various formative assessment Math tasks and activities for students of classes 9 and 10            

Planet infinity.jpg
Figures Speak This blog is my favourite. A picture says thousand words. Same is true for Math diagrams. They speak Mathematics. Watch it!
Mathematics Projects

Mathematics Videos
Mathematics Around  This is quite an interesting blog. Here, I have posted pictures from the surroundings for appreciating Mathematics everywhere.
Mathematics errors
# 13 Mathematics Street
Mathematics Learning This is the first blog created by me. Here, I am sharing about teaching learning strategies.

My GeoGebra Resources

GeoGebra is a dynamic open source free Mathematics software which has a great potential for learning geometry and algebra.

My Sandbox

Experiment zone 1

Visit my Sandbox-here I am practicing my wiki skills.

Correct.pngCorrect.pngRashkath Sandbox

They say "Practice makes a man perfect". Let me do that for achieving Wiki Apprentice level 2.Find my work here

Experiment zone 2

Correct.pngCorrect.pngRashkath Sandbox2 I am happy. I have completed all activities for Wiki Apprentice level 2.
RTENOTITLE Certificate orange.svg
Apply for wiki certification here

Experiment zone 3

Rashkath Sandbox3
This one is for practicing skills for wikibuddy.
Completed all the activities.
I am a wikibuddy.
RTENOTITLE Certificate green.svg

Experiment zone 4

I want to learn more and share.
Correct.pngCorrect.pngRashkath Sandbox4

Visit my page on WE Journey.
Journey on WE

Approx edit count: 1,195

My Reflection

The objective of joining eL4C51 Workshop Homepage is to enhance wiki skills and learn ways of sharing information, developing online content and get inspired from virtual enthusiasts. It is not that easy, as it looks. We need to work hard and spend time with a strong will to learn. Thanks to all the International facilitators for sparing their valuable time in making learning happen with their support.
Success lies in doing efforts.

Wiki Wiki

Wikieducator is surely a brilliant concept. I will add my drop of knowledge to this vast ocean of knowledge and spread the word.
Wikieducator has become an addiction. While exploring , I am not only learning but getting so many ideas of using it in education. Great!

Wiki Wiki


Everyday, I see Sunrise with lots of opportunities. The main strength of working on WE, is its power to work in a collaboration. The concept seems to be good provided taken seriously as I feel, lots of efforts are needed from both sides namely, the learner as well as the facilitator. Isn't it?

Wikieducator India
I am happy to start following Projects on WE.
Must Visit!!

Presentation on WE

By User:Mackiwg

<flash>file=slideshow-Flash8-GIF_PNG_support.swf|width=300|height=300|play=false|flashvars=?title=The WikiEducator Project&titleimage=../../images/0/00/Finder.png&slideformat=oo&slidecount=27&attachment=..//../images/0/03/Flash_slideshow_test.odp&slidenames=Welcome: COL:Question 1:The blackboard:The motion picture:Television:Computers:Question 2:Statistics:Question 3:WikiEducator:Wikipedia:Our mission:Question 4:Sharing knowledge:Essential freedoms:Question 5:Strategic plan:Projects:Question 6:Growth:Question 7:VUSSC:Navigator's Certificate:FLOSS4Edu:Learning4Content:Invitation&slides=../../images/8/8d/Intro_WikiEd.swf&audio=../../images/b/b1/Wikied_intro_slide1.mp3:../../images/a/ad/Wikied_intro_slide2.mp3:../../images/7/7e/Wikied_intro_slide3.mp3:../../images/0/01/Wikied_intro_slide4.mp3:../../images/d/dd/Wikied_intro_slide5.mp3:../../images/1/1f/Wikied_intro_slide6.mp3:../../images/8/83/Wikied_intro_slide7.mp3:../../images/3/37/Wikied_intro_slide8.mp3:../../images/6/6f/Wikied_intro_slide9.mp3:../../images/4/4d/Wikied_intro_slide10.mp3:../../images/5/59/Wikied_intro_slide11.mp3:../../images/f/f9/Wikied_intro_slide12.mp3:../../images/3/35/Wikied_intro_slide13.mp3:../../images/d/dd/Wikied_intro_slide14.mp3:../../images/3/3e/Wikied_intro_slide15.mp3:../../images/0/04/Wikied_intro_slide16.mp3:../../images/4/4c/Wikied_intro_slide17.mp3:../../images/1/1e/Wikied_intro_slide18.mp3:../../images/b/b0/Wikied_intro_slide19.mp3:../../images/a/a5/Wikied_intro_slide20.mp3:../../images/4/4c/Wikied_intro_slide21.mp3:../../images/f/fb/Wikied_intro_slide22.mp3:../../images/e/ee/Wikied_intro_slide23.mp3:../../images/b/b7/Wikied_intro_slide24.mp3:../../images/c/cf/Wikied_intro_slide25.mp3:../../images/7/7b/Wikied_intro_slide26.mp3:../../images/b/b2/Wikied_intro_slide27.mp3&borderColour=#E4EDF2</flash> Try this quiz!!
Icon qmark.gif
A Multiple Choice Quiz
  • What is the full form of OER?
    • Open Ended Resource
      • Try again
    • Open Extra Resource
      • Try again
    • Only Education Resource
      • Try again
    • Open Education Resource
      • Good Job!

Add your name here

Feedback & Notes from my WikiNeighbours

Please write here...Thanks

Kudos for being featured Congratulations!!! You are doing a fantastic work, well deserved --Ravi limaye 05:38, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

Hi. Congratulations!!! You are doing a fantastic work, well deserved!!!--Alejacha 14:30, 6 November 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Congratulations on "WikiEducator User Page Expo ("UPE") Award winner" fantastic work, well deserved. -Michael Verhaart 09:34, 4 November 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Congratulations on your achievement. Your work is truly commendable. Keep up the good work! --KalpanaKalpana Gupte 07:10, 4 November 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Fantastic work Rashmi. Absolutely inspiring. All the best.--Agnes 13:29, 20 October 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Congrats for Wikkibuddy status. Kudos for that.Your page is wonderful --Ravi limaye 09:40, 4 October 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Hi Rashmi, You have done a wonderful job with your page .Keep up the good work .I'm your wikineighbour .Balqis Thaahaveettil)

Re: Dear Rashmi, I am truly impressed with your user page, very innovative and creative. I have not seen such creativity on any page before. Well done. Warm wishes--Patricia Schlicht 16:07, 3 October 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Hellow Rashkath, You are a darling. That's very kind of you. i appreciate it. pls could you help me reduce the size to half of what it is now. Also can you help me to get it to appear on my infobox where i made provision for it(very small size). thank you so much. You are really living up to the role of a mentor. Catch you later.
Regards --uchendu 10:53, 2 October 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Hi Rashmi,your page is beautiful. You've gone professional you know. I want you to mentor me. Please how do I upload Nigerian flag so that it will be swinging like your own and also be visible? --Uchendu 10:34, 1 October 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Hello Rashmi,Hats off to you, is all that I can say, as I go through your beautifully set pages. I am still an amateur in this field and would love it if you could hold my extended hand and lead me. 1. How do you get the dassling words in boxes in your page?
2. How did you upload a voice caption?
3 Do you set pictures on this page the usual way that we do for our mails?
Please, Please do advice.Thanks in advance. --NIMS Mrs. Nirmala Parameswaran) 18:45, 29 September 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Hello Rashmi, congratulations for elevated into wiki level 2. You deserve for that and try to go higher levels as well. Your userpage is very impressive and full of worthy content. Keep it up. I am from a Physics background. If you are interested to collaborate to design a module on Mathematical Physics at any level, contact me. Best wishes.--Dr. K S Ramakrishnan 01:11, 29 September 2011 (UTC))

  • 80px-Wikineighbour V2.pngCongrats, I too have received certificate Apprentice level 2.It is indeed encouraging. --Ravi limaye 03:22, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Thanks!--Rashkath 17:13, 28 September 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Hello, Can you please tell me how to be a wikineighbour?--Ravi limaye 14:41, 28 September 2011 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Hello Rashmi, your page is very impressive. Keep it up! -- R C Sharma, PhD 12:35, 28 September 2011 (UTC))

  • Hi Rashmi, I saw your application for Wiki Apprentice level 2 on the request page. I went ahead and certified you directly to level 2. Congratulations, you've certainly learned the skills. In looking over your page, I see that you have a main interest in mathematics. I do too, although my focus is in statistics. I am starting up a new WikiEducator:Mathematics Community; feel free to add your name to the list. Your WikiNeighbour, Alison Snieckus 21:23, 27 September 2011 (UTC)

  • 80px-Wikineighbour V2.pngI always find something new to learn on your page .The embedded vedio is good. I have applied for the Apprentice level 1. Have you applied?--Ravi limaye 16:18, 26 September 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Hello Rashkath, your user page is excellent. hope to have a meaningful interaction with you.)Veena Dhume.

  • 80px-Wikineighbour V2.pngHi, welcome to eLC51.It's great to be on this course with you. Best regards.--Godfredabledu 07:29, 25 September 2011 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Hi Rashmi, Greetings! Congratulations for having decided to join eL4C!...and wishing you a very interesting and worthy learning time with the eminent facilitators of our WikiEducator family! Warm regards Anil Prasad 17:15, 24 September 2011 (UTC))

Re: I am happy to learn in the community of wikieducator. I have explored GeoGebra and created around 100 math applets for exploring Secondary Mathematics.Some applets are uploaded on the GeoGebra wiki. Please share the detail about the GeoGebra institute. I am doing training programmes for Maths teachers on using GeoGebra.--Rashkath 08:18, 19 September 2011 (UTC)

Re: Hi Rashmi, It is a privilege to meet you here and learn from each other. You are quite comfortable with the Read/Write Web. Welcome. I am so happy that you are a member of my team.

Re: By the way, I'm a lover of Mathematics although I cannot hold a candle to you. :-) I promote Maths my way and have started the very first GeoGebra Institute in India. --Sebastian Panakal 08:18, 18 September 2011 (UTC)

Re: I'm sure we can collaborate at GeoGebra platform. A friend of mine is interested in setting up a GeoGebra Institute and train teachers to use GeoGebra in Schools. He is one of the students here. Participant No. 134, Biju Vasudevan's wife is a post graduate running a training centre. He is interested in getting GeoGebra training for himself and his wife. I will be bringing in many teachers to GeoGebra platform shortly. I am really taking the plunge into your GeoGebra applets to learn it in depth. Thank you for sharing.--Sebastian Panakal 14:07, 18 September 2011 (UTC)

Welcome to eL4C51

Your facilitators:
Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg