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Contact-new.svg Alison Snieckus
Occupation:Educator, Measurement Statistician
Languages:English (sadly, only this one)
Country:Flag of USA United States of America
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I live in the USA, near Trenton, New Jersey and work at Princeton Learning Cooperative, a personalized learning community for teens. At our center on the north side of Princeton, there are about 30 teens attending and I am one of 3 staff teachers, although not the usual kind of teacher who instructs classes of students in learning a particular subject matter. I do teach classes, biology, statistics, nature, book club and a class we call "do something", but at PLC we approach learning from a different perspective. First and foremost, each teen is empowered to self-determine their own learning, with the help and support of the PLC teachers and their families. Each of the PLC teachers meets individually each week with about 10 teens, helping them to make the day-to-day decisions about how they will spend their time, and to document how these choices contribute to their education (for use later in college applications and the like). We offer various learning opportunities at the center: classes, one-one-one tutoring, trips, and youth-led activities, and we also help teens find volunteer and work opportunities in the community. One thing to note is that PLC is not a school and has no ability to confer grades or a diploma. When teens leaves traditional school to join PLC, they legally become a homeschooler, and with PLC's help the teens and their parents determine the educational path.

PLC is one of a number of centers in North America which uses an educational model based on the groundbreaking work of North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens which has been in existence since 1996. A group of us recently created a non-profit, Liberated Learners, to support and promote the creation of centers like PLC and North Star. It's exciting work.

I came to PLC from the homeschooling community. I am trained in educational measurement, and worked at Educational Testing Service (ETS, the makers of the famed SAT, TOEFL, GRE....) from 1986 to 2000. But when my oldest child became discontent in public school, we decided to go it alone, to "homeschool," without any particular specified curriculum. And so, I gave up my job at ETS, happily because I disagree with yearly standardised testing in elementary and secondary schools as the primary measure of accountability, which was just coming into fashion.

In 2004, a fellow homeschooling parent and I founded a local group for teens to have the opportunity to study and collaborate together: E-cubed: Experience, Explore, Educate. Our once per week sessions are designed around teen-led activities. The group has grown over the years, such that we now maintain a waiting list.

I completed homeschooling my children in 2011 (the oldest is an electrical engineer working in Chicago; the younger will graduate in 2015 from the United States Merchant Marine Academy). The timing couldn't have been better. Just as I was finishing up with homeschooling my children, PLC was engaged in their pilot program. I find it quite rewarding to use the skills and ideas I developed homeschooling my own children to help other young people who, for many different reasons, have decided to direct their own education.

In 2009-2010, I taught a hybrid course in Introductory Statistics to 5 secondary students who homeschool. The online portion of the course is provided by Carnegie Mellon University's Open Learning Initiative. We met once per week to do collaborative activities. The goal of the course is to encourage students to think statistically, to communicate accurately and comprehensively about data, and to use a critical framework to evaluate studies.

For one semester a year from 2010-2013, I taught Statistical Methods I or II for the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. These intro courses are required for students seeking a Master's in Education in the Educational Psychology department, and for various other programs in the School of Education. Rather than the usual computational, grade-focused approach to teaching statistics, I endeavored to create an environment for students to try out, learn about and apply basic statistical concepts..."let the software do the calculations and focus on learning how to interpret the results".

I feel like a theme runs through all of the work that I do: advocating for an educational system that better recognizes and values the rich potential of individual variation among human beings. Why do we think that all children should be force-fed a curriculum based on a narrow set of common standards, devised, largely, at the beginning of the last century? Every child (and certainly every teenager) deserves the option to self-determine his/her own education with the help of caring adults.

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“Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.” --Albert Einstein

My interests/passions:

  • freedom in education (is personal choice in education any different than personal choice in religion?)
  • self-directed, student centric learning for secondary school students
Dana Bennis of The Institute for Democratic Education in America suggests that our goal should be
" change the national culture and practice of education to one that values a broad definition of learning and success and that provides all young people with meaningful involvement in their learning." [1]

  • statistics, visual display of data, unintended consequences, misuse of data
  • fostering seeing eye puppies until they're old enough to go into guide dog training

My WE projects

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Web Resources

Article on the importance and preeminence of free-choice learning in science: The 95 percent solution: School is not where most Americans learn most of their science, by John H. Falk and Lynn D. Dierking, in American Scientist, Nov-Dec 2010.

On evaluating on-line learning materials:

A couple of my favorite resources about interpretation of data:

Some useful sites for creating statistics content:

Some content that's perhaps better suited to a subpage

My sandbox

My Quotebox

Learning- and education-related books, including inspiring direct quotes and any thoughts that occurred to me at the time


  1. Bennis, Dana. Evolving towards IDEA: Introducing the Institute for Democratic Education in America. Education Revolution, vol 22, no. 2.

Notes from my WikiNeighbours

I love getting messages from neighbours, but my preference is for you to leave a message on my discussion page.a To leave a message for me, click the "discussion" tab above, and then click again on "Start a new discussion".

aThe reason for my preference is that I am using the LQTemail gadget (available on the "Gadgets" tab in "my preferences") to send me an email whenever I have a new message. You can read more about this option at WikiEducator:Liquid Threads.

CONGRATULATIONS on winning the UPE award for July 2014! Your page is admirable --Kalpana Gupte 19:19, 11 August 2014 (UTC)

Thanks, Kalpana, much appreciated. --Alison Snieckus 10:27, 12 August 2014 (UTC)

Archive of notes from my WikiNeighbours