User:Ravi limaye

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मुक्त शिक्षा संसाधन

15,January 2025 18:46
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Wiki Educator is a Revolutionary tool

Professional Background

Contact-new.svg Ravi Limaye रवि लिमये(Mission Wikieducator)
Occupation:Researcher (NITTTR, Bhopal) Director (Research) SRK University
Languages:English, Marathi, Hindi, Telugu
Country:India Flag.gif
Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Kruhly .
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for WikiEducator.
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  Cape Town OED
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for WikiEducator.
Round Generic Award Ribbon.svg This user page has been featured at the User Page Expo!

  Kuser.png Professional Background

I strongly believe the philosophy of OER and happy the way wikieducator is creating a breed of people with open mindset. I make it a point, not to miss any of the wikieducator workshops. They have always something new to offer besides knowing a larger community which is creating digital content. The recent workshop on Creative Licencing opened the Windows of my Brain and realized that it is important to acknowledge, share and adapt Creative Commons licening.Every workshop has been the best learning experience for me.

I further wish to learn about WEnotes, creation of local level workshops using the wikieducator platform. I have a Mission. I call it Mission Wikieducator. I need assistance of all and, I will be there where I can contribute.

I am Ravi Limaye. I am an Engineer.I am a Life Long Learner.I have worked in various Sectors like Defence (Indian Air Force),Telecommunications, Software and IT Application Development. I am presently in Education Sector where I get a chance to use my Multi Sector Experience.In Education Sector I have undertaken Assignments on

  • Institution Building and Capacity Enhancement in Higher Education (Engineering, M.Tech, MBA,B.Ed, M.Ed)
  • Accreditation of the Courses in Higher Education Sector
  • Community Radio Station.
  • TEQIP Philosophy Advocacy
  • Conceptualization of Reforms in Higher Education Institutes
  • Establishing Research Culture in Organizations

To enhance myself I am doing M.Tech from NITTTR (National Institute for Technical Teachers Training and Research),Bhopal and Doctorate in MOOCs and belive in Open Learning in Higher Education Segment Advocacy.

Internet and Web Applications have always fascinated me and the Experience with WE is phenomenal, I started with this workshop and as each day passed, I found various possibilties and learned about the wiki syntax, wiki tracking.Wikieducator has fascinated me and I see a great potential in the collabrative Authoring Platform and the Training Methodology is impressive, time tested and effective for self learning. I wish to do Collabrative Content Development on this wonderful Platform.As a person who firmly believes in "Open Mindset" , Collabrative Learning, I am eagar to know more and contribute more for WE.The e-learning ecosystem of WE focusing on Capacity building, Connecting and Content focus is well concieved implemented system. The Wisdom of Crowd can be tapped through Open Editing. The peers are Peer Guru's. The Facilitators are omnipresent to be ideal Guru's. I have decided to devote time for WE.
My Mission

Follow The WikiEducator Advocacy : 
*Planning of education projects linked with the development of free content; 
*Development of free content on Wikieducator for e-learning; 
*Work on building open education resources (OERs)  
*Use Creative Commons BY-SA


Kuser.png Education शिक्षा समाज के लिए एक उपहार है

My Interests

My Projects


My optional community service (learning contract) project

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of Project
<I wish to use the collaborative strength of wikieducator to develop content adapting Problem based Learning Approach >
[Problem Based Learning]
Target date for completion
<Specify the target date for completion is 15 April 2012 you choose the date which can be after the completion of this workshop>.
 <Login and with the rich text editor click on the "Insert signature" button above: --Ravi limaye 01:07, 18 February 2012 (UTC)Signature button RTE.png.>

My Sandbox


My Current Sandbox

Wiki workshops I have completed

  • EL4C51 - I got my introduction to wiki educator and achieved my WikiBuddy badge.
  • OCL4Ed - learned a lot about the different Creative Commons Licenses and how educators can effectively use them in their practice.
  • EL4C52 - refreshing my wiki skills and creating new content.

In this Course I am attempting to develop collaborative learning environment for PoBL i.e. Problem Based Learning.The link is given below:

The Sandbox of my last Course (EL4C51) :

The Sandbox pages of this Course (EL4C52)


  • Hi Ravi! Very much pleased to see your keen interest in developing OER. Hope to join your learning troop soon!--Chinmayee Bhange 16:40, 10 June 2012 (UTC)
  • Welcome Ravi -- Pleased to see you have joined this workshop as well. Your passion for OER and its potential for widening access to learning in India is inspiring. --Wayne Mackintosh 21:17, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I am a Researcher in webbased collabarative learning environments. It is great to learn wikiskills through the creativity of peers and the inputs given by the workshop.--Ravi limaye 09:06, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
  • Glad to see you here my WE colleague .We were together for our first workshop too .Hope to collaborate and learn from each other more in the coming days .Balqis Thaahaveettil 22:23, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
  • Nice to meet you Ravi! I am slowly making my way through the course. Feeling a little behind. I feel fortunate for the opportunity to learn about wiki's in such dynamic way. I have been trying to decide on what kind of project to get involved with here. What do you have in mind for your Problem-based learning project? Have you started a page for it yet? --Kstone 21:09, 21 February 2012 (UTC)
  • A very good day to you. I am presently functioning as Assistant Director(Academic) at National Institute of Open Schooling,India. We are involved in the development of OER for our vocational courses. If you want to know more about me click on the link.
  • I am a Researcher in webbased collabarative learning environments. It is great to learn wikiskills through the creativity of peers and the inputs given by the workshop. I would love to learn from your experience. I liked your page. --Ravi limaye 09:10, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
  • Thanks... I have learned a lot from your user page. I saw you very active in many areas.It shall be a pleasure getting inputs from your side. --Pramod Kumar T.K. 10:27, 17 February 2012 (UTC)
  • तुम्हाला खरे वाटणार नाही पण मी दोन दिवसांपूर्वी सहज तुमचे page visit केले आणि मला वाटले की तुम्हाला UPE award मिळाला पाहिजे आणि आता mail बघितले तर तुमचे नाव आहे. Hearty Congratulations! Well deserved. --Kalpana Gupte 17:30, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
  • I liked your page and I am quoting your spirit "I am grateful to the encouragement that i got from Gita Mathur, Patricia Schlicht and Dr. R.C Sharma who were my first Gurus. What गुरु दक्षिणा can i offer them other than doing my best to try to spread what i learnt?" I wish to live this spirit --Ravi limaye 01:07, 13 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Hi Ravi, brilliant news on winning March 2012 WikiEducator User Page Expo. Great to read about your enthusiasm and projects in the forum. -Michael Verhaart 19:57, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Your pages have motivated me to learn the wiki skills , I am thankful for that. The great thing about WE is not just the virtual part, but the collaboration which makes it "HUMAN" . --Ravi limaye 01:07, 13 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Congratulations on being featured for the Use Page Expo! --SteveFoerster 03:29, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Steve, Thanks a lot --Ravi limaye 01:08, 13 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Congratulations on winning the UPE award for March 2012 !--Balqis Thaahaveettil 19:21, 22 March 2012 (UTC)