Michael Verhaart

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Contact-new.svg Dr Michael Verhaart (virtualMV)
Occupation:Tertiary Education Contractor, formerly Associate Professor
Nationality:New Zealander
Country:New Zealand
Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Gita_Mathur .
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  Cape Town OED
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This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.
L4C-small.png This user was a proud participant of eL4C41.

L4C-small.png This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate eL4C48, a WikiEducator Gives Back workshop.
L4C-small.png This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate eL4C50, a WikiEducator Gives Back workshop.

L4C-small.png This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate eL4C51, a WikiEducator Gives Back workshop.

> to my wiki classroom

Hi everyone,

Welcome to a virtualMV (the real one typed this in!!). When I'm not around, I tell my students to contact my virtual presence the virtualMV so I created my web site as virtualmv and it contains my Blog and teaching wiki. I am in the process of transferring this wiki to wikieducator but this will take some time as there are a lot of pages!! (I'm also @virtualmv on twitter). You can leave me a message on this Pinboard too.

I am an Associate Professor in Information Technology at the Eastern Institute of Technology, in Hawke's Bay (EIT Hawke's Bay), New Zealand, and completed my PhD in 2009.
I enjoy walking and gardening, and when the opportunity arises a round of golf. I am also part of the uked@eit ukulele group (We even have our own facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/ukedeit?ref=ts ).

As in all wikis I encourage others to fiddle, so am enjoying others editing this user page also ( especially Steph ).


  • I have a BSC (Mathematics) and BSc(hons) in Information Science
  • I am a trained Secondary School Teacher in Mathematics & Science (a long - long time ago!)
  • In 2009 I completed a PhD in Information Systems with Massey University, New Zealand.

My interests


I have an interest in using Web based technology to support my teaching, particularly in the area of personal support - as I believe that we share ourselves in our teaching - not just content, so what we deliver is peculiar to us.

Through my PhD and since graduating I have been lucky to be able to present at conferences in many different countries like:

    • 2003: Hawaii (ED-MEDIA),
    • 2004: Finland - Joensuu (ICALT),
    • 2006: The Netherlands - Kerkrade (ICALT),
    • 2007: Canada - Quebec City (E-Learn), Edmunton(my supervisor was Prof. Kinshuk from Athabasca Univ),
    • 2012: Italy - Rome (ICALT)
    • 2012: Bangladesh - Dhaka, and of course
    • New Zealand

To find out more go to my profile.

Some basic analytics to see who visits this page

In order to help me track visitors I have added a Clustrmap (Started Dec 14, 2011 The page had 4,738 hits at this date)

Some multimedia

Icon multimedia.gif





Tutorials icon.svg Wikieducator_Tutorials

my WikiEducator Courses


WikiEducator (Co-)Facilitator

*2010 (Dec 6-17) eL4C48 (Home | Introductions ),

WikiEducator Links

Links web browser logo.png

History using WikiEducator


I have been aware of WikiEducator for a few years and have dipped in from time to time to try and understand what the goals and aims were before thinking of getting involved (plus I needed to complete a PhD). Along side to help understand the technology - and because I wanted to have a web based system to support my teaching - I installed on my Web Host MediaWiki and proceeded to put my personal content online ( http://www.virtualmv.com/wiki )

In September 2009 was doing another "dipping" and found the content page had be edited and many of the Primary/Secondary links were replaced with a personal note. After contacting Leigh Blackhall I took a leap of faith and undid the changes to bring the links back (hopefully this was done ok as its quite different doing a private site or a massively public one !!!)

#vmvwiki microblog




Comments about the papers on wikiResearcher

Add your comments here - put your signature after (-~~~~)


Maintaining the content quality in a MediaWiki wiki

OER university



Roodlicht (horizontal pair).gif
Roodlicht (horizontal pair).gif
Roodlicht (horizontal pair).gif

OER stuff

Open educational resources animated

OER Week 2012

  • Professor Jim Taylor, University of Southern Queensland, (Video including a taster of the "pedagogy of discovery" planned for USQ's OERu prototype course: Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific)
  • Vasi Doncheva, NorthTec (Slide show presentation on why NorthTec has joined the OERu network and anticipated return on investment.)
  • Professor Sandra Wills, University of Wollongong (Slide show highlighting what joining the OERu network means for a top 200 research university and blended learning.)
  • Gabi Witthaus, University of Leicester (Slide show summarising progress on the Toucans research project on the OERu).
  • Professor Rory McGreal, UNESCO-COL Chair for OER and team at Athabasca University showcased the new OER Knowledge Cloud.
  • Wayne Mackintosh, OER Foundation (Due to travel commitments, I recorded an informal asynchronous video profiling our international OERu partners.)

OpenEducation Practices

Creative Commons

My wiki projects

  1. 2008, July: I needed to find an alternative learning content platform to my custom ASP written one, so installed MediaWiki and started my own wiki ( http://www.virtualmv.com/wiki )

Some thoughts & suggestions from Wayne

(Copied from Workshop introductions page)

Are you aware of the OERNZ project which is building a national commons of OER for the school sector in New Zealand. You may be interested in a Bounty project to develop an OER wiki exemplar or becoming a New Zealand Wiki-facilitator and running a few wiki-taster sessions in your area. With apology to the internationals -- this is a project funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Education -- but a good example to replicate in other countries! --Wayne Mackintosh 11:11, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

--Would love to become a wiki-facilitator (as I seem to have a passion for this :) -Mverhaart 09:40, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

  • (Comment.gif: Just send an email or discussion message to Wayne. I am sure you will be a successful Facilitator & will enjoy it too.--Dr. Gita Mathur 09:52, 28 July 2010 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: 2nd October is the birthday of this great man. Mahatma means Noble Great Soul.Let us take some of his lessons and make our world Wikieducator.orga great place.--Ravi limaye 17:24, 2 October 2011 (UTC))

My optional community service (learning contract) project

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of project
Adding my JavaScript content
Target date for completion
July 2013
RTENOTITLE.--Mverhaart 06:05, 28 April 2013 (UTC)

My Sandbox

My sandbox (link also at the top of this page)

Test OOo Upload Components of an Internet Computer System

  • Adding my page to your web site

Some iFrame thoughts -Mverhaart 04:26, 11 August 2010 (UTC)

  • Tested it on an HTML Web site. Can be confusing with Internal links as there is no obvious way to return back to the previous page (however browser back button does work).
  • A more generalised format (using MediaWiki MAGIC Words) for cutting and pasting is

<iframe frameborder="1" height="300" src="https://wikieducator.org/User:Mverhaart" width="100%"><p> Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe>

  • Which could be incorporated into the wiki as a template {{REMIX|height|width}} with a default {{REMIX|300px|100%}}
  • Not sure you want every page to have this enabled
  • as mentioned above - does not work in another MediaWiki Site unless iFrames is enabled. Have had MediaWiki complain about the security of an iFrame page - will need to test WE. (I use the IFrame widget http://www.mediawikiwidgets.org/Iframe for my MediaWiki )

A quick quiz

This illustrates the quiz extension in WikiEducator

Icon qmark.gif

Did you really read my page?


1. What am I known as on the internet (check all correct answers)?

(a) Michael
(b) virtualMV
Yep, that's what my web site is also [1]
(c) @virtualMV on Twitter
That's right also.
(d) All of the above.
Absolutely Correct! Ok this was a trick question, but I like to give positive feedback!!

Your score is 0 / 0

(Comment.gif: Go to wikiversities Help:Quiz-Simple page for instructions on how to do a quiz)

Approx edit count: 4,651

Some WikiEducator Links

  • EIT Related
  • If you would like to put your link here I will drop by your profile page (or add a comment below)
    • use -Shijna 09:52, 5 December 2010 (UTC) if you want to do it quickly :)
    • add your user name here ..

Feedback and notes from my WikiNeighbours

  • Congratulations on being the UPE winner for September 2013!! Well deserved --Steph 22:09, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
  • Congratulations! Very happy to see how your page has grown and matured. A lot to learn. I recall your newbie days to co-facilitator times with pleasure. Keep inspiring and adding. Warm wishes --Dr. Gita Mathur 01:51, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
  • Thank you Steph & Gita - the wiki way has certainly been a passion of mine. --Michael 02:26, 1 October 2013 (UTC)

eL4C51 2011 September-October

eL4C50 2011 April

eL4C48 2010 December (I was a co-facilitator)

eL4C41 2010 July (I was a student :)

Icon Reference.png References

Mverhaart. (2025). In WikiEducator. Retrieved January 19, 2025, from https://wikieducator.org/Mverhaart    (zotero)

this is nice to hear from you ;hopefully we will work together

Rezelki (talk) 04:08, 7 March 2015 (UTC) Richard was here