Learning4Content/Workshops/Face-to-Face schedule/L4C11
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[hide]L4C11, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
This is the second workshop to be held in PNG.
Confirmed Participants (12 Males, 4 Females)
Date:11th-14th August 2008
Venue: Flexible Open Distance Education Centre (FODE)
With thanks to Demas!
- UPNG OC University of PNG Open College [1]
- FODE Flexible Open Distance Education Centre, Education PNG
- CDAD Curriculum Development and Assessment Division, Education PNG
- VU Vudal University
- PSTC Professional Staff Training College
- UOG University of Goroka
Feedback from Group Activities
What are the issues affecting quality with open authoring? L4C11 participants divided into 3 groups and discussed the above. Their feedback is recorded here