WikiAmbassador/Record of promotional-events
[hide]- 1 Record of Ambassador activities
- 1.1 Dr. Wayne Mackintosh
- 1.2 Kim Tucker
- 1.3 Steve Foerster
- 1.4 Patricia Schlicht
- 1.5 Sandra Schaffert
- 1.6 Günther Osswald
- 1.7 Sanjaya Mishra
- 1.8 Pankaj Khare
- 1.9 Minhaaj ur Rehman
- 1.10 Victor Paa Kwesi Mensah
- 1.11 Dennis S. Doe
- 1.12 Christine Geith
- 1.13 Jim Tittsler
- 1.14 Nellie Deutsch
- 1.15 Leutha
- 1.16 Dr. Gita Mathur
- 1.17 Nadia El Borai
- 1.18 M. A. Halim
- 1.19 Subol Ghosh
Record of Ambassador activities
Ambassadors for WikiEducator are encouraged to list the activities and events on this page where they have promoted our community project.
Dr. Wayne Mackintosh
List of major conferences, workshops, events and publications where WikiEducator was promoted by this Ambassador.
- "Can You Lead from Behind? Critical Reflections on the Rhetoric of E-Learning, Open Distance Learning, and ICTs for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa". Keynote address, E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation. EDEN 2006 Annual Conference, 14 -17 June 2006, Vienna, Austria.
- VUSSC, Mauritius boot camp, August 2006.
- Breaking down OERs: What they are and how they can help your university. Keynote address, African Virtual University Vice Chancellor's Conference, Nov 2006, Nairobi, Kenya.
- The Role of Free Content and Open Educational Resources in the Education Sector, a COL perspective, Keynote address at the FLOSS4Edu Open Educational Resources Workshop, 22-23 November, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Big Ideas and Working Programmes: Internationalization of Education, Development, Partnership, and the Role of Open, Flexible, and Distance Education. Wayne Mackintosh co-presented during this session planned by the World Campus at Pennsylvania State University, 7 December 2006 United States;
- WikiEducator Workshop for Teacher Educators, 25 - 26 February, 2007, New Dehli, India.
- WikiEducator: Turning the digital divide into digital dividends, plenary paper at the eLearning in Teacher Education conference, 26-28 February, University of New Delhi, India.
- E-delivery Methods in Distance Education (DE) and Extension/Outreach - Case Studies. Invited speaker at the Indo-US Workshop: Innovative E-technologies for Distance Education, Extension / Outreach in Efficient Water Management ICRISAT, (Patancheru) Hyderabad, AP, India, 5 - 9 March, 2007.
- VUSSC, Singapore Boot Camp, March 2007.
- Ask the expert: Expanding access to education. Interview by Penn State Outreach, Spring 2007.
- WikiEducator: Memoirs, myths, misrepresentations and the magic. Wayne Mackintosh reflects on the first year of WikiEducator over at Terra Incognita, 4 April 2007.
- Open source within the Global Context, Invited workshop session for the CADE (Canadian Association for Distance Education)/AMTEC (Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada), conference, Winnipeg, Canada, May 13-16, 2007.
- WikiEducator: Turning the digital divide into digital dividends - I hope Australia can help. Invited speaker. e-Trends. Australian Flexible Learning Framework, Brisbane, Australia, June 20, 2007. (Virtual Presentation).
- Sustainable innovation in mega-projects: An 'education for all' imperative. A paper reflecting on how OER projects like Wikieducator can inform educational innovation within the Wikimedia Foundation projects. Invited speaker. Wikimania 2007. Taipei, Taiwan, August 3-5, 2007.
- Pacific Regional workshop on OERs, Wellington, New Zealand, August 13-15, 2007. Wiki Pacifika is launched by representatives from The Republic of Kiribati, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau and Tuvalu.
- Seminar on WikiEducator and OERs. Otago Polytechnic. Dunedin, New Zealand, 17 August 2007.
- Open Education Resources (OERs): An ODL future that has already happened?. Keynote address. 42nd DEASA Regional Conference and Workshop. Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, 14 September 2007.
- WikiEducator: Turning the digital divide into digital dividends. I hope India will join us. Invited speaker. Development of Self-learning Materials (SLM) for Distance and Online Learning, Workshop for Indian distance educators hosted by STRIDE, Indira Gandhi National Open Univeristy. New Dehli. 29 October - 3 November, 2007.
- Getting Started and Lessons Learned: Internationalizing Online Programs, Pre-conference workshop. The power of online learning: Making a difference, 13th Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning. 6 November 2007, Orlando, Florida. Co-facilitated the session with Ken Udas, World Campus, Pennsylvania State University and Chris Geith, Michigan State University reflecting on COL's experiences with VUSSC and WikiEducator.
- Open Educational Resources. Featured session co-presented with Chris Geith, Michigan State University. The power of online learning: Making a difference, 13th Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning. 7 - 11 November 2007, Orlando, Florida. During the session I profiled WikiEducator's peer-production model of OER development.
- WikiEducator: ICT Policy and application. Study tour of Pakistan Vice Chancellors and Registrars, to the Commonwealth of Learning, 8 May 2008.
- WikiEducator: DE reincarnated or new innovation? DEANZ online seminar, 17 June 2008.
- Commonwealth values in a digital world: WikiEducator, an international community project. Session presented at the 5th Pan-Commonwealth Forum, 3 to 17 July 2008, University of London, London.
- Two Learning4Content Workshops, Tonga, 11 to 15 August, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga.
- Co-facilitated the Heywire8 Think Tank, 22 August 2008, Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand.
- Connecting WikiEducators through Heywire8: Kiwi innovations seeding a quantum shift for sustainable education futures?, Invited speaker, 9 September 2008, eFest 2008, Auckland New Zealand.
- WikiEducator: Delivering on the OER promise, Keynote presentation. Open Education, 24 September 2008, Utah State Univerisy, Logan Utah.
- WikiEducator: A return to the traditions of the academy, Invited speaker. CIDER Sessions, 1 October 2008.
Kim Tucker
- During the Social Entrepreneurship project (mainly Wikiversity but also on WikiEducator) repeatedly promoted Learning4Content.
- NADEOSA conference 2008 - started Become a Great Teacher.
- Idlelo 3 in Dakar - created FLOSSBusiness site.
- While initiating Social Entrepreneurship (main portal on Wikiversity).
- Open Education 2007: while describing a variety of activities in southern Africa, mentioned FLOSS4Edu and the navigators certificate on WikiEducator, and eXe.
- NADEOSA 42nd regional conference keynote: drew attention to WikiEducator while showing how we can save the world with libre knowledge.
- Meeting concerning the establishment of an international network of universities focused on student social entrepreneurship (20 June 2007). Proposed use of Wikieducator as a base for learning resource development and use for this initiative.
- Meraka Innovate Conference, 18-20 April 2007. Handed out the brochure (along with education-related FLOSS and docs) on USBs to speakers, and mentioned Wikieducator during relevant sessions.
- OSISA cluster meeting, 27-28 February, Johannesburg. Wikieducator promoted during the capacity building breakaway and report back.
- FLOSSLit (FLOSS Literacy): WikiEducator promoted as a venue for learning and development of relevant libre learning resources.
- Developer Roadshow West Africa - along with eXe, promoted WikiEducator.
I also promote strength in diversity, and will say good things about Connexions, Le Mill, AVOIR/Kewl, EduCommons, Wikiversity, etc. - co-evolution.
Steve Foerster
List of events and publications where Steve has promoted WikiEducator.
- Article: WikiEducator: A New Media Platform for Education for Development in i4d Magazine's August 2008 issue.
Presentation: OER Advisory Committee of the Virginia state legislature's Joint Commission on Technology and Science, 1 October 2007, Chester, Virginia, U.S.Cancelled! :-(
- Article: Organisation Spotlight: WikiEducator on as a follow up to the Summit.
- Presentation: iCommons Summit in Dubrovnik, Croatia; 14-17 June 2007. I spoke repeatedly about WikiEducator -- and I mean repeatedly! I also spoke with a number of people interested in a Spanish language edition of WikiEducator, along the same model as the existing French language one.
- Presentation: Student Participation in Wiki-Based Curriculum Development: An Invitation to WikiEducator. Free Culture National Conference, 26 May 2007, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Patricia Schlicht
List of where WikiEducator was promoted by this Ambassador.
- Promoted Wikieducator by giving several presentations 1) on WIZIQ, an online virtual boardroom and 2) face-to-face a) to a delegation of Women Leaders in ICT in the Commonwealth resulting in some of them getting involved b) held one of three hands-on Learning4Content (L4C)workshop for about 20 people during the 5th Pan-Commonwealth Forum and others.
- Organised most of the L4C online workshops and worked in collaboration with educational institutions in the Commonwealth to organise face-to-face workshops, to teach the WE Newbie Tutorials.
- Promoting WikiEducator and the Learning4Content project by actively (co-) faciltiating online workshops (~20).
- (Re-)introduced the concept of WikiEducator and the Learning4Content project in Commonwealth countries such as Malaysia, Samoa, Tonga, Nauru, Tuvalu and Zambia, Barbados and many others, resulting in face-to-face trainings that took place. Learning4Content.
- Team member, carrying out the WikiEducator Council elections
- Assisted countries with the design of their bottom line Learning4Content pages, where applicable, ex: Zambia and several nodes internal and extermal, for example a Culture and Culinary Education Nodes
- Wikis, Podcasts and Blogs: Posted information about upcoming Learning4Content workshops on Technorati or other interesting platforms where this would be appropriate
- Promoted WikiEducator by inviting several potential participants to join WikiEducator using my own contact networks in the Eldis Development database, and others.
- Promoting WikiEducator to people in my own local neighborhood community, whenever I can.
- Promoted WikiEducator by pairing people up for collaboration for the purpose of content development on WE.
Sandra Schaffert
List of events and publications where Sandra has (or will have) promoted WikiEducator.
- Schaffert, Sandra & Geser, Guntram (2008). Open Educational Resources and Practices. In: elearningpapers, 7, Februar 2008. (abstracts in 16 European languages available)
- Attwell, Graham; Geser, Guntram; Hilzensauer, Wolf & Schaffert, Sandra (2008). Open Educational Resources: Recommendations and Exemplary Tutorials. To be published in the Proceedings of the SCIL Congress, St. Gallen, CH.
- ZUM Wiki Workshop 2008
- together with Nuria Ferran Ferrer (2007). Workshop "Hands on tips for planning, searching, producing and publishing open educational content in eLearning". Presentation of the train-the-trainer handbook produced by the EU-Project "Open eLearning Content Observatory Services" ( at the 3. EduMedia Conference 2007, "Open Education enhanced by Web 2.0!?!", Open Educational Practices and Resources for Lifelong Learning, 16th - 17th of April 2007 in Salzburg, A.
- Salzburg Research, EduMedia Group Newsletter (2007). Wikieducator. URL:
- Geser, Guntram & Schaffert, Sandra (2007). Open Educational Resources: Features, Trends and Implications. In: ERCIM-News, 71, October 2007, pp. 19-20
- Geser, Guntram; Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika & Schaffert, Sandra (2007). Observing Open E-Learning Content: A Roadmap for Educational Policy and Institutions and Hands-On Tips for Practitioners. Full paper in the Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference (ICL) in Villach (26-28 September 2007).
- see more e.g.
Günther Osswald
Ambassador sounds like too big for my activities. I’d prefer to call myself a representative, because I try to make WikiEducator present in my personal environment. Therefore I had
- several conversations with colleagues of my school about WikiEd, including online demonstrations
- a presentation of wikis and WikiEd in a meeting of the physics department of my school
- sent a email to GTZ, the leading public development agency in Germany, to find out possibilities to support the Learn4Content program
- been talking a lot to personal relatives and friends about WikiEd
since Nov: Talks with GTZ (Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit), Dept. for capacity building through E-learning, about possibilities for funding of the Learning4Content program. feb. 17, 2008: Presentation of WE and my wiki project Mechanics11 at the "Day of the Physics Teacher", University of Munich. jan.: Presentation of WE and my wiki project Mechanics11 to the teacher seminar at my school. since June: Counseling of the SUPRA-international project, University of Munich, Department for the Didactics of Physics. Topic: Release of educational material for primary schools under CC-BY-SA license. May: Talks with SIEMENS Generation21 about possibilities of cooperation. SIEMENS produces educational media for free use.
Sanjaya Mishra
- WikiEducator, Open Souce and E-Learning: A presentation by Dr. Pankaj Khare and Dr.Sanjaya Mishra on 3rd November 2007 at EMPC, IGNOU, New Delhi as part of the Workshop on Development of Self-Learning Materials for Distance and Online Learning organized by STRIDE, IGNOU from 29 October - 3rd November 2007. Dr. Wayne Macintosh supported the session through a tele-presentation. The workshop was attended by 36 teachers from various parts of India.
- Wikis, Podcasts and Blogs: A presentation by Dr. Sanjaya Mishra and Dr. Pankaj Khare on 25th January 2008 during the Refresher Programme in Distance Education (7-28 Jan 2008) organized by STRIDE, IGNOU. 20 Participants attended the session and became member of the WikiEducator.
- WikiEducator demonstrations: At Open School, BOU, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 7th February 2008 to a group of 15 teachers; and also to a group of 5 persons at CAMPE.
- Participated in the PCF5 Session on Commonwealth values in a digital world: WikiEducator, an international community project, during 13 to 17 July 2008, University of London, London.
- Organised the eL4C11 workshop as National Online Training on Development of Self-Learning Materials, which was participated by 35 persons and 20 were finally certified. All relevant materials produced in the workshop are on WikiEducator.
Pankaj Khare
- WikiEducator, Open Souce and E-Learning: A presentation by Dr. Pankaj Khare and Dr.Sanjaya Mishra on 3rd November 2007 at EMPC, IGNOU, New Delhi as part of the Workshop on Development of Self-Learning Materials for Distance and Online Learning organized by STRIDE, IGNOU from 29 October - 3rd November 2007. Dr. Wayne Macintosh supported the session through a tele-presentation. The workshop was attended by 36 teachers from various parts of India.
- Wikis, Podcasts and Blogs: A presentation by Dr. Sanjaya Mishra and Dr. Pankaj Khare on 25th January 2008 during the Refresher Programme in Distance Education (7-28 Jan 2008) organized by STRIDE, IGNOU. 20 Participants attended the session and became member of the WikiEducator.
Minhaaj ur Rehman
- Lecture on 'SecondLife, as a resource for educators to create OERs' on 13th July 2008. I introduced OERs and WikiEducator and invited academia to join the quest of OER at Wikieducator, also putting forward a proposal of creating SL presence of WikiEducator. Participants included Nellie (Muller) Deutsch from WE. Lecture was moderated by Nellie (Muller) Deutsch, too.
- An informal session with academia in Pakistan about concept of OER and Wikis in education. I introduced WikiEducator and elucidated the history, philosophy and values of WE. I was requested to conduct f2f L4C workshops that i am planning at the moment.
- Presentation on 'Islamic Human Resource Management, an alternative model from western HRM using open source information and OER material' Presentation Slides
- Joined remotely, session with Dr. Wayne Mackintosh and Leigh Blackall in Otago Polytechnic about OER creation and future in NewZealand.
- Conducted a 3 day face to face workshop in Muzzafarabad, Pakistan in Mustafai Model School on 'Wiki Skills Learning' as per L4C contract. Report can be seen at Here
Victor Paa Kwesi Mensah
- Made a WikiEducator promotional presentation and one-on-one interactions to over 800 students and educators at the University of Cape Coast,(UCC), Ghana on 22nd March 2008, at the Mentorship Conference 2008, organised by Abusua Foundation.
- Invitations to prospective online students to take part in the L4C Workshops
- WikiNeigbour
- WikiEducator Promotions on networks i relate to, eg. CYPRCA RYC Listserve, Abusua Forum,FEDYAG Group, My Blog ,etc.
- Wiki Ambassador in Zambia
- Wiki Ambassador for Ghana
- Contributions to the development of Ghana Country page
- Set up the Zambia country page
- Currently working on updating the Zambia Country page
- Introduction of F2F eL4C in Zambia. Check here
- Learn more about WikiAmbassadors and/or becoming one here
Dennis S. Doe
- Part of team to receive the MANELA Award on behalf of WikiEducator at the e-Learning Africa 2008 held in Accra-Ghana.
- Creation of the WikiEducator Virtual Academy (WEVA) to create quality educational resources
- Designed WikiEducator site for The Winneba Open Digital Village
- Successfully organized a One-day WikiEducator workshop for lecturers of the Science Education Department for the University of Education, Winneba - Ghana at the Winneba Open Digital Village (WODiV) on 2nd May,2008. Click here to see list of participants
- Designed WikiEducator website for the Quality Assurance Unit of the University of Education, Winneba
- Multimedia designer for the University of Education, Winneba - Ghana WikiEducator website which will serve as a source of educational material database for the students and lecturers.
- Developing a WikiEducator website for the Community Health Nurses Training School, Winneba - Ghana
- Part of the team which organized a WikiEducator workshop dubbed UEW-CDI Workshop for lecturers of the University of Education, Winneba - Ghana at the Winneba Open Digital Village (WODiV), sponsored by organised by COL, FLOSS4Edu, University of Education, Winneba and oneVillage Foundation-Ghana.
- Wiki Ambassador for Ghana.
- Referring my ICT students at the Winneba Open Digital Village (WODiV) and the Community Health Nurses Training School, Winneba (CHNTS) to materials on WikiEducator pages.
Christine Geith
A list of events and publications highlighting WikiEducator.
- Book chapter: “Teaching and Learning Unleashed with Web 2.0 and Open Educational Resources.” In Katz, R. (Ed) (in press). The Tower and the Cloud.
- Open Education & the Impact of Open Source Software and Open Educational Resources. Presented with Ken Udas, Penn State World Campus, at the National University Telecommunications Network (NUTN) Annual Conference, Park City, Utah, USA. June 2008.
- Technology and the Internationalization of Higher Education. A pre-conference workshop co-presented with Steve Crow of the Higher Learning Commission at the NUTN Annual Conference, Park City, Utah, USA. June 2008.
- Published paper: Geith, C., Vignare, K. (2008). Access to Education with Online Learning and Open Educational Resources: Can They Close the Gap? Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks Special Issue.
- Can OER Really Impact Higher Education and Human Development? A guest blog post on Terra Incognita, Penn State World Campus, February 2008.
- Design Principles for a Wiki World. A faculty workshop at the University of Calgary Veterinary College, Canada. October 2007.
- Trends in Online Higher Education in the United States, presented at the 2nd Annual International China Forum on Online Education, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. January 2008.
- International Engagement Through Online Learning. Presented with Steve Crow of the Higher Learning Commission and Josh Mitchell of Hezel Associates, at the WCET Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. November 2007.
- Open Educational Resources: An Emerging Learning Ecosystem. Presented with Wayne Mackintosh, Commonwealth of Learning, at the Sloan-C Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA. November 2007.
- Internationalizing Online Programs, pre-conference workshop with Ken Udas, Penn State World Campus, and Wayne Mackintosh, Commonwealth for Learning, at the Sloan-C Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA. November 2007.
Jim Tittsler
- Designing and developing effective content for online environments workshop presented with Derek Wenmoth and Remo Williams at the DEANZ Conference 2008, Wellington, New Zealand. August, 2008.
- Using Wikis for Developing, Sharing and Reusing Educational Content with Sandy Britain for the New Zealand Ministry of Education. June, 2009.
Nellie Deutsch
- WiZiQ weekly sessions about Wikieducator
- Recording of an online session for EFL/ESL teachers and students with a promotional powerpoint slide of Wikieducator as a free source of learning.
- Storytelling & Cultures Ning and Storytelling & Cultures Workshop
- Connecting Online (CO10) and CO10 Live Online Conference
- Face-to-face and computer-based workshops for high school learners of English as a foreign language at Ort Gutman high school in Netanya, Israel.
Dr. Gita Mathur
I am a Wiki Ambassaddor
- Promoting WikiEducator to teachers and students of my college(Gargi College) and Delhi University community.
- Guiding and sharing new developments on WikiEducator with people in the Wiki community and local community; See photographs section on my page
- Collaborating with Education Specialists at COL and internationally by attending workshops and WE Launches.
- Emailing my Old and current students, teachers in other colleges, friends in research labs and all my contacts about my WE activities by sending links to my page.
- My user page has been added on the official website of an Indian government body as WIKIEDUCATOR HELP, see the link on the page.
- As the Manager of the Google Discussion Group of WikiEducator-India I am inviting and adding new members from India and preventing Spam from entering the discussion.
- I have facilitated a F2F workshop in Gargi College, University of Delhi, India. More than 30 Faculty members from various disciplines became WikiEducators. Many of them have reached WikiBuddy and even WikiArtisan certifications. See the link for L4C34 report and photos above.
- Facilitated two online workshops EL4C26 and EL4C27 jointly with Nellie. Prepared slide shows presentations for the workshops as user help. Compiled all emailed instructions for the 10-Days workshops for help of future facilitators. See links to EL4C26 and EL4C27.
- Actively participate in live online sessions on WikiEducator.
- I distribute free CD's and folders on pendrive to my students for them to become WiliEducators. These folders have the workshop Manual I had prepared for Gargi L4C34 F2F Workshop.
Nadia El Borai
Promoted wikieducator in the talk that was given in Wikimania 2008 on Open Educational Resources and Globalization
Reported here [1]
Open Educational Resources and Globalization [2]
Video of the session, You can actually see it here [3]
To view the power point presentation [4]
M. A. Halim
I am a Wiki Ambassaddor
I attend L4C 60 and Collaborative OER Development Workshop conducted in Khulna, Bangladesh. Last 28th May 2009 I was elected as the Convener for WikiEducator Bangladesh Chapter Working Group.
I also develop my personal page with various learning materials.
I also arrange orientation for WikiEducator.
I am trying to develop Bangla Handout for L4C training Workshop with the help of my WIKI friends.
Everyday I upload some important news in Bangladesh Chaptar Working Group Page
My slogan is now:
Subol Ghosh
- I am Subol Ghosh though people around me like to call me Tutul and I Live in Bangladesh.
- I attend L4C 60 and Collaborative OER Development Workshop conducted in Khulna, Bangladesh. Last 28th May 2009 I was elected as the Member for WikiEducator Bangladesh Chapter Working Group.
- Now I am help to developing Bangladesh,Chapter Working Group and Open and Distance Learning page for WikiEducator.
- I also develop my personal page with various learning materials.
- IN wikieducator Bangladesh Page I use Bangla for large number of Bangali readers Please visit Bangladesh Page.
- I am helping to develop my friends personal pages.