Learning Contract Project
The best way to experience the wiki is to start your own wiki project, or to join one of the existing projects in the wiki. We recommend choosing something that is of interest to you and likely to be of use in your own situation. Consult the list of ideas for a wiki project. The purpose of this discussion is propose ideas to:
Choose a title for your project and provide a brief description of what you would to do. Note: The learning contract is optional. However in the spirit of open collaboration this is a great way contribute a little of your knowledge in return for the free training the OER Foundation provides. As a non-profit, we rely on donations from individuals and organisations to finance our free training activities and you may choose to give back in this way as well. |
[hide]- 1 Climate change education curriculum framework (for Pacific Island Countries)
- 2 The Periodic Kingdom: 3D-Periodic Trends
- 3 Transparent Rings Atomic Model (TRAM)
- 4 Role of e-Resources for Research in Higher Education
- 5 Australian Biology Teachers Network
- 6 History of Hawaiian Kingdom: people and places
- 7 Lab Excercise: Exploring the passive electrical properties of neurons by using a simple model
- 9 STATS 10x Assignment 1, Question 6: Useful Microsoft Excel skills for good tabular presentation
- 10 Bicultural practices for Pakeha teachers in tertiary education
- 11 Constructivist exercises for Teacher training
- 12 A test case for open authoring: Synthesizing the replies from Day 2 into one coherent reference page
- 13 Evaluating Progress Through Performance Tasks
- 14 Using Web 2.0 tools to enhance EFL teaching practice
- 15 Web 2.0 and Social Media in the Agricultural Environment in Africa
- 16 What in the name of 12 types of Instant Pudding is a 'Wiki'?
- 17 Teacher training for Inclusive Education at Elementary Level
- 18 OERs for Life Skills Training
- 19 some advice needed, not sure if best way to start
- 20 Springboard for RDA Study Group
- 21 Glossary/ Reference/ Study Guide for Integrated Science
Climate change education curriculum framework (for Pacific Island Countries)
The people of the Pacific Islands are among the most vulnerable to changes in climate due to global warming. In the Pacific Island high school classroom, climate change is traditionally taught as a topic or section in either science, biology, or geography. Unfortunately, climate change and its impacts don't dicriminiate between the science and non-science students; it affects everybody. There is a need for climate change and issues related to it to be integrated into all subject areas. A climate change curriculum framework upon which Pacific Island countries could base their curriculum practices,.--Vilimaka Foliaki 13:42, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Thank you Vilimaka. I agree with you that the Pacific Islands are among the most vulnerable places to live in..All we can do is awareness through our school curriculum.. Is there anything more we can do??
The Periodic Kingdom: 3D-Periodic Trends
I believe there is need to develop new strategies to help students learn the recurring trends (the periodic trends) in the properties of the elements in the Periodic table. In the science classroom and laboratories, the traditional approach to teaching this important idea is the teacher telling students that electronegativity, for example, "increases up the group and from left to right across the period". This is usually accompanied with arrows running up the page and across from left to right. This is easy to memorise and remember. However, the trend in any property, is a complex concept on its own, and it is not as simple as it's seen on the plane of the page or whiteboard. I am thinking of using computer programs such as MSExcel to draw 3D-graphs (or charts) which can be rotated to help students better understand the periodic trends.--Vilimaka Foliaki 13:21, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Transparent Rings Atomic Model (TRAM)
The Transparent Rings Atomic Model (or TRAM) is a teaching model that can be used to help high school and university chemistry students visualise atomic energy levels and understand the electronic structure of the atom in a meaningful way. TRAM can help students develop a better understanding of atomic orbitals and how to write electron configuration using the spdf notation.--Vilimaka Foliaki 13:21, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Role of e-Resources for Research in Higher Education
e-resources plays an important role in research. A researcher can get authentic resources in the concerned subject. There are significant developments in resource technology, in publishing practice, and in intellectual property, that have major implications for higher education and related research, and demand action. Earlier the researchers were completely depended upon print sources and had to collect these resources either by visiting the library or by purchasing from the publishers. Researchers are now-a-days interested to access full text publications and reference linking in their own fields of study......
Australian Biology Teachers Network
Biology teachers could collaborate, discuss ideas and share resources in the implementation phase of the new National Curriculum.--JH 08:58, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
- (: Great project concept -- Perhaps start work on node or hub page for the Australian Biology Teachers Network and take it from there. Are there any other Australian Biology Teachers in this workshop? --Wayne Mackintosh 21:10, 25 July 2010 (UTC))
History of Hawaiian Kingdom: people and places
Student created materials on important people and places in the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom with focus on events that occured at places here on Hawaii Island.
- (: Are you thinking about including this as part of the official course requirements in a course you teach? --Wayne Mackintosh 01:16, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
- This will be a class requirement for my 7th grade History of Hawaiian Kingdom class. Our school is project based with a constructivist approach so this is an ideal way to integrate research, writing, technology, and place based study of history. I want to take advantage of the fact that so much of the early history of the Hawaiian Kingdom occured right here on the Big Island (Hawaii Island) by using student created writing, photos, and video to share information.--Csgray 20:12, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
Lab Excercise: Exploring the passive electrical properties of neurons by using a simple model
The objective is to develop a neuron model that can be cheap and easy to build to explore the passive electrical properties of neurons. The model allows to explore different properties and with different depths of understanding, hence being flexible enough to be used by choosing specific characteristics to explore for education at different levels (primary, intermediate, secondary, tertiary). The idea is to build a 'lab manual' associated with theoretical content so that teachers to customize the lab to their own needs, likes and wants. I have started working on this on My sandbox . --MFK 08:17, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- (: Great project concept -- I like the idea of flexible design for use in different contexts. I suspect this will need a modular design -- so think about subpages when constructing the resource -- will make it easier for different users at different levels to navigate the resource. -----Wayne Mackintosh 09:48, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
- Thanks Wayne, My idea was to build the different levels through different 'Level' excercises, and tag to each of them a Question section (what we've learned and how that relates to real neurons, and hopefully have people that use the lab contribute to that!) and a 'background' section (akin to a textbook/lecture notes type of text with images etc). I am now building all of my University lecture notes with the idea that they will become OERs here and tagged through OWW. This is my first go (we will use this lab for the first time for foundation-level Maori and Pacific Health Certificate). I have also been queried by a couple of school teachers about it. So, if you have any feedback as the project progresses I will be extremely grateful! --MFK 23:53, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
I am involved in the creation/editing of the following pages: </p>
I am inviting all participants who are interested in building up the above pages to join me. I am open to collaborations with other educators in similar projects of their own. User: Mallamibro
(: Hi, I would like to participate to build the computer tutorials as i provide computer training to our universtiy non teaching staffs and faculty members. --Gmythili 10:24, 28 July 2010 (UTC) )
(: Hi, I too am interested in this project. I have been a computer trainer since 1980 when I started the very first computer training center in my town Fort Cochin, Kerala, India. At present I am a Trainers Trainer in online teaching. --Sebastian Panakal 10:12, August 04, 2010 (GMT+5:30) )
STATS 10x Assignment 1, Question 6: Useful Microsoft Excel skills for good tabular presentation
The purpose of this project is to provide an appropriate and helpful environment for STATS 10x students to learn relevant Microsoft Excel skills to do the required table for Question 6 of their first assignment.
You can find my work on this via my user page here.
--Leila Boyle 10:23, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- (: Hi Leila - -smart choice choosing a project directly related to your work and of immediate benefit for your students. When designing the resource -- think about a modular design so that the resource can easily be extended to provide instructions for users who may use alternative spreadsheet software, like the OpenOffice Spreadsheet package -- by keeping it modular, makes it easier for someone else to develop the instructions and support for Open Office --- --Wayne Mackintosh 11:59, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
Bicultural practices for Pakeha teachers in tertiary education
I'm interested in establishing a learning community, using Wikieducator or a similar OER, to encourage the sharing and exchange of ideas, resources and approaches for achieving strong bicultural learning environments in a New Zealand context. I would envisage that such a community might engage pakeha teachers who are commited to developing stronger bicultural practices, providing a venus for sharing their experiences, discussing the challenges associated with developing a bicultural curriculum and exploring ways in which learning practitioners, learning communities and institutions can be encouraged to promote and support biculturalism through and in teaching and learning. I also envisage that, given that this space would be open, that Maori who choose to follow the contributions may contribute as they feel is appropriate, thus providing a degree of accountability for pakeha contributors.
Any suggestions as to how this idea might be best achieved would be gratefully recieved. --Deb Stewart 10:50, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- (: I Like this idea -- wikis are a great environment for cross-cultural experiences - -this workshop being a case in point. You'll need to explain what Pakeha for non kiwi readers ;-) I think a resource which aims to included activities we groups co-create artefacts in the wiki across cultural boundaries might be an interesting approach? What level of learners do you have in mind secondary / tertiary? --Wayne Mackintosh 12:03, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
- (: Excellent project, Deb. Just want to know more about the prefix 'bi' in bicultural as opposed to 'multi' and 'cross'. Any difference in meaning?--Vilimaka Foliaki 23:04, 30 July 2010 (UTC))
Constructivist exercises for Teacher training
Hullo. I am Ms. Cynthia D'Costa, a teacher-educator. Mid August, my students start their face to face workshop to learn skills required in classroom teaching. I am planning to use blended learning, by providing them with Situation based learning exercises so that they learn these skills through a constructivist approach. A few of these are already on my userpage. I am inviting a few experts to validate the same. Similarly, the state board syllabus of Grade IX has been recently revised and teachers need constructivist strategies to deal with some topics. The same is being explored on my page. Meanwhile an e-course for educational managers is already up and I have got a fairly good response to the same. My OER journey on wikieducator began during the eL4C40 workshop and it continues in eL4C41. Thanks to all the WE team.--Agnes 11:18, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- hello. Being a teacher educator i would also like to be involved with your project. Thanks.--nisha :-) 13:45, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
Hi Dr. Cynthia! You have a great page. I'm just studying in line to become a foreign language teacher, but your project seems to fill a need in teacher training. Thanks a lot for all the work that shows in your wiki page. I will go frequently there to drink all that wisdom! Thanks from my heart! Álvaro --Zapoteco 22:32, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
(: Nisha and Alvaro you are welcome to collaborate... Cynthia --Agnes 08:16, 1 August 2010 (UTC))
Hi. This is a nice project where one can test the implications of the constructivist theory in real setting.I would like to enlighten myself as well as contribute whenever i feel like for this project. Thanks.--User:Riverlriver :-)
A test case for open authoring: Synthesizing the replies from Day 2 into one coherent reference page
On Day 2 of this course, participants were requested to provide their thoughts on the issue of quality control in open versus closed approaches to authoring educational resources. To provide a practical demonstration of the benefits and pitfalls of open approaches, I invite everyone to help draft one coherent document on the matter in which the multiple perspectives are represented as objectively as possible, such that it can serve as a reference for future discussions on the matter. Please join in at Quality control in open versus closed approaches to authoring educational resources. --Daniel Mietchen 11:34, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- (: Hi Daniel, I like this idea --- would be great if the resource could evolve into a "follow -up" or debriefing tutorial for the quality discussion --our workshops could do a much better job of debriefing this complex discussion and this resource would definitely add value to our Learning4Content workshops. --Wayne Mackintosh 11:55, 26 July 2010 (UTC))
- I hope that by the end of the course, we will have a useful reference on the topic, such that you three other questions could be tackled in the next workshop, hopefully producing another useful document. Over time, a collection of background documents will emerge that can be reused in multiple ways. --Daniel Mietchen 15:29, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
Hi.This is really a nice project where one can make basic stsrt by applying the constructivist theory upon the teachers.I am finding it quite interesting and eager to work with you. Seema
Evaluating Progress Through Performance Tasks
During the semester, we must give our students a performance task before every exam they present. We have three exams, so we must assign three performance tasks. Using these tasks, we can assess the student's progress in communicating and having self-confidence in using the English language. I would like to use this resource (Wikieducator) in order to upload the these performance tasks and have feedback from others on the progress the students have. I would also give feedback on the techniques and opinions given by the guide (the teacher) in order to accomplish these performance tasks. --Monica R 15:04, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- Great idea for a project Monica. This is certainly an open educational resource that I would contribute to...say this semester (smile)? I created a database of sorts for Webquests which might be something to think about when creating a space for performance tasks. You also might think about where you'd like to add this OER. --Benjamin Stewart 03:13, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
- I like the suggested project, Monica! In particular, I am interested in ways in which we can use available online tools to assess students' confidence and progress and communicating using English. I am teaching students who are using English as their 2nd, 3rd, 4th language. I am also a 2nd language speaker of English. Apart from French Polynesia and New Caledonia (who are using French), most of the Pacific Islands, however, are using English as the language of classroom instruction. When it comes to classroom assessment, especially when assessment is in written form, students' proficiency in the English language is a major barrier to effective demonstration of what they know and can do. Congratulations and best of luck with the project. --Vilimaka Foliaki 20:47, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Using Web 2.0 tools to enhance EFL teaching practice
I'm currently coordinating a CALL SIG in my town. We are a group of EFL teachers and meet f2f on a monthly basis to get familiar with ICTs, explore new tools and see how they can help us better engage our students. We also have an online hub for communication and showcase of findings http://rosariocallsig.grouply.com/ For my wiki project, I would like to create a page on Wikieducator to share resources with anyone who might be interested. At the same time, this would allow me to introduce my colleagues to the Wikieducator concept. --Mary Di Mónaco 19:16, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- I like your proposal Mary as I know many teachers who would benefit from this as well. When you have a page set up in WE, please sign my guest book as I am interested in seeing this idea flourish! --Benjamin Stewart 03:19, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks, Benjamin! I'm planning on starting next Saturday, when I'm meeting my colleagues f2f. I'll let you know how things go. --Mary Di Mónaco 21:44, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
- This is a great idea Mary! I'd love to introduce my coworkers in my junior high school to the wiki concept. But many of them don't speak English. Being you Argentinian, do you plan to post something in Spanish? I'm going to be following your activities, thanks! Álvaro --Zapoteco 22:51, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Web 2.0 and Social Media in the Agricultural Environment in Africa
I am involved in conducting face to face capacity development activities on using Web 2.0 and Social Media in agriculture and rural development environment in Africa. Most of the time, I collaborate with colleagues located in other parts of Africa. For my wiki project, I am planning to develop a page on Web 2.0 and Social Media in the Agricultural Environment on which I will work on an outline of content for a 5-day workshop and provide links to useful online resources. The outline will be structured in such a way that individual parts/sections could be taken and used in standalone one-day or two-day training workshops depending on the requirements of the facilitators and participants. This project will also allow me to introduce colleagues to WikiEducator so that we can collaborate on the page.--Justin Chisenga 18:03, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
- Your idea interests me. As an IT Specialist in the College is Agriculture at a public university in USA, one of my (many/various) tasks is to support faculty and students in the use of technology. May I join in on the conversation about this?-Kloepmo 19:41, 27 July 2010 (UTC) (Gulp...that was too easy. Believe I am making this much more difficult than it is.)
What in the name of 12 types of Instant Pudding is a 'Wiki'?
I'm awed by the ambitions of some of the projects. Mine will be much more modest, I'm afraid. I would like to draft the wikiEducator article Wiki - we don't have one (yet) and I invite others to help me get it up to scratch. Aleta Tallong 02:21, 28 July 2010 (UTC) yours sounds like a great project Aleta, I'm totally with you, I have very limited knowledge of wiki and am keen to get up to speed. --Jane W-B 07:54, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
- Okay, my goal was to get a stable version of wiki with a definition and a description of how wikis can be used for learning. Now, since everyone has some experience with this, I invite comments and contributions. Tallong 21:10, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
Teacher training for Inclusive Education at Elementary Level
I am a teacher educator and had been involved in Teacher training both preservice and Inservice. The education of children with special needs is still an area wherein a lot to needs to be done as they also have the right to achieve their potential to the optimum. Today there is a universal recognisition and movement to make education for all and to modify the system to acccomodate all children. There is an urgent need to sensitise the teachers so that the classrooms can become inclusive classrooms. Therefore, i propose to develop a training module for Teachers on Inclusive Education with the help of my peers in the workshop. I invite all my colleagues to collaborate. --nisha :-) 13:56, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
Hi Nisha, It will be great to hear of your experience- We also do work with teachers and encourage them to use ICT in their classrooms..many of them have reported that it was a great experience when it comes to class attention and participation- however many of them had to surmount huge administrative hurdles to be able to have the test session (using a laptop or using the computer class which is mostly the realm of the ICT teacher)-It would be nice to compare these issues.--Sandhya 07:10, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
OERs for Life Skills Training
I am currently involved in a project that is looking at ways and means of converting Trinidad and Tobago's National Life Skills for Personal Development and Employment Enhancement from a face to face Curriculum into blended, online and distance formats. Life Skills training is designed to create individual capacity and will to choose and implement positive, appropriate desired choices in life. Research suggests that a well-articulated and effectively implemented Life Skills Programme successfully will address a number of societal issues and acts as a direct investment in a Nation’s human capital. Using blended, online and distance formats can increase access and delivery of such a programme. As my project, I would like to use WikiEducator as a tool to compile, collaborate and share Life Skills OERs in the area of Life Skills. --ATNoel 14:49, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
Hi Nisha Great to hear about your project.Greater still to learn that you are going to use wikieducator as a platform.Good Luck!--Abdul 03:20, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
some advice needed, not sure if best way to start
I have started a wiki project here that is on the issue of Openness:
what it means for any place on web the to be "open" or maybe even "open to everyone" or we say on a wikipage "anyone can join" etc.
I am not sure if it is a good way to start this way, please advise: "Openness" revisited
thank you :-) C.Koltzenburg 13:47, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
- Hi, C.K. thanks for the earlier response to my discussion thread on barriers to learning.
I have placed your other comment on your page Barriers to participation since I guess the context over there is better for you to attract a knowlegeable comment, maybe
- how is yours progressing? --Fiona Bulman 18:01, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
I need advice (see above) but have not attracted any so far, otherwise I cannot see any changes yet on "Openness" revisited - can you? - so it seems I really need some advice, do you have any?
Springboard for RDA Study Group
I am currently part of a couple of study groups related to the new code for resource description & access. Would like to see if there is a way to use Wiki to encourage these groups & others informally studying this code. --Vbross 07:11, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
Glossary/ Reference/ Study Guide for Integrated Science
Brief description of project
I would like to work on a study guide for my Integrated Science class. The class is 9th and tenth grade (14-16 year olds) general science (not college prep).
Students in the class will be creating a glossary/ studyguide/text. The class is supposed to be a mixture of all sciences but there is no book that covers all of the required state standards.The topics are often covered in a disconnected way.
My work would consist of stting up a framework and creating/ editing some templates for students to use. As we go through the curriculum students in pairs will post to the wiki the summarry content and links to the ideas and vocabulary.
I hope that by making it content specific and media rich my<qtlend></qtlend> students will come to see science and an important subject to understand.--Robert Benn 02:03, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
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