- 1.1 Windows and its Components
- 1.2 Desktop
- 1.3 Taskbar
- 1.4 Start Menu
- 1.5 Minimize/Maximize/Close Buttons
- 1.6 My Computer
- 1.7 Right and Left Click
- 1.8 Multitasking
- 1.9 Highlight
- 1.10 Copy/Cut and Paste Text
- 1.11 Standard and Formatting Toolbars
- 1.12 Save and/or Save As
- 1.13 Print Command
- 1.14 New Folder
- 1.15 Copy/Move Files | Drag and Drop
- 1.16 File Extensions
- 1.17 Shortcut
- 1.18 Hard Drive and Floppy Drive
- 1.19 Rename/Delete a Folder or File
- 1.20 Recycle Bin
- 1.21 Virus Checking
- 1.22 Defragment Your Hard Drive
- 1.23 ISP | URL
- 1.24 Web Site | Home Page | Bookmark
- 1.25 Search Engine
This page is going to contain links to pages online that contain materials that can aid a better understanding of how the computer works.
Every week, I will try adding a new topic/section.
Fellow Wikieducators should feel free to comment, edit or add content to this tutorials.
- This is a great resource. I have uploaded a survey that I use in all my classes to gauge the strength of computer skills and understanding among my students. At the present time, the resources are on a sub-page of my user page, but this location will probably change as I upload more computer use resources and the page develops (into a tutorial? Who knows?!)--Jrradney 21:29, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Below is a proposed list of topics, I hope to start with:
Windows and its Components
The main components of Windows, when you start your computer, are the Desktop; My Computer; Recycle Bin; Start Button; Taskbar; and Shortcuts to applications.
After opening an application, you will also have a window with an active application which will appear in your desktop and taskbar.
After your PC has completed the booting process, the first page that appears on your screen is called the desktop, and the narrow band at the bottom, called the taskbar. Everything you can do on your computer appears inside frames that are called windows. You can open as many windows at one time as you like—and resize them, move them around, or restack them in any order.
Opening and working on more than one window at one time is called multitasking.
The taskbar is the bar extending from the "Start" button to the notification area (The area on the buttom left corner of your screen which contains your PC's Current Time & other icons). Every time you open a window, a button representing it appears on the taskbar. When you minimize a window, the window leaves the face of your screen, but a button representing it remains on the taskbar, and by clicking on the button, you can restore the minimized window. The button disappears when you close a window. The taskbar also contains the Start menu and notification area, where you'll see the clock. Other icons in the notification area can appear temporarily, showing the status of ongoing activities. For instance, the printer icon appears when you send a file to the printer, and disappears when printing is complete.
Start Menu
- Start menu is the launching pad for the various installed applications. You can use It to turn off the PC. The default location of the Start menu button is the left side of the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
The Start menu contains pointers (shortcuts) to the programs stored on the hard disk, because installation programs place an icon in the Start menu's Programs section. You can also drag icons of applications from the desktop or from any Explorer window onto the Start menu, and you can rearrange their position by dragging them up and down the menu.