Conclusion 2.4
In this unit you explored the course authoring tools available on world wide web. All the tools available may be classified on spectrum of proprietary to free and open source. The choice is entirely yours. You have to choose the tool as per your need and context. Authoring a Course can be done easily and efficiently using Course authoring tools about which you studied in this unit.
You explored the course authoring tools which come as a whole package empowered with text and multimedia integration as well as creation facilities, Lectora was proprietary whereas EasyNow was free and open source software (FOSS). You may also develop various media and use them as per your needs. The software to develop text which were discussed were Etherpad and [[Openoffice tools|OpenOffice].Please remember these two are of the many software available on internet. Similarly pictures may be created using Glogster , Jing, Snagit, Screener, and edited using Picasa . Audio can be created and edited using Audacity whereas for video creation Animoto, Xtranormal ,Digital Camcorder-Flip , iMovie and Moviemaker were discussed. Remember these are only sample of the tools available any tool is as good as it is able to serve your objectives.
Now you must be wanting to explore the various tools for course authoring.