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You must have heard of blog and some of you must be actively using it. Though it has provision of using images and videos besides text , what if blog becomes more graphical than textual?


Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters called Glogs. Glogster is blend of Glog+poster . And what is a "Glog"? It is short for "graphics blog". Glog is basically looks like a poster with interactivity embedded in it. The viewers can interact with the content through the graphical interface.

Glogster is more popular among younger people especially teenagers and currently this social network has over one million registered users. Besides social networking the site is also used for advertising as well as for Resume or CV among the young group. The CV or the Glogster resume is an example of creative self advertising. It is not used for employment purpose but more for personal promotion and self-advertisement.
Glogster for CV

How it works- Glogster provides an online environment to design interactive posters. The user inserts text, images, photos, audio (MP3), videos, special effects and other elements into their glogs to generate a multimedia online creation.[1] Glogster is based on Adobe Flash elements. Posters can be shared with other users on the site, embedded in external wikis or blogs, and shared via many social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Glogs can also be exported and saved to computer-compatible formats.Users can integrate dynamic multi-sensory resources into traditionally text-oriented tasks.

Examples of Glogs

Glogster EDU was launched in 2009 to serve the educational community. Glogster EDU allows teachers and pupils to use glogs as instructional aids and share their Glogs in safe, private virtual classroom. Glogster EDU is an education platform that was developed from Glogster. It is a new kind of social network. It is a web 2.0 platform which enables users to create virtual posters. While the original version of Glogster is used mainly by teenagers, Glogster EDU is intended mainly for educators and students. Currently 7,500,000 students and teachers are registered on Glogster EDU. Glogster EDU is a kind of learning management system. Teachers can create projects, presentations, and assignments, grade student work, and communicate with students online.

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