VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Cloud tools/2015Activity

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Assessed activity

Exploring Cloud tools

VmvIcon Assessed Activity.png
Assessed Activity 5.2 (2016)
  • 5.2.1 Add a cloud tool or choose one Cloud Tool from Jane Hart’s Top 100 e-learning tools
  • 5.2.2: In the table below on the Cloud Tools page, enter the Tool name and your name. That way there will be no double ups.
  • 5.2.3 Throughout this week, explore your chosen tool, "take it for a spin"
  • 5.2.4 by Monday (next week) do the following
    • write a review of the tool's function (what does it do?),
    • explain how it can be used for learning or in education,
    • link to two examples of its use (can be your own examples, or two examples you find by someone else)
  • 5.2.5 Add all of your findings to the table below and be prepared to discuss in class
  • Source: 2016 Cloud Tools Activity

Tools Explored in 2015

VmvIcon References.png References

Tool Name Your Name Tool Link What does it do? How can it be used for learning or in education? 2 example links
Blogger GJ Online Google owned service which allows users to create one (or many) accounts Blogs can be created for any subject and is used in our DLT assignments
Wallwisher (padlet) Joyce It's a shared virtual post-it board A class can share ideas asynchronously or use it for a brainstorming session What's great about the PLE Conference?
105 Classroom Ideas Wallwisher
Google Docs Philipp GoogleDocs You can create and share documents, tables, slides etc. online Several people can simultaneously work on a document e.g. when working on an assignment together GoogleDocs Tutorial Video
An example document
Schoololgy Sharon --Abuzzyworld (talk) 04:58, 22 March 2015 (UTC) Schoololgy Schoology is an online learning, classroom management, and social networking platform. It improves learning through better communication, collaboration, and increased access to curriculum and supplemental content. Schoology
Youtube Kieran Taylor Allows users to create an account and upload videos. The search tool allows users to search for specific topics or videos. Users can upload instructional videos. These can then be viewed and shared by the public.,
Powerpoint Mark Powell Microsoft Powerpoint A customizable slide show presentation program. Teachers can create presentations, and use it as a visual aid to teach class topics. Example 1 Example 2
Google site Joyce Wong Google Site Create a website and share files with those people you want to share with Tutors can invite all students into the site. They can leave comments to each other and download the files or learning materials. Students also able to upload ideas in the site. Google Site Tutorial
Google Site Video
SharePoint Samuel SharePoint It is a web application framework and platform to work together It is developed for business, where you can manage your projects national and international SharePoint Video
SharePoint overview
Dropbox Tobias R. (talk) 04:43, 19 March 2015 (UTC) Dropbox You can buy online storage. It's for private and business use. If you are working on a project with some other students you can store your stuff online/in the cloud and everyone in your group have access to it. Dropbox Explanation
5 Dropbox Features
LinkedIn Andrew H LinkedIn is a commercially-focussed professional networking site. Has free and paid user levels for different posting, search or reporting options. Used for learning or in education for virtual communities e.g. The Digital Learning Collaborative; EIT Computer group.
Google Hangouts Lachlan LachlanS (talk) 20:31, 25 March 2015 (UTC) Google Hangout is a messaging and video chat platform service that has integrated with Google+ Google Hangouts video chat allows one to one and one to many communication this is being used for teaching and with the integration with Google+ it allows for dedicated pages and forms to host content for digital learning.

Twitter Richard Ho Rezelki (talk) 20:53, 28 March 2015 (UTC) Twitter a social networking micro-blogging site, this site enables the users to send and read messages which are called tweets. It has the use of hashtags to group topics in common that has been hash tagged to. When clicking on the hashtag topic it brings up a list of other tweets in common with the selected #topic.

Google Drive Michael Grant Mgrant (talk) 05:11, 29 March 2015 (UTC) Google Drive is a cloud tool, created and managed by Google. It allows users to upload, store, share and collaborate documents and files of any nature. Google Drive can be accessed anywhere at anytime as long as there is an internet connection. Google Drive can be used within education for collaboration and allowing students to learn ubiquitously. It can be used as a repository for files and documents for easy transportation between home and class.

Wikipedia Conway BCS Student C Maurirere (talk) 23:32, 30 March 2015 (UTC) What does it do? Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. It is a special type of website designed to make collaboration easy. Many people are constantly improving Wikipedia, making thousands of changes per hour. How do we learn from wiki? the Wiki offers in-depth descriptions and definitions of any given subject and can elaborate by use of multiple tools, such as through the use of media like [Youtube], or through internal and external website links like [Safari Ebooks]
Google Chrome Cory Crcasbolt (talk) 00:26, 31 March 2015 (UTC) Google Chrome is Google's web browser. It is the worlds most popular web browser. It is easily navigated and clean and crisp looking. It contains many add-ons to make the user experience faster, better, safer etc. You can use Chrome to view many forms of digital learning technologies. It is the conduit that allows you to view many of the previously mentioned Cloud tools such as Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter and many others.

OneNote Lace OneNote is a note taking tool. Numerous notebooks can be made consisting of sections/tabs and pages. OneNote can be used for learning or in education by taking notes. These can then be shared with others for collaboration.

It stores notes in the cloud and therefore can be accessed from anywhere. Its compatible with Android, PC, Mac, iPad & iPhone devices.

Wordpress Phyzard (talk) 20:22, 05 April 2015 (UTC)
Wordpress has the ability to be both a website and a blog. It was originally created to be a blogging tool but was repurposed as a website engine. the blogging feature still remains but is not used as much as its website counterpart. Wordpress can be used as a web content creation tool that tutors and teachers alike can use in the classroom to teach students the required skills to build and maintain both a blog and a website.
Youtube Sebin George (talk) 21:30, 15 April 2015 (UTC) It is a type of medium which can upload; search and observe any recorded video stream happening around us. People can upload any learning related videos and can be observed by shared in public. ,
TED Labib 22:20, 15 April 2015 (UTC) TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an invitation-only event where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration. We can get ideas and inspiration from TED.
Evernote Jonathan Weir Evernote allows you to make notes that are stored in the cloud to be accessed on any device. Users can create notes. These can then be viewed on any device and is good for researching and remembering things.,
Pinterest Taane Nottaane (talk) 05:04, 18 April 2015 (UTC) It is an application in which users can 'Pin' anything they find around the web or on the site itself and have it stored in one place. Pinterest can be used for learning or in education by 'Pinning' educational things users find around the web or on the site itself and compiling educational information. ,
Twitter Mangyhyper (talk) 07:47, 18 April 2015 (UTC) Twitter is an online social media website, also micro-blogging where registered users can post "tweets" containing up to 140 characters long Twitter can be used for gaining "followers" to increase audiences for educational purposes such as PLN's (Personal Learning Networks) as well as using hash tags to group common topics and bring individuals into a community based on their interests .

(above is me promoting myself via twitter, follow:) )

Twitter Bazil Uzair (talk) 07:47, 20 April 2015 (UTC) Twitter is a social networking micro-blogging website where user can post any blog for up to 140 characters that is known as tweet. It can also include pictures or small videos. It becomes a huge asset in marketing stuffs when you have gained handsome amount of followers. It can also be used to do conversation with others. The best thing is hashtag where you can search any word related posts just by typing # before that word. Also trending category is a new great addition. ( And this is me )

Feedly Ella Feedly is an RSS (Rich Site Summary) reader which allows you to save your favourite sites to one well organised feed. The latest articles or posts from your saved sites will appear on your feed. Feedly can be used for learning because you can organise and create feeds dedicated to learning in one particular area. An example of how I use feedly for learning is for my special topic research paper on user experience. I follow the best blogs and sites I have come across or had recommended to me and view the latest posts in just one place. It saves me time and ensures I don't forget about one after I have saved it to my feed.,
ADOBE CONNECT CAMERON Adobe connect is an amazing tool from Adobe. With capabilities that let you connect to somebody via video link from virtually anywhere in the world. Adobe connect is perfect for a teaching and learning environment. If the tutor broadcasts a Lab or Lecture via the internet, studants dont even have to be in class to attend a chat session and watch the video link.,
Facebook Shreya Jaiswal The largest public social networking site that lets you to make connections, share interests and join groups. The Facebook platform allows for unique interactions and relationships, and a different type of learning that is inherently collaborative and a function of the unique synergy of the group.
Google+ Saurabh Vatss (talk) 09:56, 28 April 2015 (UTC) Google+ / Google

Plus, as like Facebook also a multilingual social networking site

Through the use of circles (groups), stream (newsfeed), messenger (chat), and hangouts (group video chat),

this service enables the organization of people and the content seen by (or hidden from) each of the groups. Similarly, through the platform’s built-in tools, including hash tags, ripples, stream, and sparks, commerce can search and lookup for trending and emerging conversations, visualize and influence the re-sharing of users’ activity, listen to customers, and advertise through Google Places (a location-based marketing feature). ( And this is me )

FACEBOOK Jodie Facebook is the largest social networking site with over a billion members,that lets you to make connections, share interests, and join groups. Facebook is a great tool for a teaching and learning environment. When you engage in a space students are familiar with they communicate better.“provides easy communication with students and colleagues, and private communication in groups” Pat Parslow

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