VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Cloud tools/2014Activity

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Assessed activity

Exploring Cloud tools

VmvIcon Assessed Activity.png
Assessed Activity 5.2 (2016)
  • 5.2.1 Add a cloud tool or choose one Cloud Tool from Jane Hart’s Top 100 e-learning tools
  • 5.2.2: In the table below on the Cloud Tools page, enter the Tool name and your name. That way there will be no double ups.
  • 5.2.3 Throughout this week, explore your chosen tool, "take it for a spin"
  • 5.2.4 by Monday (next week) do the following
    • write a review of the tool's function (what does it do?),
    • explain how it can be used for learning or in education,
    • link to two examples of its use (can be your own examples, or two examples you find by someone else)
  • 5.2.5 Add all of your findings to the table below and be prepared to discuss in class
  • Source: 2016 Cloud Tools Activity

Tools Explored in 2014

VmvIcon References.png References

Tool Name Your Name Tool Link What does it do? How can it be used for learning or in education? 2 example links
Wallwisher (padlet) Joyce It's a shared virtual post-it board A class can share ideas asynchronously or use it for a brainstorming session What's great about the PLE Conference? 105 Classroom Ideas Wallwisher
Twitter Nicole Twitter is a social networking tool where you share short updates(Tweets)to people who are following you. This can be useful information, links or just something minor like what you've have for lunch. Twitter can be used by lecturers to update classes about assignments, share useful information and share useful links to articles or videos that may be helpful to students. This also allows other students to share useful links with their class mates and even lecturer. Examples: Iamvanillabear's Tweet & virtualmv's tweet
Prezi Jonathan Kerr This tool is used for giving presentation, in a far more engaging manner than a power point presentation. This tool can be used for learning by creating presentations with it. People can view these publicly through a link, anywhere, without the need to download. Lecturers could use this in class, through the internet without having to upload presentations it would be stored on the cloud. Alternatively presentations can be downloaded as a file. Examples: and
YouTube Sam McFadyen YouTube is a video sharing website where users can both watch videos uploaded by other users or upload their own videos. This tool can be used for education through using it to upload and share tutorial videos. Students can also use the many already uploaded videos on YouTube for research on whatever topic interests them as there is a wide range of videos on a wide range of topics available on YouTube. Examples: and tutorial example:
Pinterest Gary Beach Pinterest allows you to pin inspirational and many more other messages and images of interest to boards. Pin affirmations and stuff you can find on the web to inspire students in teaching. The tool is also virtual where others may follow you or you follow them.
Wordpress Niel Pereira Wordpress is a traditional blogging software that has evolved into a full blown content management system Because of it's flexibility and ease of use, Wordpress makes the perfect tool for education, since it is able to integrate a variety of multimedia tools into it's own architecture. cooking blog Business Owner Training
Wikipedia Dominik Klein Wikipedia is a web based encyclopedia. Content can be collaboratively eddited by its community. It is free and available in many languages. Due to its wide community this free internet platform can be easily used to spread, share and deliver knowledge all around the world. Further there have been established additional types of wikis, such as WikiNews, Wikiversity, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, WikiData, or WikiEducator. On Wikieducator you are able to set up a wiki site which students can access, receive learning content and get instructions or activities.
Facebook Nadja Kirsch Facebook is a online social network. You can connect with friends whole over the world. It's the largest social network in the world. You can learn with facebook through the daily posts of your communitie. You can add news pages and be updated all the time with the news. You learn through the post of your friends. You can inform yourself with the user profil and the posts. You can get in contact with people whole over the world and learn something about cultures and countries. "facebook for every phone" is the most popular page with 417,313,721 likes, most popular fan page is Shakira with 88,774,310 likes
Adobe Connect Devon Bird Adobe Connect is a form of video conferencing. This is a great tool to use when you have a class from all over the country and or world it's simple so that everyone can use it you just log on and watch, there are a few features that I find most helpful the recording for example is good for if someone cannot attend the class or watch it online they can just find the recording and watch it's like they never missed it other features include the ability to voice chat or text chat as well as webcam and share the screen these help the people watching from home feel more interactive, with the ability to draw on the screen to add notes or so people can do an activity I think adobe connect is a great way to learn/teach.
Google Drive George Rybin‎ Google Drive is a tool that allows to host and share files with anyone or a among specific people This tool can be used by teachers and students to share assignments, educational resources etc. Also, Google Drive can be used in conjunction with Google Docs for creating documents, spreadsheets and presentations and working on them in a group. (Project status report we use in class) & (Google Apps for Education which uses Google Drive)

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VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Cloud tools/2014Activity. (2025). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved March 7, 2025, from http:    (zotero)

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