User talk:Phyzard

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Views on Wiki's and their usage314:28, 2 March 2015

Views on Wiki's and their usage


Can and should a wiki be used as a form of research material that can be accepted by tutors?

Should tutors and teachers be allowing students to use wikis as a source of information in assignments and assessments?

what are the benefits of using wikis over other means of resource gathering like google scholar?

Phyzard (talk)13:53, 2 March 2015

Of interest, this February 2015, WikiEducator is 9 years old and has been used extensively to support both formal and informal teaching and learning. For example, the OERu international consortium of universities, colleges and polytechnics use WikiEducator as the primary environment for collaborative development of courses. This provides an example of wikis being used for formal teaching in the real world.

Mackiwg (talk)14:00, 2 March 2015

Very interesting.

It is a pity though that not all education providers over here in New Zealand do not allow students to use wiki as a form of reference material in their assignments. As a current student at my polytechnic i have found after doing past assignments that the usage of wikis like this and wikipedia are instantly dismissed and rejected as unreliable information.

Hopefully this practise will be dropped and wikis will become a reliable source of reference material that is used in assignments.

Phyzard (talk)14:20, 2 March 2015

As a researcher myself, Wikipedia would not qualify as a primary source of academic research - but that's a different question and not necessarily related to quality. The more important skill is to learn how to discern the quality of research in a digital world imo.

Mackiwg (talk)14:28, 2 March 2015