DLT Assessments - Blog Posts

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Your Blog (Wordpress/Blogger), EITOnline, WikiEd Register

  • Your Blog will be used as the principal tools for assessing your work
  • A link to the blog must be entered into:
    • The wiki in EIT Online, and
    • The wiki Register (see me if you don't want your blog publicly available in the wiki)
  • You must start each blog entry with the assessment number (e.g. 4.1. Socially constructed content). Only entries labelled correctly will be marked.
  • Please add the following to your blog on the same page as your "Statement of Authenticity";
    "I am happy for this blog to be used for research purposes"

Week 1 & 2: DLT Overview, Blogs and wikis (Total 6 marks)


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Assessed Activity WS1.2 (2016)
  • For this activity you are to create two blogs: Wordpress and Blogger
    • Wordpress
      • Navigate to http://www.wordpress.com (Note wordpress.org contains the WordPress engine (php code) that you can download and install on your own server)
      • Create a WordPress Web Site and add the content as described below
    • Google Blogger
      • You will need to have a Google Account for this activity
      • Create a Blogger Site and add the content as described below
    • Blog Content
      • Add the following to each blog (the activity is to allow you to compare the two blog systems)
      1. You are to give a brief introduction of yourself. You may wish to use a Māori mihimihi format ( https://virtualmv.wordpress.com/about-2/mihimihi-introduction/ ). Make a comment on the privacy implications of students making blog post introductions (this will include what you felt you could and could not be included in your introduction).
      2. Add the Statement of authenticity. If you are using WordPress use one of the pages to add the statement of authenticity. If you are using another blog system you may need to add this as a blog post.
    • Make a note of the URLs
      • Next week we will add the Blog URLs to your WikiEducator user profile and if you are an EIT student to the wiki in EITOnline. For now make a note of the Blog URLs.
  • Source: Blogging/In_teaching_and_learning


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Assessed Activity 1.1 (2016) Learning theories video

The video suggests the use of digital learning technologies allows for individualised and ubiquitous learning. In your blog and using at least two references explain what is meant by this.

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Assessed Activity 1.2 (2016) Learning styles

In you blog

  1. Explain what the acronym VAKOG stands for?
  2. As a follow up, what does the acronym NLP stand for and using at least two references explain how NLP and VAKOG are related?
  3. Briefly summarise the learning style debate.
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Assessed Activity 2.1 (2016) Pedagogies

(2017: From ;2016: Select four from) the following pedagogical approaches: Case-based learning, Inquiry-based learning, Project-based learning, Resource based learning, and Game-based learning, and in your blog

  1. Describe one example from your past, and describe its effectiveness (either positive or negative), and
  2. Describe how eLearning would be integrated (e.g. resource based - using PowerPoints)

(No references)

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Assessed Activity 2.2 (2016) Technologies

In your blog give one example from the technologies integrated into learning listed above that you found to be most memorable. Give one instance where you feel technology was a barrier to your learning (no references required)

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Assessed Activity 2.3 (2016) Challenges

In your blog list and describe what you consider to be the biggest challenge for ubiquitous and individualised Digital Learning Technology. (No references required)


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Assessed Activity WS2.1 (2016) EIT Online wiki

In EITOnline add your blog link to Student names and links Wiki (Note this is only available for EIT Students)

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Assessed Activity WS2.2 (2016) Wikieducator

Note: In order to manage spam attacks WikiEducator will often ask for a validation question AFTER you click save. Check at the top of the screen to make sure that question is answered, then check on the page to see that your edit has been successfully made.

  1. In WikiEducator Create an Account
  2. From the Digital Learning Technologies Main Menu Select
  3. Click edit next to EIT Class
    • In the wiki code type "yourName ~~~~ and add your blog link" (Keep the names alphabetical on last name) and save
  4. Click on your user hyperlink (top left of the page - should be in red)
  5. Follow the Superquick wiki guide instructions and create a user page
  6. When you feel confident enough, access one of the wikis from other students in your class and add some comments (or make some changes) .. add a ~~~~ to sign your changes.
  7. Add an entry into your blog which has a link to your WikiEducator user page, and make a comment about how you felt changing the wiki page of one of the other students.

Week 3: DLT in Organisations, Multimedia (Total 3 marks)

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Assessed Blog Post 3.1 (2016) Implications of DLT in organisations

Select an organisation: School, Polytechnic, University, Private organisation. List three digital learning technologies, and describe their role in the organisation.(At least two references)

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Assessed Blog Post 3.2 (2016) Implications of DLT in organisations

Each Educational Institution that you have attended (or are attending) will use a variety of digital learning technologies. Draw a diagram that shows the relationship between the different technologies (You can use a drawing tool like Paint.net, Google drawing or sketch a picture and photograph it).

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Assessed Blog Activity 3.3 (2016) Skills for teachers.

1. Using (Kharbach, 2015) and one of the others listed (or one you have found), create a blog post that lists the IT skills desirable for teachers to develop courseware using DLT. In the post combine the skills and divide them into basic, intermediate and advanced skills.

Must include:

Other references can be found (and added) on the source page.

Week 4: Social Technologies, Connected media & Extending wikis/blogs (Total 3 marks)

Developing course content

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Assessed Activity 4.1 (2016)
  • Socially constructed content (or crowd sourced) is advocated as an activity based learning method. For this activity you are to select one of the social technologies and improve the content on the wiki page (see the Social Technologies links in the main menu above). For the issues restrict them to those relevant to teaching and learning.
    • Include at least one reference from the last 12 months which is not from a reference source (e.g. Wikipedia)
    • Either add a media element (e.g. image, slideshare) or include a relevant image from wiki commons ( http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page )
      • Note the images can be imported directly as if they have been uploaded to the WikiEducator server (make sure they have a CC License).
  • Sign the addition in the wiki (use -~~~~ ).
  • Add a comment to your blog that links to the wiki page you have changed, and indicate what you have added.
  • Source: Developing course content

Mediawiki activity

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Assessed Activity 4.2 (2016)
  • Add components to your user page:
    1. APA reference for a page about digital learning technologies from Wikipedia
    2. Pedagogical template
    3. Syntax highlighter
  • Add a blog post with a link to your wiki user page.
  • Source: MediaWiki Activity

Connecting WordPress

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Assessed Activity 4.3 (2016) Adding widgets to your WordPress blog
  1. Add a calendar to your blog

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Assessed Activity 4.4 (2016) Connecting the Wiki to your blog through an RSS feed

You can also allow others to display a summary of your blog using an RSS Feed.

  1. On your user page in the wiki use the RSS xml tag to display your WordPress Blog additions (mine is shown in the next line)

<rss max=4 item-max-length="250">https://virtualmv.wordpress.com/feed/</rss>

A working version is on the course home page (You can copy the code if you want an image and border)

  • Note: The RSS feed will only display things you have Blogged about, not changes you make to pages.. You may need to add some blog posts to demonstrate that the RSS feed is working.

If you are using Blogger use the following

<rss max=4 item-max-length="250" filterout ="id" >http://virtualmvblogger.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss</rss>

Week 5: Personal Learning Networks and Cloud Computing (Total 3 marks)

My Personal Learning Network

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Assessed Activity 5.1 (2016)
  • 5.1.1: In your Blog, reflect on the PLN presentation. Think about your personal learning, your PLN and some of the challenges ahead of you. Some questions you may ask:
    • how am I dealing with information bloat, with getting the right information streams for me, with filter bubble?
    • am I covering all aspects of my PLN, the conversation and the information streams, as well as having an appropriate place to file things and to show my portfolio.
    • how do I balance use of my PLN with actually getting things done?
  • 5.1.2 Map your Personal Learning Network (as you want it to be) with whatever tool you're comfortable with. Put your name, an avatar (with your initials), or an abbreviation in the middle (e.g. MichaelV's PLN). Tip: for inspiration take a look at the PLNs of previous EIT classes or Scott Leslie's collection of PLE diagrams in the Resources below, and add to this wiki page.
  • 5.1.3 On this wiki page add your name (use ~~~~) and include the final picture of your PLN. If you have forgotten how to add an image check out the Superquick wiki guide (link at the bottom of the page)
  • 5.1.4 In your blog write a one or two paragraph reflection on your intended PLN and how you think it will give you a learning edge, and include your PLN map.
  • Source: 2016 MyPLN

Exploring Cloud tools

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Assessed Activity 5.2 (2016)
  • 5.2.1 Add a cloud tool or choose one Cloud Tool from Jane Hart’s Top 100 e-learning tools
  • 5.2.2: In the table below on the Cloud Tools page, enter the Tool name and your name. That way there will be no double ups.
  • 5.2.3 Throughout this week, explore your chosen tool, "take it for a spin"
  • 5.2.4 by Monday (next week) do the following
    • write a review of the tool's function (what does it do?),
    • explain how it can be used for learning or in education,
    • link to two examples of its use (can be your own examples, or two examples you find by someone else)
  • 5.2.5 Add all of your findings to the table below and be prepared to discuss in class
  • Source: 2016 Cloud Tools Activity

Week 6: ePortFolios, Graduation (Total 2 marks)


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Assessed Activity 6.1 (2016)

In order to understand what an online portfolio is,

  1. Create a Linked-in account (if you haven't already)
    • Enter some personal details. Make sure you include a good photo so people can recognise who you are. As this is a professional group I do not add people without a photo. People can have a lot of connections so it is important that they can link you with who you are and a photo is an important part of this.
    • Join the EIT Information Technology group at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6942570
    • (If you are a Postgraduate student you can join EIT Postgraduate IT at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6746950 )
  2. Create a Google Site (http://sites.google.com)
    • Create a basic CV
    • Note. As this is very public be careful what you put onto the site. Things like your actual address and cell phone number probably should not appear. Give enough so that people can contact you - I think an email address is enough.
  3. In your Blog
    1. Describe what an ePortfolio is and how they can be useful in a Digital Learning environment.
    2. Provide links to your Linked-in and google sites

Week 7: Instructional Design Model (Total 3 marks)

Reflection, Learning Technologies @ EIT

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Assessed Activity 7.1 (2016)

This week you will:

Explore the relationship of learning technologies and pedagogies. Then you will be introduced to an instructional design model that will assist in the preparation of your assessed learning object.
Participate in a mobile enabled field trip

This weeks task is to: Add a post (or two) to your blog and reflect on any issues that surround the use of mobile and digital learning technologies used during the "field trip".

  • Answer the following questions:
    1. Identify the mobile device and operating system you used
    2. If you didn't bring a device to the field trip, explain why not
    3. What issues did you notice when using a device during the field trip
    4. What could be done to improve this experience (focus on the use of technology)
  • Include any photos or media you captured during the tour.

If you attended virtually:

  • Comment on the questions above from your perspective
  • What issues did you notice when using Adobe Connect as the virtual classroom technology

If you were absent during the field trip:

  • View the video recording and comment on the questions above where possible

Week 8: Online Courseware (1 mark) & Reflection (4 Marks)

Examples of online courses

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Assessed Activity 8.1 (2016)
  1. Surf the Web and find an example of an online training course (If you can, find one that is similar or related to what you would like to do your project on)
    1. Add the link with a comment to the Online Courseware Examples (2016) page.
      Beneath the link make a comment on the learning resource you have found (e.g. Whether it was complete, the target audience, something interesting in the approach taken, etc.). Don't forget to wikiSign your entry using ~~~~
  2. In your Blog
    1. Copy the link and comment (also include a link to the wiki page where you added the link)

Winding up the Reflective Blog

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Assessed Activity 8.2 (2016)
  1. This week brings to a close a background to Digital Learning Technologies, as you move into the next phase which is to use what you have learnt to create a Learning Object. Your first task is to use your blog to reflect on:
    1. What you have learnt.
    2. Things that you liked about what you did/learnt in the course.
    3. Things that could be improved in the course (suggestions for the future).

Just a reminder that there are marks for comments you make on other students blogs, and that you need to maintain a page that links to these comments.

Could you also help me understand whether the virtual classroom was useful by completing a short online survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NqqnswFzn14b8YUR-8FEQPUtpI3yP7UH6-52WlCvFAE/viewform

.. and that signals the end of the Progressive Assignment .. now onto the project.