ITEL7.101: Digital Learning Technologies. 2016, Semester 1.
A Third year (level 7) Bachelor of Computing Systems (BCS) paper and a professional development opportunity from
Assoc. Prof Michael Verhaart of the EIT Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
General course information (#vmvdlt)
- The is a fifteen-week third year (700 level) paper delivered as part of the Bachelor of Computing Systems at the Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
- You should aim to spend approximately 10 learning hours per week, of which 1 hour will be devoted to interactive theory and 2 for interactive practical.
- The course is being designed around an Open Education philosophy so expect it to evolve during the course and over time.
- This page provides an overview with links to the relevant course materials and activities for each week of the course.
- You will get the most from this course by sharing your thoughts, ideas and experiences with fellow participants using microblog notes and posts to the discussion forums. Note you must use the hash tag #vmvdlt (digital learning technologies) on Twitter for your contribution to be recognised.
Welcome video
One day I'll put one of these in here!!
Welcome to the Digital Learning Technologies course!
- If you are an EIT student you need to register for this course on EITOnline (our Moodle site) if you haven't done so yet) to receive course notifications via email (make sure you have your normal email address otherwise the default student address will be used).
- If you are a visitor, feel free to follow along and contribute where possible.
- We will use two communication channels to connect with participants:
- Microblog posts is the main communication channel for peer-to-peer support. Remember to include #vmvdlt in all posts for this course.
- All discussion activities will take place using the EITOnline discussion forums. (See links to topic-specific forums in the list of resources for each day.)
- Most of all, have fun! You are preparing yourself for a changing the world.
Week 1
Overview of Digital Learning Technologies
This week we will use share ideas and thoughts about DLT. We will look at how learning has evolved through two short YouTube videos. For an activity we will create a blog and reflect on what has been discussed
Interactive theory
- Jump up ↑ McPheeters, D. (2010) 5000 Year Timeline of Learning Theories. Retrieved from
Resources to work through
- Blogging
- Overview
- WordPress features
- In teaching and learning
- Create a blog account
Learning activities
View Blog Video
Blogs in Plain English
2:59 mins
Create a Personal Blog
Create a Wordpress (or alternative) Blog
10 mins
Post to Blog
You are to give a brief introduction of yourself. Make a comment on the privacy implications of students making blog post introductions (this will include what you felt you could and could not be included in your introduction).
10 mins
Post to Blog
Add the Statement of authenticity. If you are using WordPress use one of the pages to add the statement of authenticity. If you are using another blog system you may need to add this as a blog post.
10 mins
Statement of authenticity
I confirm that:
- This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work.
- It contains no material previously published or written by another person or myself except where due acknowledgement is made in the text.
- No material which to a substantial extent, has been submitted for any other academic course, is included without acknowledgement
Post to Blog
Answer the questions from DLT Week one
20 mins
Week 2
Integrating e-Learning into education and training
This week we will continue the overview of integrating DLT into Teaching and learning.
Resources to work through
- Digital Learning Technologies Overview
Learning activities
Work through overview
Focus on Teaching (Pedagogy) and integration (DLT)
15 mins
Teaching DLT
Intro to wikis
Short intro to wikis
Wiki Overview
Week 3
Integrating e-Learning into education and training
This week we will continue the overview of integrating DLT into Teaching and learning.
Resources to work through
- Digital Learning Technologies Overview
Learning activities
Work through overview
Focus on Teaching (Pedagogy) and integration (DLT)
15 mins
Teaching DLT
Intro to wikis
Short intro to wikis
Wiki Overview
Multimedia in wikis and blogs
This week we will look at adding media elements to blogs and wikis to develop skills in adding media to teaching and learning resources
Resources to work through
- DLT Skills
Learning activities
Week 4
Social Media
This week we will look at Social technologies where networks of students and teachers can be created. For the activity you will modify some of this weeks content, look at connected media and extensions to web applications.
Resources to work through
- Social Technologies
Learning activities
Web 2.0 and Classroom 2.0
Find out what the terms mean
10 mins
Developing course content
Modify this weeks course content
30 mins
Social Technologies Wiki commons
VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Connected media/Activities
Extending wiki/blog
- DLT Extending Wiki/Blog: (e.g. Templates, widgets, extensions)
This week we will look at how blogs and wikis are extended to increase their functionality.
Resources to work through
- Extending wikis and blogs
Learning activities
1. Read extending MediaWiki
Understand how to extend mediawiki
10 min
Extending MediaWiki
2. Add an APA reference for wikipedia
Use the cite extension to add an APA reference from Wikipedia to your user page
5 min
3. Use Pedagogical template (box)
Add one of the following boxes to your user page (Note, Notes, Objective(s), Example(s), KeyPoint(s), More, Question(s),NZ, Activity)
10 min
Quick tips See Boxes
4. Read about pedagogical templates in WikiEducator
Review what pedagogical templates (or iDevices) are available in WikiEducator
10 min
WikiEducator Quickstart guide/pedagogical templates
5. Adding computer source code to mediawiki
Using the vmv:Source template add some source code to your user page
10 min
Quick tips See Adding computer source code
6. Extend your WordPress blog
Add a twitter feed and calendar to your WordPress blog
10 min
Extending WordPress
7. Add an RSS feed to MediaWiki
Add an RSS feed from your Blog to your user page in vMVwiki
10 min
vMVwiki Main page Look at code and find widget:Feed
Week 5
Networking tools
- Networking technologies: 2.2, 3.1: PLNs/Cloud tools
This week we will investigate Personal Learning Networks and Cloud tools. In 2012 we had a guest lecturer (Joyce Seitzinger) from Deakon University Australia facilitating the session, who we recorded in Adobe Connect
Resources to work through
- Read the content linked to on Personal Learning Networks
- View Joyce's the Adobe Connect Session (link in EITOnline)
Learning activities
Your PLN
Watch and comment on Joyce's PLN presentation from 2012 Sketch your PLN and upload to the wiki Add the blog posts that are indicated in the instructions.
50 min
Adobe Connect link in EITOnline 2013 My PLN
Cloud technologies
Complete the cloud technology exercise
80 min
2013 Activity
Week 6
- Pedagogies 2.1 (e.g. OTARA, learning styles, face2face->blended->online)
This week we will explore the different ways to develop digital learning resources, and create a simple learning activity.
Resources to work through
- Pedagogies
Learning activities
1. Read the wiki pages on Pedagogies
- Understand different ways to learn
- Watch google docs presentation "The big picture of learning design" from EIT
10 min
2. Read the wiki pages on Pedagogie approaches
- Understand different pedagogical approaches
10 min
Pedagogical Approaches
3. Read the wiki pages on Pedagogical design models
- Describe the difference between: Addie, rapid prototyping and OTARA
10 min
Pedagogical Instructional Design Models
4. Design and build a learning activity
- Choose one of the models and create a learning activity
- Use an online tool to develop the resource (Google docs is suggested)
40 min
Instructional Design Models Activity
5. Present your activity to the class
- Deliver a presentation on your learning activity. In class this will be done using Adobe connect. If you are working remotely experiment with creating a slideshare presentation where you go through the methodology steps and use your learning activity to illustrate the steps.
40 min
Instructional Design Models Activity
Week 7
Networking technologies
This week we will look at ePortfolios and look at some examples of online courses
Resources to work through
- View the page ePortfolios
For the activity session
- Read LMS(Moodle)
- ReadOnline Courseware Examples
Learning activities
View slideshare presentations from Helen Barrett
Review content and understand how portfolios can be used to enhance deep learning
10 min
Create an ePortfolio
Create a Mahara ePorfolio in MyPortfolio (Activity 7.1)
20 min
Complete Blog post
Describe features of an ePortfolio (Activity 7.1)
20 min
Continue adding to MyPortfolio
20 min
Moodle Activities
Complete Moodle Activities
20 min
Moodle Activities
Online course activity
Find and discuss an example of an online course (Activity 7.2)
20 min
Digital Learning Technologies/Online Courseware Examples/Home
Week 8
DLT Tools
This week we will look at some examples of digital learning tools and some online courses
Resources to work through
- Read DLT examples
Learning activities
Online course activity
Find and discuss an example of an online DLT Tool (Activity 7.2)
50 min
To the wiki class register, add your topic and describe what you think will be the learning activity you are thinking of creating for your project
20 min
Start the planning for your project
80 min
Week 9
Screen casting
This week we will look at Screen capture and for the practical you will be given time to work on your projects
Resources to work through
- Read DLT examples (Video)
Learning activities
Create a small screen cast
Download and install jing Create a small screen caste (a video of you doing something on-screen) if possible include audio (you will need a microphone).
50 min
Check the class register to ensure your project is correct
5 min
Continue your project plan
100 min
Week 10
Online assessment
This week we will look at assessing student work in an online environment
Resources to work through
- Read through Assessments
Learning activities
Online assessment
Complete big bad wolf story on blooms taxonomy (note how feedback and activities are done) Investigate specialised software (peerwise, hot potatoes)
45 min
Add/Check your project is in the class register (link to any online resources)
5 min
Time to work on your project
100 min
Week 11
Digital safety, responsibility & risk
This week we will consider digital safety, responsibility & risks, and organisational policies
Resources to work through
- -
Learning activities
Activity 11.0
- Access the Progress report Google doc (in EITOnline) and update
- Update the register with your project topic/url.
5 min
Activity 11.1
There is a lot of discussion regarding the safety, responsibility, and risks of using digital technologies. In this exercise I would like you to
- List a concern you have under each of the headings, then
- do a search to find an article on the web related to one of the concerns listed, add the hyperlink and make a comment.
20 min
Instructions: Safety, responsibility, risks
Use the DLT: Safety, responsibility, risks Google document
Activity 11.2
In order to manage safety, responsibility and risks most organisations will publish Policies to both staff and students/employees/users. Search the web for policy documents related to the use of digital technologies and add the url with a brief comment the the Google document (e.g. Highlight a policy you think is very relevant, or unusual , etc).
Instructions: Safety, responsibility, risks
Use the DLT: Safety, Responsibility and risk: Policy Documents Google document
Time to work on your project
100 min
Week 12
DLT Ethical issues
This week we will consider ethical issues, such as:Copyright ©, privacy, and organisational issues
Resources to work through
- -
Learning activities
Activity 12.1
Work through the wikieducator course Open content licensing for educators, Session 3: What can educators legally copy in an online world?
50 min
OCL4E: What can educators legally copy in an online world?
Activity 12.2
Make a list of issues that will affect an Organisation when using or providing access to Digital Learning Technologies (e.g. Time wasting, corporate risk). Add a comment.
50 min
Use 2012 DLT: Corporate issues Google Doc