User:Vtaylor/Thats interesting

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2019 contribute participate collaborate . math reading e4k . learning agent . sailing flying travel . first swe futurecity

sailing . cis2 w19 . realty . FIRST . Alaska

Floyd Duncan Zahn ?k-2 e4k mathsci . reading . self-serve apps . web based resources . interests 5 photos self portrait ? whiteboard . successmaker level info > needs help . readworks . media center web / apps . record story speech to text

lectric library * lectric library interesting activities resources . flight license . garden . technology 2d 3d games . carving molding laser cutting . future city . k-8 science / engineering projects fair - barbara terry jennifer * reading * math

2018.12 * realty * EAA 288 website * cis89a 18f

2018.9 * cis89a 18f

assistive * tutorials * blog * catherine phone meetings

sailing regatta event help * people cert airport garden lunch

  • 712school pbl * burns futurecity * blueLake k-8 mathsci volusia learningtech
  • e4k next swe erau frc
  • classes drawing pastry craft group/store hub writing yoga * bgc middle school mentoring * brushes * fitness class pilates swim abs aqua sup kayak soccer * mdc * project linus Tue 10 AM 1917 Seclusion Drive * knitting toe * socks


Instead of trying to measure learning, document it.

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

page names : Computers and Society - CIS2 not in page name

DeAnza_College/CIS2 old student work * User:Vtaylor/CIS2_Computers_and_Society * User:Vtaylor/CIS2_Computers_and_Society/CIS2_Syllabus xx

  • 2018 summer cis89a

Want to make God laugh? Make a plan.

2018.4 * book * iLearn glxdev reuse math swenexted discovery * curiosity discover explore * learning networks paths

You only need one person to believe in you to succeed. It's a lot easier if that person is you.

dragons * moocs * diigo .. e4k * 100 words * * MarVyn * Askarisa * mywiki e4k

Wikispaces * backup MediaWiki format * byxbee * lectric * e4k

2018.3 * xReality * maker 3d thinking ipads * k-8