User:Vtaylor/Learning networks
watson - teachers share community of practice * categorize tag annotate * teachers pay teachers not free open * standards > pbl * learner support first + guide for educator to teach 1:n
learning network * navigation * guide * augmented intelligence (AI)
- i'm here so where do i go from here * i don't understand this so backtrack to establish pre-knowledge foundation concepts * i want to be there so how do i get there from here
- Global Learning * individual + technology * reading writing numeracy * assessment effectiveness competence * diigo glxdev
math map
math standards
1.OA.C.6 -> 1.NBT.C.4 1.NBT.B.2 -> 1.NBT.C.4 1.NBT.B.2.A -> 1.NBT.B.2 1.NBT.B.2.B -> 1.NBT.B.2 1.NBT.B.2.C -> 1.NBT.B.2
1.OA.A.1 -> 2.OA.A.1 1.NBT.C.4 -> 2.OA.A.1 1.NBT.C.5 -> 2.OA.A.1 1.NBT.C.6 -> 2.OA.A.1
2.OA.A.1 -> 3.OA.D.8
Open office drawing * learning network math map
vt * multiple strategies to solve problem * when to stop - i got this? kind of solution that works for me so skip others unless need /request an alternative?
2018.4.22 * jf kahn academy sequence ok * determine what i know then follow progression
2018.4.10 * Teacher Advisor With Watson * Free lesson planning and instructional guidance with the power of IBM Watson™ * * the power of IBM Watson augmented intelligence (AI) could be focused on supporting educators directly was truly innovative * * grade 2 * delayed gratification * * rug design contest * VT: Community of practice - How about some way to share / follow the selections and/or recommendations of a master teacher or critical friend? * VT: View activity - enlarge view * VT: My Library - Allow annotation of items saved. I need a reminder why I saved stuff such as a a quote from within the document. Tags or categories would be nice too. Folders are a good start.
Q: kahn academy sequence
math network - sequence required prior knowledge * may be multiple dependencies connections branching
- pbl math
- check out Gooru - don't need to sign up or log in. Just explore, make notes of really good "collections". Look for some specific examples by subject - real numbers, adding fractions, ...
web literacy
- Web Literacy Map - nice overview of all aspects of the web, understanding the structure, important issues like security and privacy and the skills necessary to be an informed users and contributor.
- Web Literacy Learning Pathways - HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills to create this interactive map using Mozilla Thimble. Click on links in any box to highlight the prerequisite knowledge and what this is a prereq for. You have to try it yourself as it is hard to explain. The idea is that there is a learning pathway through the entire structure.