Dr. Gita Mathur - The Botanist

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Dear WikiFriends and Students, as my User Page had become very heavy with content, I have separated out MY BOTANY TEACHING AND RESEARCH PAGES to this sub-page. Hope it will be faster to upload for you now.--Gita Mathur 06:07, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
    • I have started writing a Blog on Botanical issues. Click here to read [| click here]


Love Plants & you will find that the Whole World of Plants loves you  :-)

Contact-new.svg Dr. Gita Mathur

Employer:Gargi College, University of Delhi
Other roles:Teaching and Research in Botany and Development of Experimentation Kits for science in collaboration with NCERT
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Gita receiving Distinguished Teacher Award of University of Delhi, India, for Excellence in Teaching from Former President of India, His Excellency Bharata Ratna Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam. on September 7, 2009.

Award Gita.jpeg

  • Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Teaching is Learning


All those interested in Biology, Ecology, Biodiversity and Environmental Studies are welcome to contribute on these pages. --Gita_ Mathur 05:21, 27 August 2009 (UTC)

"http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/yg/img/i/us/ui/join.gif"Click to join botany_teachers group of University of Delhi, India

NCERT School Science Kit Click Here Click

My Botany Friends and Students on WikiEducator

For my WikiFriends click here User:Gita_Mathur/My_WikiFriends

Add your name here:



  1. Shalinee Bhardwaj
  2. Amanpreet Kaur
  3. Deepa Balagopal
  4. Payal Khullar


Edu miscellaneous.png

Wikipedia-logo-en.png Botany
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit Botany for more in depth information

Botany, plant science(s), phytology, or plant biology is a branch of biology and is the scientific study of plant life and development. Botany covers a wide range of scientific disciplines that study plants, algae, and fungi including: structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, diseases, and chemical properties and evolutionary relationships between the different groups.

Scope and Importance of Botany

As with other life forms in biology, plant life can be studied from different perspectives, from the molecular, genetic and biochemical level through organelles, cells, tissues, organs, individuals, plant populations, and communities of plants. At each of these levels a botanist might be concerned with the classification (taxonomy), structure (anatomy and morphology), or function (physiology) of plant life.

Greetings 2.JPGSunflowers.gif

The Plant World is very fascinating

Important Technical Term in Botany

Click here to see and also add... Botany Technical Terms

Darwin in INDIA

Darwin in India.jpg A cake cut at Sophia College in Mumbai.
The Event was organised by a WikiEducator Dr. Arunan, a teacher of the college.See User:Arunan

Gargi College Botanical Society(GCBS)

  • Inter College Festival of GCBS called Ficus 2008 was held on December 12, 2008 in Department of Botany, Gargi College
    This was the time to enjoy the subject.
    Various competitions included: Botanical Photography, Botanical Salad Making, Botanical Rangoli, Best out of Botanical Waste, Slogan Writing and many more.
    For more details and for registration email to: gcbsonline@gmail.com


  • Annual Botanical Publication of GCBS is called "Anthesis"
    Students write on topics of interest ranging from Botany and Biotechnology to Environmental Sciences. This provides a forum to the young Botanists to write good technical papers and articles.

The following FIVE Volumes of "Anthesis" have been publishes so far in print and THREE in electronic form:

Click here to see photos in 'Anthesis 2007'

Letter for Shruti Nayak


Interesting Quote: Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep.-Albert Camus

| Click here for a collaborative source for Science, especially Genetics.


Study Skills

I have been teaching Botany to undergraduates for more than twenty five years. I have seen a sea change in the approach and perspectives in both teaching and learning. Click on this link to read about - Teaching and Learning-My Experiences of three decades

Some useful pages for a Botanist are:

  • Teaching/ Learning lessons on topics in plant biodiversity Click here
  • Diversity of Seed Plants & their Systematics Click Here
  • Structure, Development and Reproduction in Flowering Plants Click Here


Ecological Footprint How do we effect the Ecology of the World we live in? To know about your Ecological Footprint click on this link Click here and here

Wikipedia-logo-en.png Ecology
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit Ecology for more in depth information


Ecology and Environment Hub

Education on Ecology and Environment is essential for every learner and Educator. Thus hub will be a place for all Ecologists to contribute and for all learners to be benefited. EnvironEd is a useful page on WikiEducator.

This HUB is under Development. Add your suggestions and comments--Gita Mathur 05:13, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

Members of Ecology and Environment Workgroup

This Workgroup will collaboratively develop technical content and case studies for teaching & learning related to Ecology and Environment. This hub will be moved to a new wikipage when we are ready with the details. All interested wikifriends are welcome to jointly develop the headings and content on this hub.
Add your name and Signature here (add --~~~~) if you would like to be a member of the Ecology and Environment Workgroup.

  • (For detailed instructions on how to add or personalize your wiki-signature see help page Signature)
  1. Dr. Gita Mathur--Gita Mathur 06:39, 9 July 2009 (UTC)
  2. Dr. Anubha Das--Yanubha 13:17, 9 July 2009 (UTC)
  3. Dr. Poonam Sharma --poonam sharma
  4. Amanpreet Kaur--Amanpreet kaur 13:41, 11 July 2009 (UTC)
  5. Deepa Balagopal--Deepa Balagopal 17:05, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
  6. Shalinee Bhardwaj --Shalinee Bhardwaj 06:22, 15 July 2009 (UTC)


  • Dear WikiFriends, it is nice to see all of you here. Please add your suggestions here & feel free to add content to above pages. You may like to add more topics.....go ahead & get a feel of collaborative content development.--Gita Mathur 06:34, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

Plant Biodiversity

General topic link - Life cycle of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms is here [1]

Viruses and Bacteria

For a useful website click here [2]

Botanical Excursions


As a part of Biodiversity curriculum for Second year B.Sc. Honours in Botany, college Students of various colleges of Delhi University go for a Botanical Excursion.
I am starting this hub for all to add their experiences of the Current year and previous experiences. This will help both students and teachers to decide about future excursions and also help in plant identification. Let us all share & develop this collaboratively.

Bryophyta Hub

Wikipedia-logo-en.png Bryophyta
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit Bryophyta for more in depth information

  • Liverworts of India
  • Mosses of India

Pteridophyta Hub

Wikipedia-logo-en.png Pteridophyta
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit Pteridophyta for more in depth information

Economic Botany

  • Economic Botany - For the following topics in Economic Botany Click Here
    • Center of Origin of Cultivated Plants Click here
    • Fibres, Rubber, Firewood, Timber and Bamboos
    • Medicinal Plants
    • Origin and Introduction of Crop Plants, Cereals and Pulses
    • Potato, Sugarcane and Vegetable Oils
    • Spices

Also see my video on 'Black Pepper' on this page. Shows how Black Peppers start as Green, changing to brown, red and finally black!

Click on this link to see some photographs clicked by Shalinee Bhardwaj

Plant Biotechnology

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction, Click on thr link here to see a nice vedio on PCR

Plant Anatomy

Look out for new reading material and useful links on Plant Anatomy to be added here soon --Dr. Gita Mathur (talk) 18:17, 28 July 2016 (UTC)

Some useful links

Darwin's Theory

For a very useful link click here


If you are interested in doing Research, Click on this Research link & read.
My Research studies have been on four lines:

  • M.Sc. Thesis on Phenolics in Antigonon leptopus
  • Ph.D. Thesis on Flower colour changes in Lantana camara
  • Post-Doctoral Research Project on Reproductive Bilology of Solanum melomgena
  • Post-Doctoral Research Project on Impact of Environmental Changes on Plants in Delhi.


Antigonon leptopus

Research Thesis
M.Sc. – 1976 University of Delhi
Title:Physio-Chemical Studies on Phenolic Constituents of Seeds of Antigonon leptopus

Lantana camara

Research Thesis
Ph.D. – 1983 University of Delhi
Title: Flower Colour Changes and Pollination in Lantana camara

Solanum melongena

Post Doctoral Research

Set up a Botany Research Laboratory in Gargi College, University of Delhi.
This research was carried out in the new Laboratory.

  • 'Reproductive Biology of Eggplant – Solanum melongena' as a research project awarded to me by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, 1996 to 2000.

Shalinee Bhardwaj was my Botany undergrad student in Gargi College. After finishing Post-graduation in Botany from DU, she worked in my research project on Eggplant, Solanum melongena. Later, she was also a faculty of the Education department of my college. Her clicked photos above show her deep involvement with eggplants.

Environment of Delhi

Post Doctoral Research

Botany research Laboratory, Gargi College, University of Delhi.

  • Studies on Effect of Environmental Changes on Selected Herbaceous Plants of Delhi, as a research project awarded jointly to Dr. Gita Mathur & Dr. Bharati Bhattacharyya by University Grants Commission, Government of India, 2001 to 2003.

Innovations in Teaching

Teaching is not just a profession, it is a passion for many of us.

Icon activity.jpg
:New Innovations in Teaching

My Videos

User:Gita_Mathur/Click here to see my Videos

You can see the following Videos:

Gita Mathur_1

This has slides of the F2F L4C Workshop I attended.

Gita Mathur_2

Slides of Green and Red Black Peppers.
Note about this video: -->
'Black Pepper' is cultivated in Kerala, a State in the Southern part of India. The pictures in this Video are of Fresh Black peppers which were brought to me yesterday by my Undergraduate Student Drishya Nair. These pictures have been clicked by me today (Dec. 2, 2008). Young Peppers are green, become dark, then red with maturation. (Note these 'Stages of Development' in the pictures.) These are then harvested and cured to get the commercial Black Pepper used as a spice the world over. My students are very enthusiastic young Botanists! Thanks Drishya.
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Gita Mathur_3

Bryophyllum Red Flowers - Short clip of a film recorded by me.

Gita Mathur_4

WikiEducator Page - a small film recorded by me for learning to upload a video on my page.

eL4C15 On-Line Workshop Nov.24-Dec.5, 2008

I attended this workshop. The video has slides of Screen-Shots of the workshop.

More Botanical ones to be added soon.

Study Groups

GitaMathurCDay.jpg On-line learning is becoming very popular now.
Register on the site of | WiZiQ and see the recordings of some useful lessons.
Meet me there.

Emailing useful materials - Interlinking Classroom and Web for Teaching

  • I take the email ID's of all my students and make class-wise mailing groups.
  • For every class I ask one student to be my "Email Contact" who ensures that everyone is getting the mails and tells me about change/addition of email ID from that class
  • I send every class group, the syllabus, before starting of the new session in the college.
  • Next, I mail a list of readings relevant to their course to be studied.
  • I send paper-wise book lists for reading.
  • I also send a soft copy of list of Botany Books in the college library and their location on the Gargi College library shelves.
  • This also includes the number of copies of the books available in the Reference section and the Issue sections.
  • As all my students do not have access to internet at home, I give out prints which they can photocopy. Some take copes from their friends.
  • Where ever possible and relevant, I email reading materials which students can printout and bring to the class. I ensure that I send this well in advance.
  • In Botany there are long Botanical names which students tend to copy from the classroom board making spelling mistakes. Sending them the list of names which would be used in the coming lecture solves this problem.For example Potato is Solanum tuberosum to Botanists.
  • My main focus is on two lines
  1. Using the technological advancements in everyday, classroom education.
  2. Keeping a balance of Chalkboard teaching and internet usage. There can never be any method better than the Chalkboard / Whiteboard approach. The reason for this, in my opinion is that this method makes every lesson highly customized for that batch of students.

a new look at library resources

using the internet

use of photographs

These are Photographs of Tissue Culture Experiments done in Gargi College by III year students of B.Sc. Honours in Botany .


Mitosis by Gita Mathur.JPG

Cells of Onion Root Tip showing Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase & Telophase. STAGES OF CELL DIVISION - MITOSIS.

Mapa genético o cariograma.jpeg

SEM Pollen Grains

  • Click on the links below to see the fascinating world of a Botanist.

Scanning Electron Microscope pictures: click here and click here

My Slide Presentations

Learning to upload a presentation

Learning to upload a presentation made in open office <Br.> Click on the link here and follow the steps in the presentation for uploading a presentation on WikiEducator.<Br.>This is for Open Source systems only.

Learning to use a computer

Learning to use a computer<Br.>This presentation is for those who are totally new to computers. Ask them to see this presentation and become users.

Reference Cards for use in Face-to-Face Learning-for-Content Workshops

WikiEducator-Gargi_2009_Reference_Cards<Br.> This presentation is a slide show for Newbies and for those who want to revise or practice WikiEducator Skills.

Presentation slides - WikiEducator in Linux Delhi Meet

Developing Open Educational Resources: WikiEducator-Gargi 2009 – A Step Forward

Talk by Two WikiEducators of Gargi College at a meet:<Br.> Freed.in – Getting There Together,<Br.> held on Feb.20-21, 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru University Campus, New Delhi. <Br.>

Focus Area: Unfettered access to knowledge, especially for Education<Br.>

Title: Developing Open Educational Resources: WikiEducator-Gargi 2009 – A Step Forward<Br.>

Dr. Gita Mathur and Dr. Promila Kumar<Br.>

Gargi College(University of Delhi), Siri Fort Road, New Delhi – 110049.<Br.> </div>

Summer Vacation Time

Today three of my students came to me and asked me to suggest how they can spend their time fruitfully during summer vacation. We had a long discussion, here are some possible options and also some links I asked them to look up.

  • Think about what interests you and how much time you would want to spend.
  • Remember this is the time to catchup on your hobbies and fun too.

Delhi is very hot & keeping protected id a must.

  • Working on the net from the comfort of your home can be a good option.
  • simply downloading or saving links for the next semester papers. Syllabus is on DU website.
  • Start writing articled for next issue of 'Anthesis'
  • Create your own free website at WiliEducator.

Quiz Time

Dear Students and friends, click on the link above & try out my quiz.

Thank you for visiting my page

  • Your visits encourage me to add more content for teaching and learning. Let me know by leaving a note here about additional content you would like me to add on these pages.
    • This page has been accessed 8,528 times as on --Dr. Gita Mathur 11:10, 7 February 2013 (UTC)
    • This page has been accessed 9,552 times as on --Dr. Gita Mathur 05:29, 28 May 2013 (UTC)
    • This page has been accessed 10,676 times as on --Dr. Gita Mathur 07:02, 12 October 2013 (UTC)
    • This page has been accessed 12,319 times as on --Dr. Gita Mathur 14:33, 7 May 2014 (UTC)
    • This page has been accessed 14,093 times as on --Dr. Gita Mathur (talk) 10:20, 3 December 2014 (UTC)
    • This page has been accessed 23,455 times as on --Dr. Gita Mathur (talk) 18:14, 28 July 2016 (UTC)
    • This page has been accessed 33,450 times.--Dr. Gita Mathur (talk) 15:48, 15 May 2020 (NZST)
Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg