Nationality: | Indian | ||
Languages: | English | ||
Country: | India | ||
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sophia college
Department of Lifesciences
Undergraduate Program
Post Graduate Program
UGCInnovative Teaching-Learning Program in Neurosciences
- Wednesday Causerie
- Monday Paper presentation
- Movie-makers' Club
Darwin in INDIA
A cake cut at Sophia College in Mumbai.
150 Yrs Since Darwin
Media:Ethics of Human Cloning.swf
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Notes and Feedback from my Wiki Neighbours
- Namaste. Very nice to see you have an early start on making your User page. If you have not seen it yet, I recommend that you look at the youtube video clip on Wikis. In WikiEd, as in the video, the most important buttons are edit and save. A third button, Link, is not quite the same on WikiEd. To make a sub page, in edit mode, you simply give it a name. put forward slashes around it, then two square brackets in front and after the result. When you save, the word will be in red. Click on it and it will tell you there is no such page. As soon as you start editing, the sub page is created. Another tip is to borrow from your Wiki neighbours. Browse around other User pages. If there is anything you like, just copy it and paste it in to your user page. Make any modification you need, and there you are.--Phil Bartle 01:51, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
Feedback from WikiEducator Friends
All the following are in your tutorials, but I put them here for you as a kind of learning shortcut. Earlier posts on bottom, later ones on top.
- Here is another tip. Uploading Pictures. You have a picture on your computer. You want to put it onto a page you are editing. Remember where it is and what it is called on your computer. On your page, in edit mode, you name the file by whatever name you want to call it. Do not use a generic name like "My_picture" or it will get easily mixed up on the WikiEd site. Best is to put your name in the file name you choose. Make sure the extension is one of the many Wiki can handle, like gif, png or jpg. Put it inside two sets of square brackets. At the beginning, type in the word image followed by a colon followed by your image file name. Then save and that puts your page into publishing mode, and you have a web page again. The image file name should appear in red, indicating that it has not been used already. Click on it and a new page will appear that has easy instructions abut uploading the file from your computer. Do it. The image gets its own page. When you see it, go to the bottom of that image page; click on your page name and there it will be.--Phil Bartle 13:09, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- Another tip is to borrow from your Wiki neighbours. Browse around other User pages. If there is anything you like, just copy it and paste it in to your user page. Make any modification you need, and there you are. --Phil Bartle 03:15, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
- If you have not seen it yet, I recommend that you look at the youtube video clip on Wikis. In WikiEd, as in the video, the most important buttons are edit and save. A third button, Link, is not quite the same on WikiEd. To make a sub page, in edit mode, you simply give it a name. put forward slashes around it, then two square brackets in front and after the result. When you save, the word will be in red. Click on it and it will tell you there is no such page. As soon as you start editing, the sub page is created. --Phil Bartle 03:05, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
(: Dear MC, Could you upload a photo, so I can upload your photo on the People page of the Teacher collaboration portal (TCP) and will want to know how you fit in. It would also be great, if you could introduce yourself here, so people know who you are and why you have come to WikiEducator. People will be seeing your page on the TCP. Thank you. --Patricia 16:49, 22 April 2009 (UTC))
{{Dear Patricia, Sorry I managed to come back to this page only today after several months. Am resolving that I will be here more often. I am afraid, I forgot all that I had learned at Savitri's college last October. So, to uplaod the photo, I may take a wee bit more time. However, my interest in the Teacher collaboration Portal (TCP) is because I was behind developing an innovative program of Masters in Neurosciences in which we have been able to integrate research with teaching and to an extend undergraduate teaching-learning with that of the post graduate program. Thank you for your comment, without which I would have been more demoralized! -- Arunan 19:55, 26 July 2009}}
(: No worries, MC, always here to help. Where have you developed your MA Neuroscience project?
(: Great page ~ welcome to our growing community!--Hemrom 09:12, 14 October 2008 (UTC))
: Hello Arunan....Nice to have a batch-mate here again....we started on WikiEducator at the same workshop in Delhi in October 2008. Great to see you are back here. Do visit my page. I have added some images for you--Gita Mathur 18:11, 28 July 2009 (UTC) )
{{Thanks, Gita. I am very diffident since I access this page very rarely. Now that you friends are taking interest in me I should be doing this more often and be with you on a regular basis. I shall visit your page and make comments soon, inshaallah!.I hope, what I write here will be viewable! You can see how diffident I am!--MC Arunan9:45, 2 August 2009(UTC)}}