Environmental Education
From WikiEducator
When we try to pick out anything by itself we find it hitched to everything else in the universe
John Muir
This page is intended as a resource page on the environment, especially as it relates to educating people on the environment. |
[hide]Web Resources
(Data, lists, goals, documents, maps/images, reports, other info)
For acronyms see Notes below.
Ecology and Biodiversity
- IUCN - Red List of Endangered Species
- CITES - CITES List of Endangered Species (for trade restrictions) (PDF)
- UNESCO - World Heritage Sites
- UNESCO - Biosphere Reserves (PDF)
- Ramsar - Wetlands of International Importance (PDF)
- Conservation International - Biodiversity Hotspots Map (PDF)
- WWF - World Ecoregions: Terrestrial Marine Freshwater
- FAO - Forest Resources
Population, food, and human development
- UN Population Division - Population Statistics
- Population Reference Bureau - Statistics and Reports
- US Census Bureau International Data Base
- US Census Bureau World Population Clock
- UNFPA - State of World Population
- FAO - Food and Agriculture Statistics
- UNDP - Human Development Index Website Data Report
- UN - Millennium Development Goals
Physical Resources and Pollution
- UNFCCC - Greenhouse Gases Database
- Montreal Protocol - Ozone-depleting Gases
- WHO - Air Quality Guidelines (PDF)
- Climate Zones map, shape files, kmz file description
- WRI - Major Watersheds
- WHO - Drinking Water Guidelines (PDF)
- WHO/UNICEF - Water Supply and Sanitation
- Stockholm Convention - Persistant Organic Pollutants list, infosheet(PDF)
Satellite Images
- NASA - Earth Observatory
- NOAA - Images
Information on Disasters
This includes both current and past disasters, natural and man-made.
- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Past disasters and disaster reduction
- Hyogo Framework International framework on disaster reduction
- Severe Weather (WMO)
- Tropical Cyclones
- Volcanoes
- Volcanoes
- Earthquakes
- Floods
- ReliefWeb - current natural and man-made disasters and responses (website of OCHA)
- United Nations Environment Program
- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- Worldwatch Institute
- Earth Policy Institute
- World Water Week
These are all open access journals. For a complete list see the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Environment in the News
- Planet Ark - environment news from Reuters
- Environmental News Network
Viewpoints (Blogs)
- EcoGeek.org
- EcoWorldly
- Johnsearth
- Reuters Environment Blog
- SciDev.net
- Triple Pundit
- World Resources Institute
- Worldchanging
- Worldwatch's Eye on Earth blog
- To save our PLANET
Environmental Pages on Wikieducator
Environmental Education (this page)
Visit this page and add to the sub-pages of Ecology & Environment Hub
User Pages on Wikieducator
- International Year of Biodiversity - 2010 UN press release
- University of Toledo Chemistry Professor to help craft plan for teaching about climate change, Toledoblade.com, December 2009.
Case Studies
Notes: Acronyms
- CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
- FAO - Food and Agricultural Organization
- IEA - International Energy Agency
- IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
- NASA - National Aeronautical and Space Administration (US)
- NOAA - National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (US)
- OCHA - Office of Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs
- UNDP - United Nations Development Program
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Program
- UNESCO - United Nations Economic, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund
- UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
- WHO - World Health Organization
- WMO - World Meteorological Organization
- WRI - World Resources Institute