User:Dr. Poonam Sharma

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Contact-new.svg Dr. Poonam Sharma.
Dr Poonam Sharma.jpg
Employer:Gargi College, New Delhi.
Occupation:Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology,
Other roles:Research, Reviewer for Pearson Education, Teacher Editor of our Dept. Magazine and Coordinator of Add on Course
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(Comment.gif: For instructions on how to add or personalize your wiki-signature see help page Signature--Gita Mathur 10:15, 11 July 2009 (UTC))

Dr. Poonam Sharma

I am involved in research and teaching in the field of Biotechnolgy and Bioinformatics at Gargi college, University of Delhi. My area of interest are:- "Molecular Biology, Environmental Microbiology, Metagenomics, Microbial Ecology, Heavy Metal Resistance Bacteria and Bacterial Systematic and Bioinformatics"

Dr poonam group.jpg


Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Gargi College, Siri Fort Road, Delhi -110049, India. I teach various subjects like Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Functional Genomics, Ecology, Evolution and Developmental Biology to the science graduate students. I also take experimental classes of various fields like Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Molecular biology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Physiology.


Editor of our departmental magazine “FLIGHT” at Department of Zoology, Gargi College, Siri Fort Road, Delhi -110049, India. Reviewer for Pearson Education Books.


Presently involved in research along with ten graduate students under an add-course “Molecular and Computation Biology: A Practical Approach”. Under this research program, we have isolated many bacterial strains from various habitats like Gargi Soil, Ganga Water, Sulfur Hot spring, Industrial Area and Garbage Sites and are working on Molecular Microbial Taxonomy of these strains.

Personal subpage My detailed C.V.

Expertise.pngMy areas of expertise

Personal subpage My areas of expertise .

Abiword abi.pngMy Publications


Kopete1.pngAdd-on Course: Molecular and Computational Biology: A Practical Approach

Molecular biology the study of biology at a molecular level, since late 1960’s molecular biologist have learned to characterize, isolate and manipulate the molecular components of cells and organisms.

Computational Biology is an interdisplinary field that applies the techniques of computer science inspired by biology (this includes sequence alignment, gene finding and modeling evolution).

Both of these fields are the disciplines for this century. With their progress, we are on the first part of a grand voyage. In the next century, the major driving force for molecular biology and computational biology will be the planned use of genomic information. Currently, I am coordinating an add-on course Molecular and Computational Biology: A Practical Approach and 10 students are pursuing small research projects under my supervision. Our department is well equipped for routine cellular, biochemical and molecular biological studies.

My group at Gargi College is involved in the Molecular Microbiology

This graduate level research in college allow students, who study the various molecular and computation biology techniques theoretically in classrooms to get an opportunity not only to see them practically happen but also to have an hands-on experience by performing these techniques themselves in the laboratory.

Through this multidisciplinary introductory but significant research course/ add-on course, we will be able to lay the foundation of scientific temper, practical exposure and professional aptitude towards the modern trends in the field of biology during the initial stages of their undergraduate studies in the college.

My bacterial isolates

Molecular and Computational Biology

This HUB is under Development. Add your suggestions and comments.

Dear Poonam, This is as discussed in College today. Change the Pages as per your requirement. Welcome to contact me for help. Looking forward to reading your contributions here.--Dr. Gita Mathur 10:09, 18 September 2009 (UTC)


Molecular biology helps! :) Molecular biology is my area of special interest. So as I saw that the college is providing us with an Add-On course on the same, I was very excited and hence I took it up. So far it has been an excellent experience. As i am studying Life Science, the practical experiments of what I am studying in my theoretical classes, provides me with a better insight on the topics. Furthermore I wish that if the infrastructure improves, I'd like to do more innovative experiment like DNA BASED CLONING under Poonam Ma'am s' able guidance. Who knows we might just come up with something new? I'll conclude by thanking my college and Dr. Poonam Sharma for providing us with an excellent oppurtunity and surely this course will help me in my future endeavours. .......Madhura (LS III)

Students learn various techniques

Microbial Culturing like:

 Isolating Microbes
 Culturing in both liquid and solid medium
 Purifying Bacterial strains
 Plating and streaking Bacterial Culture 

Molecular and Computational Biology tools

 Genomic DNA Isolation
 Plasmid Isolation
 Restriction Digestion
 Sequence analysis...homology, alignment....
 Constructiom of Phylogenetic Tree

Department of Zoology at Gargi...."Albatross" Our Society

Not changing many views about The Albatross being a “pious bird of good omen” in the poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, our zoology society has also assumed the role of the bird and has taken off on a flight to success making everyone associated with it proud. The department has been instrumental in opening a plethora of opportunities for its students by taking special efforts like the introduction of as many as three add-on courses thus preparing them to face the ever-competing world well equipped. Inspite of being one of the oldest departments of the college, albatross continues to keep a youthful approach, accepting fresh ideas with the same enthusiasm. “Animagus” is the annual event organized by the department of zoology, Gargi College. It provides a platform for students of different colleges to share a common interface for healthy informative interaction. Eminent scientists are invited to give lectures and to equip the students with the advancements around the world. This year our focus has been on the highly talked about aspect of science “biotechnology” which is taking over the world. Competitions like debate, poster presentation and quiz bring about not only the intellectual but also the creative talents of our students.

Phylogenetic Tree

A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a tree showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities that are believed to have a common ancestor. In a phylogenetic tree, each node with descendants represents the most recent common ancestor of the descendants, and the edge lengths in some trees correspond to time estimates.


Central Placement Cell: University of Delhi

It explores placement opportunities for not only students completing their degree programmes but also those students looking for summer internships, project and training avenues in India and abroad. It certainly aims at providing instant boost to the career of students through campus recruitment in many blue chip companies and research organisations. [1]

B Sc. Life Sciences - Lab Exercises

B Sc. Life Sciences Part I - Lab Exercises BY 106 [2]

B Sc. Life Sciences Part II - Lab Exercises LS 206 [3]

B Sc. Life Sciences Part III - Lab Exercises LS 306

Research Institutes for Summer Training (Delhi)

National Institute of Immunology (NII): NII is an autonomous institution supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The Institute is committed to advanced research addressing the basic mechanisms involved in body's defence, host-pathogen interactions and related areas with a view to contribute to the creation of an internationally competitive intellectual knowledge base as a sustainable source of innovative futuristic modalities of potential use in health care.[4]

AIIMS Research & Clinical Programs: Research at AIIMS is apart of our national endeavour to cultivate a scientific temper and to eliminate from our society the way of authority and superstition.[5]

JNU campus: JNU campus is a microcosm of the Indian nation, drawing students from every nook and corner of the country and from every group and stratum of society.[6]

The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB): The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology provides a scientific and educational environment of the highest standard and conducts innovative research in life sciences for the benefit of developing countries. It strengthens the research capability of its Members through training and funding programmes and advisory services and represents a comprehensive approach to promoting biotechnology internationally. [7]

Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB): Mission is to translate concepts developed in basic biological research to commercially viable technologies for health care".[8]


Metagenomics (also Environmental Genomics, Ecogenomics or Community Genomics) is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. Traditional microbiology and microbial genome sequencing rely upon cultivated clonal cultures. This relatively new field of genetic research enables studies of organisms that are not easily cultured in a laboratory as well as studies of organisms in their natural environment. Early environmental gene sequencing cloned specific genes (often the 16S rRNA gene) to produce a profile of diversity in a natural sample. Such work revealed that the vast majority of microbial diversity had been missed by cultivation-based methods. Recent studies use "shotgun" Sanger sequencing or chip-based pyrosequencing to get (mostly) unbiased samples of all genes from all members of sampled communities. Metagenomics

Fun at Our Zoology Dept


  • hi!

good to hear from you. i think that symposium actually provided a nice oppurtunity to both of us... to know each other in a better way. do stay in touch....and yes! ur page looks wonderful to me, i'll be improving upon my own stuff taking inspiration from urs. --Yanubha 16:37, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Feedback and Notes from Other Members

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(Comment.gif: Dear Poonam, Welcome to the online workshop. Please follow the activities & add to the Introduction and Feedback pages at EL4C26. Looking forward to your active participation. Gita --Gita Mathur 15:04, 6 May 2009 (UTC) )

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EL4C27 WiZiQ Meeting
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Friday, June 5, 2009
15:30 to 16:00 (GMT)
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(Comment.gif: Join [9] in advance, to participate in the online live discussion. You may interact by typing as in chat or get a mic & headphones to talk and a webcam to be seen.--Gita Mathur 08:57, 2 June 2009 (UTC))

  • Hi Poonam, Nice to see the advancements on your page. Keep adding. You have developed a wonderful page. Feel free to ask me whenever you need help. From Participant & Facilitator now we are WikiFriends ....called as WikiNeighbours. Do give me suggestions for improving my page too...that's the Wiki Way!!! Warm wishes. --Gita Mathur 02:19, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

Icon discussion.gif
Interaction Box - Please put your comments and notes here or in 'My Talk' link on top of this page - Dr. Poonam Sharma

(Comment.gif: Congratulations Dear Poonam for the WikiBuddy certification. --Gita Mathur 13:44, 16 May 2009 (UTC))

Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg