Youth policy advocacy

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Last edit: 05:50, 18 February 2011

Thanks for the lively discussion on key elements in youth policy that promote youth entrepreneurship - I know we could still continue with the discussion however I would like us to briefly focus our discussions on advocacy around youth policy. To kick start the discussion;

  1. Have you been engaged in youth policy advocacy work?
  2. what worked well and what did not?
  3. who were the key advocacy messages and targeted to whom?
Nmunala (talk)03:07, 18 February 2011

Dear Collaeques,

I have been engaged in youth policy work for over 15 years in my country. What worked well was the development of the policy but the implementation was another kettle of fish altogether. T he National Youth Policy for Nigeria over the years have been targeted at the Government. youth Practioners,Donor Agencies, the youth population and all stakeholders in youth development.

Luckyluka (talk)03:30, 18 February 2011

Thanks for sharing your observations. Yes, in a number of instances, policy documents are not supported by implementation plans etc. I therefore see a role for you to undertake some advocacy work to push for implementation of are up for that challenge?

Nmunala (talk)20:36, 18 February 2011

Hi Nellie,

Thanks for your response. I am ready to take up the challenge to ensure policy implementation, using lessons learnt from this training.


LuckyLuka (talk)22:34, 18 February 2011

Hi Everyone,

My job as a youth development officer involves youth policy advocacy and my experiences over the years have revealed that certain stages in the advocacy cycle are often done with enthusiasm, such stages as identifying the problem, gathering information and actual policy design are done excellently well, but the challenges often arise at the implementation and evaluation stages.

Key advocacy messages are mainly issues emanating from challenges of young people in Nigeria, issues such as employment, health, HIV/AIDS, Education, Crime, access to ICT, etc. The messages are targeted at Young people, Government, Civil Society, Development partners, and faith based organizations.

Shining Star (talk)04:09, 18 February 2011

Hello Shining star,

It looks like you have a lot of experience in this area. Kindly share some of the advocay messages you developed on HIV Aids and Education. --Smauye 06:49, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Smauye91 (talk)18:49, 18 February 2011

We all want to hear about your HIV/AIDS and Education advocacy messages

Nmunala (talk)20:20, 18 February 2011

Well, about HIV/AIDs advocacy, the experience I have was working on a Youth Resource Centers Project in two communities in the oil producing area of Nigeria for the years 2003-2004. Three issues were identified as major youth challenges in these communities and so UNICEF in collaboration with my office (Ministry of Youth Development) decided to do something about it, the issues identified were HIV/AIDs, Human Trafficking and Youth Violence. The end product was the development of two Model Youth Resource Centes in each of the communities. The actual advocacy on HIV/AIDS occurred during the project development process, and we advocated to various stakeholders, including the youth, community members, faith based organizations, government etc.

The advocacy plan was designed in such a manner to suit the target group; for the government officials, we paid visits and discussed the issues we have identified as problems and informed them about the intervention project we have designed, we also sought their input and support. A project steering committee with representatives of government and civil society was the end product of the visits to government.

For the young people, a number of youth were also selected and trained to be part of the process and they participated in a number of focused groups discussion with other young people and community members, during the project process. They were also involved in developing of youth friendly messages for Information Education and Communication materials on HIV/AIDs, Human Trafficking and Violence, some young people were also on the Need Assessment team, which was part of the information gathering process.

A number of community members(civil society, faith based organization and other members of the communities ) had representatives on a project community committee which we also established as part of the process, these community members were also informed on the issues of concern and their input and support sought.

At the end of the process, we had gathered information on HIV/AIDs, Human Trafficking, and violence, from the perspective of all stakeholders in the communities, and we had their input to complete the intervention project design. After the advocacy process, construction work on the Youth resource centers began, incorporating most of the suggestion and input arising for the advocacy process

In summary, today the two model youth resource centers in Benin-City , Edo state and Amukpe Sapele, Delta State of Nigeria have been completed and serve as centres were youth friendly information on HIV/AIDs is available. Life skills training and livelihood skills training also take place at the centers as a way of keeping the youth engaged to discourage them from being involved in violence and Human Trafficking. The management of the centers has also been handed over to the communities.

On Education, we have identified the need to mainstream entrepreneurship education into the school curriculum. Presently, a mainstreaming plan has been developed incorporating all issues that are challenges to young people, entrepreneurship education inclusive. However, like I stated in my input on advocacy yesterday, implementation is a challenge. For now, representatives of other government agencies that are relevant to the youth mainstreaming process have been sensitized during a 5day long sensitization/training session. However, the Ministry of Youth Development is working on these challenges.

Shining Star (talk)22:25, 18 February 2011

Thanks for elaborating on your advocacy experiences. I note that your advocacy campaigns led to development of youth resource centres - an excellent way of utilising advocacy to realise an outcome. It is important that as we plan around an advocacy strategy we anticipate what we wish to realise as an end product.

Nmunala (talk)22:47, 18 February 2011
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Last edit: 05:35, 18 February 2011

Hello Colleaques,

I have ten (10) years working experienced as a Youth Development Officer. Yes, I was involved in the recent Policy Development.In the last reviewed , i was part of the advocacy visit to 2 Geo-political Zones out of 6 Zones. The youth were mobilized from the zones with their leaders. There was reasonable turned out of the youth with a lot of contributions from them but there was not enough time to deliberate on the points. The key advocacy messages were: Employment for both graduates and Out- of -School Youth, HIV / AIDS, Youth Health, Youth in Crime, the Out - of - School youth. It was targeted to Youth, Donor Agencies and Government of Nigeria.

Ubandoma (talk)05:11, 18 February 2011

Thanks for sharing experiences from Nigeria. I note that your advocacy process involved making contact with a range of the key stakeholders including young people which is an important point. Were a majority of the young people happy with the Youth Policy - that it represented their views?

Nmunala (talk)20:31, 18 February 2011

Goodmorning, Yes, majority of the young people were happy because their views were considered in the policy. Nigeria Youth are not homogeneous group and that differences were captured. The policy contains provisions that addresses the specify and special needs of each several identified target groups.

Ubandoma (talk)22:15, 18 February 2011

Hi All I am a lecturer by profession and i have nor been so much involved in youth advocacy apart from disseminating knowledge to the youth at the university level. it good to see that most of the participants have been engaged in Youth advocacy and i am already learning a lot.The discussion is quite interesting.

Sang (talk)05:25, 18 February 2011

Enjoy and learn from the discussions. Please make reference to the discussion paper (creating an enabling environment: Youth Policy and advocacy) for some tips on how to go about an effective advocacy strategy

Nmunala (talk)20:34, 18 February 2011

I have been engaged in youth advocacy work ever since I was a student leader far back in the Teacher Training College. I have tried to sensitize young ones and especially the youth to be assertive and to aspire for better lives through education. As a student leader, I joined and lead groups that sought to empower the youth to promote sustainable development through education in the following areas: Environmental sustainability, higher education and making informed decisions. Now as a worker, I continue to promote the same sustainable development message by encouraging and assisting young people to choose courses and educational institutions according to their abilities and interests since education is the key to sustainable development. I have seen a lot of my mentees go high the academic ladder. I have also seen change in attitude towards the environment by most of my mentees. Others have followed me to chat this path but some of these mentees unfortunately, have fell apart on the way due to peer pressure, financial problems beyond our handle. My key advocacy messages varied based on the group but it mostly included parents, educators, and most especially young people and the youth. --Kafuiaheto 18:38, 17 February 2011 (UTC)

Kafuiaheto (talk)06:38, 18 February 2011

Thanks Kafui Aheto for your contribution. I note you have progressed on your advocacy campaigns...from student days to present as a worker. You have rich experiences that can benefit us. What would you say has worked well and not worked well throughout your experiences? I note that you have provided ongoing support to your mentee's which is very valuable in erms of understanding how far reaching the advocacy message has 'lived'

Nmunala (talk)20:26, 18 February 2011

Hi Everyone,

No I have not engaged in specifically youth policy advocacy work but I have done different kind of advocacy work on gender related issues and other national development related issues. From 2007 to 2009 I worked for a Non Governmental Organization that was in Gender and Development and on many occasions we would advocate on issues related to gender based violence, land issues, the rights of children, gender equality and human rights. We would also work in solidarity with other organization. There were two campaigns I had worked on. The first was a campaign where we were advocating for the constitution of Zambia to be amended through the constituent assembly and not what government was proposing. The campaign was called the ‘Red Card Campaign’. The second was an advocacy campaign was against a Member of Parliament (MP) of a particular constituency had uttered degrading remarks about the use of women in a parliament session. This rose dust and anger in the gender activists

The methodologies during the two campaigns of getting the people involved by advocating with and for them worked well even though government still did what they wanted. The campaigns were well advertised and attended. There was a lot of attendance by the public. The method of confrontation especially over the issue of the MP did not work well our pleas were ignored completely.

One of the advocacies engaged in was targeted at the President, Vice President and the policy makers or should I say the office bearers.

Mwaba (talk)09:23, 21 March 2011

This discussion is very enganging and practical. I have been involved in youth policy advocacy work in various ways: When I was a student at university on issues regarding student loans and grants provision by the government. What worked well.. is that there was wide participation by the students. What did not go well is a demonstration by students before the matter could be addressed. This further delayed the process as some students were expelled. The key advocay message directed at the school council and central government was to increase the university grants.

A second situation was policy advocacy regarding implementation of the girl children re-entry policy in Zambia. What worked was gathering evidence on the prevalence of the issue in the focus districts. The key advocay messages were directed at parents/husbads to allow girls back to school, to schools to change their attitudes removing stigma and taking the girls back. --Smauye 06:46, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Smauye91 (talk)18:46, 18 February 2011

Smauye, I think we share somethings in common-Advocacy by Student leadership. It's unfortunate some of your people faced the full rigors of the law through their expulsion following a demonstration.--Kafuiaheto 07:58, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Kafuiaheto (talk)19:58, 18 February 2011

Thanks for your contribution - I note student life is full of opportunities for advocacy campaigns. It may be worthwhile to enhance skills of students in advocacy, your thoughts?

Nmunala (talk)20:18, 18 February 2011

Students need to develop better advocacy strategies than the traditional running battles they have. In most campuses including in Europe, students are good at rioting to get their messages across. But if we are looking for a future of leaders who use diplomacy and peace to have their way, we need to help students begin to appreciate negotiation for advocacy

Remmy (talk)02:08, 9 March 2011

I agree with you intoto. I have coached students to use diologue and diplomacy in resolving conflicts rather than confrontation with the powers that be and the result has always been positive. Sometimes because of youth exuberance, some of them have rioted to get their messages across, but the consequencies have been dissastrous. Indeed if we really believe that the youth are the future leaders of this beautiful planet, then we've got a lot to do with youth advocacy.

Pkakorsu (talk)09:35, 17 April 2011

Thanks for your contribution. I like the fact that you mentioned what worked well and what didn't, that is very critical information when we get to evaluating how successful an advocacy campaign is/was. I note you mention there was wide participation of the people affected by the issue (students) - this helps a lot it confirming that it is/was a real issue. In advocacy strategies it always works well when the affected group is part of the process. Of course you mention too that the demonstration spoiled the gains you had earlier made - it is always important to make a plan on how best you want to proceed with an advocacy strategy as well as making the participants of the campaign aware of actions that may not be helpful towards achieving your advocacy goal, that way, each one of us takes responsibility of our actions. I know that in a number of instances, unexpected circumstances make it difficult to realise your agreed plan, but it becomes manageable to identify with the people and actions that should not have happened.

I note that in your second advocacy campaign, it was key to gather as much evidence as possible on the matter to constructively develop a key message around the issue. It is important to do your evidence based research before an advocacy campagn

Nmunala (talk)20:15, 18 February 2011

We once did did an advocacy campaign in Zambia on Sex Education in schools, we did in the rural areas of Central Province. What worked was mapping the stakeholders in 4 categories: Supporters, Opposers, Neutrals and Infulencers. We needed to know who was on our side and who we would work with. That mapping helped us have a lot of wuick wins within the communities. However what didnt work was that we engaged, lower level stakeholders like head teachers and not higher government official, so even after having support from the locals, it was hard for change to come coz approval was needed from higher offices. And that meant starting afresh.

Remmy (talk)01:57, 9 March 2011

Greetings everyone, I have not been engaged in any youth policy advocacy work. I am a trainer by profession and I have not been involved in such at the moment. But by looking at the various comments being expressed, I am being motivated to be a part of this. Our organisation deals in peer education and the young people and so certain key advocacy messages would help us in our line of work.Farai-Zambia

Faraic (talk)19:21, 18 February 2011

Thanks Farai for your input - in many instances advocacy helps raise the profile of an issue so that it can be addressed. There are various advocacy strategies that can be utilised depending on the circumstance. I believe our discussions will help you identify the different strategies and formulation of key messages. You can make reference to my discussion paper to get tips on steps towards realising an effective advocacy campaign (advocacy cycle)

Nmunala (talk)20:05, 18 February 2011

Hi Farai, If your Peer Education work is mainly in HIV and AIDS, I would be happy to link up with you. I work for the World AIDS Campaign and I coordinate Youth Campaigns, advocacy and work like that.

Best, Remmy

Remmy (talk)01:40, 9 March 2011

Dear all,

I found the discussion is very lively and insightful . For youth advocacy work, in 2002, I was assigned for a special package program for rural youth and ultra-poor, UNDP/ South Asia Poverty alleviation programme. While I was working on this special package program I was able to cluster the various issues of rural youth and ultra-poor people and suggested for special credit facility with special interest rate and other kind investment package. Finally the local implementing body decided to provide special credit facility and kind investment to the rural youth and Ultra poor members of the community.

In Nepal I was actively involved on Entrepreneurship Development network (EDN) and contributed my thoughts on youth entrepreneurship and skills development. It was a national network and did a lot of advocacy at various issues on private sector development and youth employment .

Beside that while I was working with IEDI/Rural Enterprise assistance programme , SNV and ICCO supported programme; we were able to advocate special youth entrepreneurship programme for conflict affected youth in Nepal

In Zambia case I am not involved directly on such direct campaign on youth advocacy . Al the national level , we have a regular meetings at CEEC office on youth entrepreneurship programme where we use to discuss various youth enterprise related issues to make the program more youth friendly.

Ekanath (talk)19:48, 18 February 2011

Thanks, I note that you have been involved in an advocacy project in Nepal, it will be interesting to understand what worked well and what did not work well in your advocacy strategy so that we can learn from your experience. Any particular message in your advocacy strategy?

Nmunala (talk)19:58, 18 February 2011

Hello Ekanath,

I find your contribution very intresting especially the aspect on the Entrepreneuership Development Network(EDN), i am very interested in that. Please can you discuss more about the EDN in Nepal and your advocacy efforts, and also discuss the issues on private sector development and youth employment.

Thanks for sharing

Shining Star (talk)23:04, 18 February 2011

I would be interested to learn more about the Entrepreneurship Development Network. Is it documented and available online?

GabKon (talk)01:18, 19 February 2011

Hi! Everyone

I have been engaged in the youth policy advocacy work in my country , but it wasn't the National Youth Policy but rather specifically on HIV/AIDS and young people , these workshop was organized by UNFPA. What worked well was the development of the policy but the implementation is still on going but so far I would say is going well. In the past I would say in my country most of the youth policy where on paper but not on implematation , where there was implementation there will be no continous monitoring and evaluation of on these . When now I go back to Youth Policy's on Entrepreneurship which I have not been engaged on , I would say currently most of it is being implemented , especially that our government is trying by almeans to encourage young people to venture into business.

Because I was not involved in the policy advocacy work for the Entrepreneurship one nor the National Youth policy one I can't comment much on them.


Koziba (talk)21:58, 18 February 2011

I I have not been engaged in the policy Advocacy work before, am really learning a lot on the advocacy from my fellow participants, the topic is quiet informative.

Of late my organisation, and me being the Coordinator of the ICT programmes at Chawama Yoth Project, had to Identify the Policy component that is YOUTH & ICTs, we had to meet the Ministry of sport, Youth and Child Development's Department of Youth Development to highlight more on the need to implement the ICT Policy in Vocational Training Centres in Zambia. and we also had to involve some external partners in order to do this and at that time the ministry did not have a budget for the programme I and my colleague in Youth Work we had to help put up a budget that was presented to paliament for approval and am happy, to also learn that the ICT budget was approved and this would help to cutter for the underprevalaged youths. besides I have been in one DGroup known as E-brain Forum of Zambia have been in the fore front to advocate for National ICT Policy and we contributed to that. From the Look of things ICTs in Zambia is beggining to get a Grip even in schools especially in urburn.

RABROD (talk)22:26, 18 February 2011

First appologies for non-contribution since the online discussions and training started. I have either been traveling or sick. My name is Simon and I work for Abusua FOundation based out in Cape Coast Ghana. Following the discussion, I can say that Ghanaian Youth have had a very difficult climate to positively get their voices heard in the development of the youth policy. After over a decade the policy was launch in August 2010 during the world youth day. The policy had no action plan, neither did it have a budget. So we do not know how it will be implemented, how mauch it will cost among others.

The NYC and the sector ministry promised that the concerns raised will be addressed in 2weeks and 6months has since passed.

How is the youth policy advocated? In Ghana, my experience has been that the policy issues have been carried by civil society rather than government.

Advocacy: the advocacy for and of the policy has been limited to Accra the Capital. And the key discussants have been politicians. Which means that the people that really work with and for youth are largely ignored or just heard locally. As the case has been, local advocacy in Ghana does not count if your voice is not heard in Accra.

What has been my experience? I use facebook and a media tool for scope and reach. I have used my space on the social network to point, support, criticise on issues that concern youth. So have I posted opportunities that target young people

Simon Eyram Tsike-Sossah (talk)23:51, 18 February 2011

Thanks Simon for your contributions. You raise very pertinent issues that link policy development and advocacy that is necessary. You mention that youth participation in developing the policy was challenging coupled by the fact that there isn't an action plan nor financial resources to support implementation of the policy: I see a huge opportunity here for advocacy work, that should lead to developing an action plan as well as identifying resources to implement the plan. Before we get to the implementation process - would you say that a majority of Ghanaian youth can relate to the issues identified in the policy? I believe it was sustained advocacy work that led the Government launching the policy - how were the advocacy campaigns organised?

I note that you use social media for your advocacy campaigns - has this channel worked especially if the message has to reach Government?

Nmunala (talk)00:55, 19 February 2011

Dear Nellie arising from Simon's observations above and what I have observed in my experience, I note that usually a lot of efforts are directed towards having a very well written policy document and when it is launched usually there is insufficent funding or lack of proper implementation and monitoring mechanism. Would it be helpful to ensure that these concerns are addressed before a Youth Policy is launched?

GabKon (talk)01:12, 19 February 2011

Thanks Simon for your contributions. You raise very pertinent issues that link policy development and advocacy that is necessary. You mention that youth participation in developing the policy was challenging coupled by the fact that there isn't an action plan nor financial resources to support implementation of the policy: I see a huge opportunity here for advocacy work, that should lead to developing an action plan as well as identifying resources to implement the plan. Before we get to the implementation process - would you say that a majority of Ghanaian youth can relate to the issues identified in the policy? I believe it was sustained advocacy work that led the Government launching the policy - how were the advocacy campaigns organised?

I note that you use social media for your advocacy campaigns - has this channel worked especially if the message has to reach Government?

Nmunala (talk)01:06, 19 February 2011

Welcome, I hope you are now stable and fit. The discussions have been so enjoyable but, all along I have been a lonely Ghanaian sharing the Ghanaian experience. I am happy you are now around.I agree with you that in Ghana,the policy issues have been carried by civil society rather than government. But in any case I perfectly go with Nellie as she says that there is a big opportunity for advocacy work. Thanks--Kafuiaheto 15:20, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Kafuiaheto (talk)03:20, 19 February 2011

1. I have been engaged in youth policy advocacy work since 1992.

2. What worked well was development of policies e.g. overall Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) Policy, Disability Policy for TEVET, Gender Policy for TEVET and Mainstremaing of HIV & AIDS in TEVET.

What did not work well was implementation of these policies and monitoring and evaluation of the same.

3. The key advocacy messages were to do with mainstreaming of gender, disability and HIV & AIDS issues in TEVET. These were mostly targeted to youths regsitered in the 300+ TEVET institutions in Zambia.

GabKon (talk)01:01, 19 February 2011

Thanks for your input. It seems a majority of us have identified policy implementation as a challenge, this therefore presents opportunity for advocacy work around policy implementation. Can we provide suggestions on how we can develop an effective advocacy strategy to address policy implementation challenges? Broadly, what are the actions we would take, what would be key message, whom would we target to relay the message to?

Nmunala (talk)01:12, 19 February 2011

To develop an effective advocacy strategy may require setting up Information, Education and Communication (IEC) units or departments in organisations dealing with youth work. This unit which has to communicate with the outside world on policy implementation will need to advocate that departments responsible for policy implementation are funded adequately.

GabKon (talk)03:55, 19 February 2011

It is true that most countries have beautiful policies but implementation remains the biggest challenge. Advocacy is very important to ensure the policy makers implement the policies. We need to form stratgic alliances around a particilar issue, and work closely with the media

Mulakom (talk)04:45, 16 April 2011

Dear Nmunala
I think one major challenge/problem of implementation of policy is the non involvement of the youth in fomulating policies. That constitute a violation of their right. I think we shall be making progress in implementation of policy if we begin to involve the youth. Would you agree?

Pkakorsu (talk)08:33, 17 April 2011

Hi Everyone,

As a youth development officer, with my little experience i have not really been involued in youth advocacy apart from a visit to a geo - political zone, were the youth was moblized from six different state of the country with their leaders to delibrate on the key advocay message on Engaging political parties for youth participation and sensitization against electoral violence.

Chichi (talk)01:19, 19 February 2011

i have never been involved in youth policy advocacy but I think this is a very interesting discussion.

Greg daka (talk)01:39, 19 February 2011

Greg, it is very interesting to partake in youth advocacy, I know that you will soon enjoy it when you start it. I am also convinced that this workshop will equip you further for the job.--Kafuiaheto 15:13, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Kafuiaheto (talk)03:13, 19 February 2011

Sorry for commenting on this subject late,,,Better late than never


Our organization has been involved in the Social justice fight from the advocacy perspectives. Overtime with the review of our organization, strategies we have been engaged in advocating for resilient social structures that embraces holistic approaches towards enhancing both inform and formal social protection schemes. We have been also involved in the formulation and development of social protection projects together with the Help Age UK on behave of the Aged people living with HIV/AIDS. Advocated for the strengthening of the Labor Ministry institutional capacity handle this social vice that has ravaged both the young and the old population of Zambia. Our organization has also been involved in strengthen the social structures of the vulnerable communities especially with respect to climate change. We have encouraged many to embark on improving their social safety nets by encouraging them to grow climate resilient crops. Having been involved in the championing of MDGs attainment, our organization has put social justice fight at the center stage of our organization’s mandate. This include advocate for gender friendly policies, equality in terms of health service provision and education among other important operating themes for our organization Encouraging social cash transfer as well as pass on the gift programs has been one such clear cut examples that have sent precedence of our work in Zambia either direct or indirect. - Participated in the formulation of the Climate change Civil Society Network organises by World Bank - Participated in the planning and designing of Kick out Poverty Zambia Campaign - Advocating for the enactment of Child birth registration as birth right

Messages developed include STAND UP Against poverty every October, 17th No Woman should die well giving life Fair Play Campaign , Kick out Poverty in Zambia in Zambia Gender for Sustainable Development All children should go to school No one should die of hunger We should all work towards developing one community with out trade barriers and descrimination These constitute MDGs in simple terms

What didn't Work 1. Kick out poverty Campaign didnt meet the intended objectives 2. The National strategy Document for Advocacy and Fundraising on MDGs by Zambian CSOs didnt materialize beyond consultative meeting meant for Designing and planning for clear implementation plan 3. Student charter on MDGs not formulated as planned and agreed

These and many other things i may have left constitutes my advocacy experience beyond uNIVERSITY LIFE

Isaac.fwemba (talk)03:54, 19 February 2011

Dear Greg
Trust me, youth advacacy is very interesting and you will enjoy it when you start as Kafuiaheto said. The youth are very interesting to work with and you'll learn a lot from them if you have an open mind and you will forever be a hero to them. Share your success stories as well as challenges with as and when they come in the future. Best wishes.

Pkakorsu (talk)09:54, 17 April 2011

Hi everyone

Aplogies for joining the discussion late.

I have been involved in youth policy advocacy work for some time at various levels. While serving as Chairperson of the Commonwealth Youth Caucus (2000-2003), we odvocated for meaningful and active youth participation in the Commonwealth Secretariat programmes. One outcome of the advocacy was that the myself and 3 other Youth Caucus members were nominated by the Commonwealth Secretary General to be part of the Commonwealth Observer Group which observed Zimbabwe's Presidential elections in 2002. We were also part of the Commonwealth Observer Group which observed Ugandá's 2006 elections. The trend has continued for other Commonwealth countries elections. Messages were targeted at Management and governance structures.

The Youth Caucus also advocated for the development of national youth policies in all Commonwealth countries. Most countries today have national youth plicies.

At national level, working with various youth organisations, we advocated for the speedy development of Zambia's National Plan of Action for youth after the review of the National Youth Policy of 2006. The Plan of Action was launched in 2009. Messages were targeted at government, specifically the Ministry of Youth and development agencies to support the process.

Mulakom (talk)02:34, 21 February 2011

Hi Colleagues Sorry for late contribution,i have just seen this message in my spam box,in my involvement with young people,i have not had an opportunity in advocacy related issues,my role mainly is to do with trainings in Entrepreneurship,i like the contributions given by many on this subject what worked for them and what didn't work.


Samipyet2011 (talk)21:18, 26 February 2011

Well, from my small experience in youth work compared to most of the participants, I have not been involved in actual policy formulation; but for sure I have observed policies being developed that relate to youth work but implementation always proves to be the hard nut to crack. It would thus be interesting to learn from participants from other countries on their experiences.

Marcosmburu (talk)05:52, 5 April 2011

I have been involved in youth advocacy work around youth reproductive rights and responsibilities. What worked well was the involvement of the young people in the issues especially the girls. What did not go so well is that some of the young people continued engaging in unprotected sex leading to unplanned pregnancies. This compromised the message.

The key messages were: know your body know yourself

I have a future I have a life

My life is my responsibility.

The messages were targeted at young people to take responsibility for their own sexuality by getting to understand themselves and what they needed to do to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Other messages were targeted at older persons who were abusing girls.--Smauye 13:06, 14 April 2011 (UTC)

Smauye91 (talk)01:06, 15 April 2011

I had a similar experience in youth advocacy work in connection with youth reproductive rights and responsibilities. Indeed the participation of the youth was very encouraging. But just like your experience, I think the message did not go down well. When the programme was evaluated after six months, the report we got was that condom was the preferred choice for protected sex, but the tip of the condom was cut off because it disturbs during sex. Hmmm! Miscommunication.

Pkakorsu (talk)08:57, 17 April 2011

I have never been involved in youth advocacy

Kasonde (talk)17:45, 19 April 2011