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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Is Distance Education Need Of The Hour018:58, 23 February 2011
Help request and invitation to a multilingual collaborative game305:37, 16 February 2010
«congrats Gita Mathur Ma'am!!!»023:52, 9 June 2009
Second UPE Award for India115:46, 2 June 2009
Featured WE April-09018:33, 10 March 2009
Next Featured WE for India Page000:38, 31 January 2009
Next Featured WE for India Page000:37, 31 January 2009
New Look India Page015:40, 27 December 2008
WikiEd08022:09, 8 October 2008
Organizing India Page703:20, 1 June 2008
The Concept of Global Citizenship: Indian Perspective.003:47, 3 May 2008

Is Distance Education Need Of The Hour


E-learning combining with interative technologies have thrown a challege to the traditional method of education. The busy schedule of the people, the dynamic industries have raised the need to constantly upgrade themseleves to take the better opportuniites in their stride. This has also subsequently raise the requirement for a learning method other than traditional system. Thus giving the popularity to E-learning methods.In India large number of people are finding a solution to earning experience and education simultaneously through E-learning.

Utspune (talk)18:58, 23 February 2011

Help request and invitation to a multilingual collaborative game

Edited by author.
Last edit: 05:13, 15 December 2009

Dear friends;

I kindly ask for your help:

The image commons:file:2152085cab.png displays a most-perfect magic square from the Parshvanath Jain temple in Khajuraho. This square was cited many times in mathematical literature but representations where not available so far. It was uploaded by RainerTypke to Commons on request. source: Rainer Typke »Photographs »India 2008 »Khajuraho Temples »Khajuraho: Eastern Group ».

I went to the State Library from Bavaria in Munich, Germany to get the text translated. I have read about this square many years before because for me all started with a note: "... a young man has discovered the amazing properties of magic squares. Padmakumar, an honorary fellow in the State Science, Technology and Environment Department (STED) for the last 11 years, has published the wonderful properties of the magic square called ‘Sri Rama Chakra’ in the international mathematical journal, ‘Fibonacci Quarterly’ in August 1997." See DSpace at Cochin University record google search.

I have many questions which are puzzling me for a long time:

a) I searched Mr. Padmakumar for years but I could not contact him. Is it possible to find out how to contact him? b) Mr. Padmakumar mentioned magic square called ‘Sri Rama Chakra’. Does anybody know the exact meaning? Does it have any cultural implications? c) The usage of the picture lists many pages. One is a link to my last contact. The wikipedia search for Chautisa+Yantra lists some pages; some mention "Jain temples of Khajuraho; This is referred to as the Chautisa Yantra, since each sub-square sums to 34." Does this only refers to the value 34 (the sum of rows, columns, diagonals etc? Is there another meaning? d) Are there some publications about the inscription? Is it known when the square was created? e) Mr. Padmakumar published last year a book:

T.V.Padmakumar, Number Theory and Magic Squares, Sura books, India, 2008, 128 pages, ISBN 978-81-8449-321-4

I contacted the publisher about ordering the book. There is a great interest about it but money transfer prices are a multiple of the book price and shipping costs. Are there any ways to get the book by paying with credit cards or paypal? f) I kindly invite you to participate in the development of a game based on these type of squares. Please take a look at commons:commons:rakonto (redirecting today to "commons:story (game) - collaborative work".

Thanks for any help in advance! Best regards and greetings from Munich, Germany!
« לערי ריינהארט » at commons facebook 00:01, 23 November 2009 (UTC)

לערי ריינהארט (talk)13:01, 23 November 2009

I visited Khajuraho back in 1967. A truly magical place. Phil

Philbartle (talk)12:05, 28 November 2009

Dear Phil; I was puzzled last morning after only one and a half hour of sleep.

Why is such an object placed in a temple ( at the entrance of a temple as far as I know ) ?
Today we see a brick and believe it does not move. But the square is not a brick. It moves like all the deities presented in the statues.
I was puzzled about the dimensions of the square. We see two main dimensions along which the square can shift. But at every cell one can imagine also four other curled dimensions (formed by the neighbour 2x2 sub-squares, which can be transformed in rows and/or columns) . Curled dimensions are mentioned at string theory ( ) . Transitions along such dimensions are not commutative. But why to stop at six dimensions because we thing that we need to see adjacent cells to define a path . There are 384 aspects / rearrangements of this hyper symmetric, ultra homogeneous object. Maybe the dimensions are only in our mind. "m'et vern modne." - We get strange.

« לערי ריינהארט » at commons facebook 00:20, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

לערי ריינהארט (talk)13:20, 28 November 2009

Hi ya...

My name is Nithin Anilkumar... i just read ur post here, in wikipedia... speaking truly, this man, Mr. T.V Padmakumar, is my moms childhood friend... he lives pretty close by, to where i live...

actually, if u want to know more him, u can just leave me a mail, at, coz i dont think, postin his personal details, on this page would be all that nice... or contact me in person to the number 00919744834429...

i hope, ma reply to ur post was helpful...

Nithinrox (talk)05:37, 16 February 2010

«congrats Gita Mathur Ma'am!!!»


congrats for winning the award ma'am!!!! (talk)23:43, 9 June 2009

Second UPE Award for India


Hi All WikiEducators from India. <Br.> Second time an Indian Page has been selected for UPE Award!!!Meet March's winner, Dilip P. Barad, Total UPE awards so far 8. I got 6th and Dr. Dilip got the 8th awards. Cheeeeeers!!!. Dr. Gita Mathur Gita Mathur 11:34, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)00:34, 3 March 2009

Dr. Geeta Mathur, Thanks for your greetings. Yes, it is indeed a matter to be proud. 2 out of 8 awards to India pages - it is not a bad start..... Congratulations to you also for winning UPE.

Dilip Barad

Dilipbarad (talk)15:46, 2 June 2009

Featured WE April-09


Dear all,

I propose Dr. Ramakrishnan Srinivasan, for the next featured WE of India Page.

Anil Prasad 05:33, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)18:33, 10 March 2009

Next Featured WE for India Page


Next Featured WE for India Page
I would like to nominate Mr. Anil Prasad to be the next Featured WE for India page. I would like to add that I am doing this as an Indian proud of our WE-Inadia Chapter as well as a member of the Interim Advisory Board. Gita Gita Mathur 11:38, 30 January 2009 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)00:38, 31 January 2009

Next Featured WE for India Page


Next Featured WE for India Page

I would like to nominate Mr. Anil Prasad to be the next Featured WE for India page. I would like to add that I am doing this as an Indian proud of our WE-Inadia Chapter as well as a member of the Interim Advisory Board. Gita Gita Mathur 11:37, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
Gita Mathur (talk)00:37, 31 January 2009

New Look India Page


Dear Anil Prasad
This is a good change. I hope we can ask the different language groups to keep updating too. Gita Mathur Gita Mathur 02:40, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)15:40, 27 December 2008

Dear all, Just back from WikiEd08 held at AND College, Delhi and this is to crow about the fact that I was able to excite some of my colleagues as soon as I reached here! I have shown them the page I made while attending the hands-on session of WikiEd08.

They were thrilled to know that the movies on E.worm gustatory behavior and Electrophoresis are going to be uploaded on the Wikieducator India page.

Looking forward to hearing from others so that we have an engaging discussion. Arunan

Arunan (talk)22:09, 8 October 2008

Organizing India Page


Dear friends,

Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.

I think, it is the right time for us to take some resolutions for the further development of India page on wikieducator - I would like to put forward four draft resolutions in this regard for the general approval of all the WikiEducator Ambassadors who have listed their names on the India page and other wikieducator members.

1 :We have to develop the India page as common communication point for the activities and projects of all the WikiEducator Country Teams in India in accordance with the principles of Wiki project. An online organization setup, with the following functionaries, is required for managing the India page of WikiEducator.

  • Editors
  • Content Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Coordinators

Anybody who is interested can enlist their names below the respective titles. For this purpose a new page with the url will be created. Under each function title there will be two sub titles like (1) Functions and (2) Members.

2 :Introduce WikiEducator-India page to other wikieducators in India whom we know.

3 :I understand that wikieducator is about to initiate activities for logically structuring wikieducator pages. Since WikiEducator project aims at realization of open curriculum for all by 2015, through the efforts of the wikieducator country teams, it would be nice if the pages are identified first with the country page, then team/project name, topic and finally the page names (relevant to the content on the page)


(To further clarify:- will be a default prefix to all the urls being created for the country projects.) Country teams can change the url of their existing pages using the 'move' facility on wiki.

4 :We may pass these resolutions to all the wikieducator teams in India, as a thread of discussion.

5 :We ourselves/ and encourage others to list projects and activities under the relevant titles on the India page

Please furnish your comments.

Thank you



Anil Prasad (talk)06:44, 2 January 2008

Dear Anil,

I think you are doing fantastic and the right things, and have the temperament and time to take on such organisational activities - am glad you do have time, since I am always rushed for time. I fully support ur initiative. Pl go ahead.


Savi (talk)17:18, 2 January 2008

Greetings Anil --

Sorry for the delay in response here -- I've been a little snowed under getting the Learning4Content project launched. Remember that you are free to invite colleagues and friends to join us for the online training session which starts on 28 Jan 2008. Spread the word! You'll find details on registration here:

Also, sorry about the rather long response here. Wikieducator India, is by far the BEST country portal in WE. You're community should proud of your achievements. I want to use the India page as an example for other countries to replicate. Well done.

Here are a few reflections and thoughts on your proposed resolutions from my perspective. Remember that the community involved with the India page take the decisions! My thoughts are merely advice and you are free to ignore them <smile>.

Organizing the community according function and area of input, eg content developers, editors, learning designers etc

This is an excellent idea and something which we are trying to get moving in the larger WE community. So its great that India are taking the lead here. We've started work on a generic WE roles page. This still needs some work - but it would be great if you could link up with this. Also Brent will be helping us in developing special user templates which members from the Indian WE community can insert on their pages. We should include a country field / parameter on these templates. The idea is for different role players to identify themselves in the community -- so that, for example all learning designers in India are automatically listed on a category page to help people connect with each other.

Well done India

Again -- I must congratulate the burgeoning Indian activities and I compliment your work in building community.


Introduce WikiEducator-India page to other Wikieducators in India whom we know

Yes -- great idea. Perhaps you should also include the idea of recruiting new WikiEducators for India. So not only find ways of connecting Indian WEs but also think about strategies to grow the local community.

Thoughts about content structuring

Very soon WE will be improving its content structure to accommodate recent growth, but also to help folk in finding content, we will:

  • have nodal pages for the different sectors, eg schools, tertiary Ed, Vocational Education, Professional development.
  • have listings by content/subject area
  • We will introduce the Template:ContentInfobox very soon and encourage all content pages to use this feature. This will help us keep track of all the WE content.

I do think that its important to include links on the India country page to content projects in India. However, I would advise against creating content pages as sub-pages of the India country page. For example Bamboo and Ratton should be Bamboo_and_Rattan and not India/Bamboo_and_Ratton.

The reason is that we should list content pages on both the main content page listings on WE as well as a list of content projects on the specific India country page.

Content should be in the main namespace in WE to facilitate linking from any page. However, that

  • are not learning content pages and
  • are specific to India -- for example workshops planned for India, would be listed as India/workshops.

Hope this makes sense.

Mackiwg (talk)08:54, 23 January 2008

Dear Mr. Wayne,

Thank you very much for your invaluable guidance on the draft resolutions. Now I am going to mail the url of this talk page to all those who, I think, are interested in this subject.

Thank you once again.


Anil Prasad (talk)04:10, 24 January 2008

Priya Anil,

I have opened a discussion page in Talk:India to present vital thoughts on the Indian perspective of culture-centric Global Citizenship. The Course material on SRD(Spiritual Resources Development)is under preparation. Much needs to be done in this direction. I know that I am not alone.



Director (talk)13:16, 3 May 2008

Dear Anil,

Jai Hind! and Warm Greetings.

It was during L4C workshop(Apl-May 2008)that I added topics for research studies in India Node. Now the time has come to take up an engaging and inspiring work - to call it a Project I need the concurrence of India Team as the theme is related to Cultural Heritage of Bharat - of compiling the inspirational symbols, icons, images, templates, slogans which are culture-inclusive and can be used to serve multi-purpose objectives in the context of ODL/OER ventures.

Although the compilation would be Indian in content, needless to mention that it would have global relevance and reference as it stands for being human globally.(vasudhaiva kutumbakam). This would herald the realization of culture-centric global citizenship, a concept already presented for discussion in Vaada(h) at WikiEducator

The link to refer to my compilation sample : (discussion)



Director (talk)13:10, 29 May 2008

Dear Dr.Ramakrishnan Ji,


Out of the three subjects proposed for Reasrech studies in this context viz

  1. The concept of Global Citizenship and its realization
  2. Global Citizenship and Wiki-environment
  3. Culture-centric Global Citizenship : The Indian Perspective , which one will be the ideal one to start with? By editing that subject let us first add the Learning objectives using the template Objective – tag for Objective template is: {{Objective}}

Namaste & Warm regards


Anil Prasad (talk)04:21, 30 May 2008

Dear Anil,

As suggested by you I have started editing the the ideal one, the first in the list, beginning with "Objective".

Bare with me for doing it on another page, from where I can transfer it to India Page after incorporating further suggestions from you.

The link :

Namasthe and warm regards,


Director (talk)03:20, 1 June 2008

The Concept of Global Citizenship: Indian Perspective.


Men of wisdom across the globe from time immemorial have expressed in and through their lives that human consciousness is capable of staying locally and stretching globally and that it can feel one with the cosmos. And yet, the way the galaxy of Vedic Rshies(Sages)and unbroken lineage of Masters and Disciples have perpetuated the unique culture through intergenerational transfer of living values and meanings is unparalleled.

Concept up gradation need not always take place at the emergence of some contemporary new idea. It can certainly happen when a neglected area of thought is reconsidered and the deserving value is discerned. The concept of global citizenship happens to be such a global thought.

Director (talk)03:40, 3 May 2008