From WikiEducator
Instructions for SP4Ed 13.07
- Instructions for Session 5: Create your own scenario (Thu 8 and Fri 9 Aug 2013).
- Instructions for Session 4: Drivers of fundamental change in education (Tue 6 and Wed 7 Aug 2013).
- Instructions for Session 3: A manager's perspective of scenario planning (Fri 2 and Mon 5 Aug 2013).
- Instructions for Session 2: Introduction to scenario planning (Wed 31 Jul and Thu 1 Aug 2013).
- Instructions for Session 1: Establish your personal learning environment (Mon 29 and Tue 30 July 2013)
- SP4Ed 13.07 Precourse welcome
Instructions from SP4Ed 13.05 pilot
- Instructions for Session 5: Create your own scenario (Tues 4 June 2013)
- Instructions: Share your uncertainties (Fri 31 May 2013)
- Instructions for Session 4: Drivers of fundamental change in education (Thurs 30 May - Monday 2 June 2013)
- Instructions for Session 3: A manager's perspective of scenario planning (Tue 28 and Wed 29 May 2013)
- Instructions for Session 2: Introduction to scenario planning (Fri 24 and Mon 27 May 2013)
- Instructions for Session 1: Establish your personal learning environment (Weds 22 and Thurs 23 May 2013)