Scenario planning for educators/Home/Announcements/SP4Ed 13.07 Instructions for Session 5: Create your own scenario

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Let's make the future happen by generating scenarios for alternate education futures

Hi Everyone,

This is the last session of the SP4Ed workshop where you will create your own scenario and publish this on your course blog in the form of a newspaper article.

This is the most interesting session of the SP4Ed workshop where you can demonstrate your creativity by drawing on your readings and desktop research in the previous sessions. We look forward to reading your perspective on alternate educational futures.

You will find links to the instructions for Session 5 from the workshop schedule page in WikiEducator. Remember to consult our Questionstorm page to see what uncertainties SP4Ed participants have submitted to generate ideas for your own scenario.

We will monitor the aggregated feed till Friday 16 August 2013, so you have a little time to tweak and refine your scenario before we conclude this mOOC.

Please assist us in refining future courses by completing the short online evaluation survey for SP4Ed 13.07. We welcome feedback from all registered participants even if busy schedules directed your attention elsewhere.

Let's make the future happen!

Your facilitators
Niki and Wayne