Category:Needs Categorisation
Too many pages are getting lost. Please add this category to pages that you feel need categorisation but that you're not sure what that category they should be in, like this:
[[Category:Needs Categorisation]]
If you need help on how Categories work, see: Using Categories in the tutorial. You might also consider adding a "Content Infobox", see: Template:ContentInfobox
For a list of all categories in the wiki see: Special:Categories
Pages may also need to be added to the Content or Projects lists.
If you want to help out and try your hand at categorising pages on WikiEducator all the pages listed below need categorising. Remember to remove the Needs Categorisation category when you're done.
brent 08:51, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
Pages in category "Needs Categorisation"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.