Welcome to Godfred Abledu's UserPage
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E-mail:godfredabledu@gmail.com. |
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Welcome to my Userpage
My name is Godfred Kwame Abledu. I am a Lecturer in the Applied Mathematics Department at Koforidua Polytechnicwith over 30 years of teaching experience.I am highly motivated, dynamic, goal-oriented. I hold a Master of Philosophy and Bachelor of Education Degrees in Mathematics Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. I also hold a Diploma Certificate in Economics from the same University.I lecture in the following courses in Koforidua Polytechnic:Operetions Research[2], Multivariate Data Analysis[3], Statistical Computing[4], Quantitative Methods[5]. I am currently a doctoral student at theAtlantic International University.
My profile
My Profile
- 1996 – 2000: Master of Philosophy in Mathematics Education,University of Cape Coast, Ghana
- Specialised areas: Educational Assessment, Curriculum Development in Mathematics, Research Methods, Mathematics, and Statistics,
- 1989 – 1994: Bachelor of Education (Honours) Mathematics Education, Diploma in Economics, niversity of Cape Coast, Ghana
- Majors:Assessment and Supervision in Mathematics, Methods of Teaching, Educational psychology, Economics,Probability, Statistical Methods, Applied Statistics, Calculus.
- 1975 – 1981:General Certificate of Education – Advanced and Ordinary Levels;St Paul Secondary School, Denu, Ghana
I'm interested in conducting reearch and working on the computer. I have made many presentations at national and international seminars and conferences. I have vast experience in data analysis and interpretation using SPSS, EpiInfo, Stata, MathLab. My research areas are assessment and mathematical/statistical modeling.
- Orientation to Newly Employed Lecturers on Assessment Processes in the Polytechnic – October, 2009: Resource Person
- Orientation to First Year Students on the computation of CGPA- 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. Resource Person.
- Workshop on data analysis using Statistical Softwares(SPSS, Epi Info MathLab and Stata) for Lecturers in Koforidua Polytechnic from 12th to 16th January, 2009 - Workshop Coordinator and Resource Person.
- Information, Communication and Technology (ICT-Data management and analysis using SPSS and Epi Info). Workshop for Lecturers in the Statistics Department, Koforidua Polytechnic from 16th to 17th April, 2003.- Workshop Coordinator and Resource person.
- In-service training course for mathematics and science teachers of Junior Secondary Schools in Akatsi District.2nd – 4th December 1999.- Facilitator /Resource person.
- In-service training course for typists at Akatsi Training College on Introduction to Microsoft words: June 2 to September 25, 2002- Facilitator/Resource person.
- Teaching Mathematics in the Junior Secondary School. In-service training organized by GES & Mathematical Association of Ghana(MAG) for JSS Mathematics teachers in Akatsi District from 28th to 30th May, 2002.- Facilitator/Resource person.
- Information, Communication and Technology (ICT-Data management and analysis using SPSS and Epi Info). Workshop for Lecturers in the Statistics Department, Koforidua Polytechnic from 16th to 17th April, 2003.- Workshop Coordinator and Facilitator/Resource person.
- Data management and analysis using SPSS and Epi Info. Workshop for Officers of Star Assurance, Headquarters Office Accra. From 28th April to 23rd May 2003. – Workshop Coordinator and Facilitator/Resource person
- Workshop on Item writing for Polytechnic Lecturers organized by NABPTEX. From August 18 to 21, 2003 at Koforidua Polytechnic
- Data Management and Analysis. From July 28 to August 8, 2003 at ISSER –University of Ghana, Legon.
- Teaching Methodology and Assessment Techniques in Tertiary Institutions. Organised by University of Education Winneba, from April 8 to 11, 2002 for Koforidua Polytechnic Lecturers.
- Developed Methodologies in Mathematics for Lower Primary (P1): September 12 to 16 , 2000 at Salpond.
- Linking pre-service teacher training programme with in—service training under the Whole School Development (WSD) Programme: November 23 to 26 , 1999 at Akatsi Training. College,
- Improving the quality of teaching in the primary school; July 14 to 17,1996 at Akrokeri Training College
- 2010: November – 2011, March: Acting-Vice Rector;Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- September, 2008- Date: Dean ; School of Applied Science and Technology;Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- 2005 to 2008: Head of Department: Department of Applied Mathematics;Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- 2004 to 2005:Officer in Charge of the Internet Services;Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- 2004 to 2006:Acting Industrial Liaison Officer;Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- 2003 to 2005:Assessment Officer;Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- 2001 to Present:Lecturer; Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, Ghana
- 2006 to Present:Acting Coordinator; University of Cape Coast Distance Education Programme,Koforidua Study Centre
- 2005 to present: Course Tutor
Past Employment Records(Full Time)
- 1999 to 2000: House Master, Akatsi Training College
- 1998 to 2000:Tutor, Akatsi Training College
- 1994 to 1996:Form Master, Jasikan Training College.
- 1993 to 1996: Tutor: Jasikan Training College.
- 1996: Head of Mathematics Department.
- 1982 to 1984:Assistant Sports Master: Agbozume Sec. School
- 1982 to 1989: Master in charge of Entertainment, Agbozume Sec. School.
- 1984 to 1989:Acting Sports Master, Agbozume Sec. School.
- 1981 to 1989: Teacher; Agbozume Sec. School
Past Employment Records(Part Time)
- 2001-2003: Teacher: Comboni Centre, Sogakorpe (Sandwich Programme for
- 1998-2000:Teacher: Amazing Love Basic Schools, Denu
- 2003:'Lecturer: University of Education: Kumasi Campus
- Eshun B.A and Abledu, G.K.(2001): The Effects of Alternative Assessment on the Attitudes and Achievement in Mathematics of Female Pre-service Teachers. African Journal of Educational Studies.Vol. 1.p.21-30
- Abledu, G.K. (in press): A Survey of Students’ Satisfaction with Academic Support Services provided by Polytechnics in Ghana, a case study of Koforidua Polytechnic.
- Ahiatrogah, P.D. & Abledu, G.K.(in press):Gender, Programme and Qualification as Determinants of Self Perceived Competency Levels of Distance Education Course Tutors
- Abledu, G.K. (in press): Customer Repay/Default of Loan Prediction Modelling with Discriminant Analysis. A case study of financial institutions in the eastern region of Ghana.
- Abledu, G.K. (in press): Assessment of Academic Performance of Students in the Ghanaian Polytechnics.
- The Effects of Alternative Assessment on the Attitudes and Achievement in Mathematics of Female Pre-service Teachers, presented at an International Conference on Gender, Science and Technology (GASAT) in Accra, Ghana in 1999.
- The Impact of the 2007 Government Budget on Education presented at a forum on Government of Ghana Budget Statement and Financial Policy of 2007 organized by Centre for Budget Advocacy in collaboration with GNAT (Eastern Region) in Koforidua- Ghana on 28th of November, 2007.
- A Survey of Students’ Satisfaction with Academic Support Services Provided by Polytechnics in Ghana, a case study of Koforidua Polytechnic, presented at the Koforidua Polytechnic’s first Applied Research Conference in Koforidua- Ghana on 3rd April, 2008.
- From Municipal Waste to Wealth: The role of TVET Institutions in Africa presented at CAPA International Conference on the theme: Things that work from 1st to 5th of December, 2008 in Banjul-the Gambia.
- Customer Repay/Default of Loan Prediction Modelling with Discriminant Analysis. A case study of financial institutions in the eastern region of Ghana, presented at the Koforidua Polytechnic’s second Applied Research Conference in Koforidua- Ghana from 22nd to 23rd April, 2009.
- Enhancing Academic Performance and Positive Attitude of Students in Mathematics with Alternative Assessment presented at a day’s seminar organized by the Ghana Mathematics Society for all levels of mathematics Education on the theme Revamping Mathematics Education Across board on 20th of March, 2009 at All Nations University-Koforidua.
- Gender, Programme and Qualification as Determinants of Self Perceived Competency Levels of Distance Education Course Tutors presented at DETA International Conference from 3rd - 6th August, 2009 in University of Cape Coast- Ghana.
- A Survey of Employers’ Satisfaction with Polytechnic Education. A Tracer Study of Koforidua Polytechnic Graduates. A paper presented at the Koforidua Polytechnic’s third(3rd ) Applied Research Conference:- 17th to 20th may, 2010.
- Assessment of Academic Performance of Students in the Ghanaian Polytechnics. A paper presented at the Koforidua Polytechnic’s third(3rd ) Applied Research Conference:- 17th to 20th may, 2010.
- Gender, Courses Taught and Qualification as Determinants of Self Perceived Efficacy of Polytechnic Lecturers in Ghana: A Case Study of Koforidua Polytechnic. A paper presented at an International Conference in Maputo, Mozambique: 1st – 3rd December, 2009 on the theme Meeting the Challenges of Skills Acquisition in Africa.
- Skills Acquisition and Wealth Creation in Africa: The Role of Polytechnics A paper presented at an International Conference in Maputo, Mozambique: 1st – 3rd December, 2009 on the theme Meeting the Challenges of Skills Acquisition in Africa.
- Second Best Conference Paper Award: Koforidua Polytechnic’s Second Applied Research Conference in Koforidua – Ghana, from 22nd to 23rd April, 2009.Title of Paper: ‘Customer Repay/Default of Loan Prediction Modelling with Discriminant Analysis. A case study of financial institutions in the eastern region of Ghana, presented at the Koforidua Polytechnic’s second Applied Research Conference in Koforidua.
- Best Conference Paper Award: Koforidua Polytechnic’s Third Applied Research Conference in Koforidua – Ghana , from 17th to 20th may, 2010. Title of Paper: Assessment of Academic Performance of Students in the Ghanaian Polytechnics. A paper presented at the Koforidua Polytechnic’s third(3rd ) Applied Research Conference
- Sports and Games.
- Working on the computer
- Polytechnic Teachers Association of Ghana ( POTAG) National President: 2009 to 2010.
- Polytechnic Teachers Association of Ghana ( POTAG) Koforidua branch: Vice Chairman: 2001 to 2006
- Akatsi District Co-ordinator of National Association of Graduate Teachers(NAGRAT): 1999 – 2000
- President; National Service Personnel Association(NASPA), Jasikan District: 1993-1994:
- Traditional Council, Casely Hayford Hall-UCC: Secretary. 1990-1993
MY CONTACTS: E-Mail, phone Number
- My e-mail: godfredabledu@gmail.com
- My cell phone Number: 0244705093
- My Emplyment Websit: Koforidua Polytechnic
Courses and Assignment
Course Content for Semester One:2010/2011 Academic Year
At the end of the module, students would be able to use Operations Research Techniques to analyse business data
- CLASS: Statistics 3
- COURSE TITLE:' Operations Research (STA 324)
Continuous Assessment- 40 marks
- Individual quiz
- Group assignment
- Mid semester examination
End of semester examination- 60 marks
Check for reading list
Portfolio Activity
You need to creat a portfolio which wii be assessed at the end of the semester.See guidelines for portfolio development.
Discuss all objectives with friends and your lecturer
You need to regularly assess your competence
Course Content for Semester One:2011/2012 Academic Year
- Type the full url of your websites here ...
Templates available
Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page.
My WE projects
Distribution tables
Notes from my WikiNeighbours
( : Dear Godfred. Great user page and so creative, love it. Great work! I am sure you are going to advance to the next level very soon. Warm wishes--Patricia Schlicht 18:03, 2 September 2011 (UTC))
Hi Godfred! Its great to meet you on this space and seeing that you have "alternative assessment" listed in your projects. This sounds interesting to me because my current research is also on assessment in online higher education with a specific focus on seamless integration of assessment into teaching and learning...so I am trying to establish whether web-based technology can enhance how this happens in distance education setup. --Joyce W. G-G 21:38, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
- Hi! Thank you for your warm welcome. Hoping to be in contact and share experiences in this amazing community of Educators. --Alejacha 22:31, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
My Pictures
My Pictures: These are pictures to share with my WikiNeighbours
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Educational Technology
WikiEducator Learning4Content51 Workshop: "Becoming an Agent of Change through Openness"
At eL4C51 I will continue learning the wiki skills. Here is my personal log for the eL4C51 workshop, there you will find the instructions for every day, tips, key points, reflections and activities I developed.
My optional community service(learning contract) project
- By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddyabd proceed to WikiArtisan. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
- I shall also work in collaboration with Alison Snieckus on the math community project, at WikiEducator:Mathematics Community
Brief description of project
<Enter a brief description of the content resource or WikiEducator project you would like to work on here>
Target date for completion
<Specify the target date for completion --- you choose the date which can be after the completion of this workshop>.
Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page.
Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page.