The Case of SchoolNet Namibia/SchoolNet/Partnerships

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Over the years SchoolNet Namibia joined forces with several public, private and civil organisations for mutual benefit. These included[1] the Rössing Foundation, the National Art Gallery, NetDay, TacticalTech, The Shuttleworh Foundation, OSI, Wikimedia Foundation, World Teach, the University of Namibia, the Institute of Information & Technology, the Ministry of Basic Education, the Polytechnic of Namibia and Telecom Namibia. Benefits for SchoolNet Namibia included subsidised connectivity, training resources, economies of scale, premises, training and event venues, government support, acquisition of educational content to include on computers for the learners, low-cost hardware procurement, etc. The partners benefited through the local support provided by SchoolNet Namibia on the ground in ensuring project success, and (where applicable) gained prestige through the resulting publicity.

A number of key stakeholders, nationally and internationally, pledged to assist in the development of SchoolNet Namibia to ensure that their investment is translated into internet access with effective educational outcomes, and not merely equipment dissemination.

The most significant relationship in terms of national connectivity was the joint venture with Telecom Namibia which offered an innovative institutional approach to connecting all Namibia’s schools[2].

  1. A non-exhaustive list of partners is presented at: (23/9/10)
  2. Ballantyne, P. 2004. Evaluation of Swedish Support to SchoolNet Namibia. Report to Sida. Available via Sida publications: