MOSEP MainModule/session2
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MOSEP ePortfolio Tutorial: Main Module ePortfolios and the learning process |
Overview / Introduction - Main Module Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 |
Session 2: ePortfolio Content and Authoring Options
after this session the participant will:
Session 3 - Activity 1 : Thinking about ePortfolio content [15 minutes]
The learner will need to think very carefully and:
This is also the first, and most important stage in the assessment for learning process. Task: Discuss or Think about a group of your learners and a specific Unit or Module that they work on.
Session 2 - Activity 2 : ePortfolio authoring Software [15 minutes]
Task: Think about or Discuss: the features that ePortfolio authoring Software must have. Remeber to consider:
Feedback or Record: the requirements of the authoring software Task: Think about or Discuss: identify possible to compile an ePortfolio by using generic software that you are already familar with.
Session 2 - Activity 3 : ePortfolio Authoring Options [30 minutes]
Task: explore some of the following Proprietary ePortfolio Authoring packages:
Task: explore some of the following Open Source ePortfolio Authoring packages:
Task: Think about or Discuss the appearance, navigation and features of each of the packages
Session 2 - Activity 4 :Online vs Local Hosting [15 minutes]
CAN SOMEONE SORT OUT A PRESENTATION OR PODCAST FOR HERE Task: Think about or Discuss: what are the relative advantages and disadvantages for a learner of storing their ePortfolio on a Web-server or an a Local Server.
Session 2 - Activity 5 : ePortfolios and social software tools [30 minutes]
Task: Watch the following Podcasts: WOLF CAN YOU INSERT THE AVIs BELOW
Task: Think about or Discuss:
Session 2 - Activity 6 - Online Safety [30 minutes]
Sharing learning
Internet safety issues