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The school has a responsibility to all students to set high standards of behaviour and to encourage good attitudes to learning and to other people.

In classrooms, students have the right to learn without interruption from others. Consequently we operate a Managing Student Behaviour programme. Five simple rules concerned with obeying the teacher’s instructions, bringing proper equipment and not interfering with others are displayed on the walls in all classrooms.

Should a student’s behaviour disrupt learning, he or she will be referred.

Outside the classroom we expect all members of the school community to show good sense, courtesy, co-operation and consideration. The Code of Conduct states in brief that students will consider others, be at school, be on time, stay within bounds, take care of their own property, respect others’ property, look after the school, dress correctly, travel safely and be drug free.

A student who breaks this code may be given a punishment such as a detention or other task. Such punishments take priority over other activities the student may have.

It should be noted that the Principal has statutory power under the Education Act to stand down or suspend from attendance any student in serious breach of School Rules. In such cases the Principal (or Deputy Principal) will directly contact parents or care-givers. The Discipline Committee of the Board of Trustees has the power to re-instate a student, to exclude a student, or to expel a student over 16.

Students appearing before a Disciplinary Committee meeting may be accompanied by their parents, care-givers and any other family adviser. The Kaumatua of the local Maori community and leaders of other cultural groups are available to act as support persons if requested by the student or the family concerned.